Factores bióticos y abióticos relacionados con la distribución del Dinoflagelado tóxico Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum (Plate 1906) en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica.
Calvo Vargas, Emilia
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El efecto que producen las variaciones en los factores bióticos y abióticos sobre la abundancia de Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, fue evaluado mediante correlación múltiple. Se determinó, para un periodo de 22 meses, las épocas de aparición de este organismo. Los índices de diversidad de Simpson y de equidad de identificación y cuantificación de las microalgas se tomaron muestras de agua bisemanalmente. La temperatura, la salinidad y la profundidad del disco de Secchi se midieron in situ. Los análisis de los macronutrientes (amonio, nitratos, nitritos, ortofosfatos y silicatos) y de la clorofila-a se realizaron una vez por mes. Se concluye que Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum se observó con más frecuencia en la época lluviosa (mayo-noviembre), en un rango de temperatura de 27-31°C y de salinidad de 30-33°/00, utiliza el nitrato como fuente de nitrógeno y tiene una baja tolerancia por los ortofosfato. Con las concentraciones detectadas, no se observó descoloración del agua. Durante el periodo de estudio, el Golfo de Nicoya se caracterizó porque el nitrógeno se comportó como nutriente limitante y porque tuvo tendencia hacia la mesotrofia e índices de diversidad altos y equidad moderadamente bajos. El género Chaetoceros y la especie Skeletonema costatum fueron los taxones dominantes.
The effect of variations in biotic and abiotic factors on the abundance of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, was evaluated by multiple correlation. The times of appearance of this organism were determined for a period of 22 months. The Simpson diversity and microalgae identification and quantification equity indices were taken from water samples biweekly. The temperature, salinity and depth of the Secchi disk were measured in situ. The analyzes of the macronutrients (ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, orthophosphates and silicates) and chlorophyll-a were carried out once a month. It is concluded that Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum was observed more frequently in the rainy season (May-November), in a temperature range of 27-31 ° C and salinity of 30-33 ° / 00, it uses nitrate as a source of nitrogen and has a low tolerance by orthophosphate. At the concentrations detected, no discoloration of the water was observed. During the study period, the Gulf of Nicoya was characterized because nitrogen behaved as a limiting nutrient and because it had a tendency towards mesotrophy and moderately low diversity and equity indices. The genus Chaetoceros and the species Skeletonema costatum were the dominant taxa.
The effect of variations in biotic and abiotic factors on the abundance of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, was evaluated by multiple correlation. The times of appearance of this organism were determined for a period of 22 months. The Simpson diversity and microalgae identification and quantification equity indices were taken from water samples biweekly. The temperature, salinity and depth of the Secchi disk were measured in situ. The analyzes of the macronutrients (ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, orthophosphates and silicates) and chlorophyll-a were carried out once a month. It is concluded that Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum was observed more frequently in the rainy season (May-November), in a temperature range of 27-31 ° C and salinity of 30-33 ° / 00, it uses nitrate as a source of nitrogen and has a low tolerance by orthophosphate. At the concentrations detected, no discoloration of the water was observed. During the study period, the Gulf of Nicoya was characterized because nitrogen behaved as a limiting nutrient and because it had a tendency towards mesotrophy and moderately low diversity and equity indices. The genus Chaetoceros and the species Skeletonema costatum were the dominant taxa.
Calvo Vargas, E. (2002). Factores bióticos y abióticos relacionados con la distribución del Dinoflagelado tóxico Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum (Plate 1906) en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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