Uso de trampeo masivo con feromonas sexuales sintéticas para el manejo agroecológico de Plutella xylostella (linnaeus)(lepidoptera: plutellidae) en el cultivo del repollo (brassica oleracea l.), en el Cantón de Alvarado, Cartago, Costa Rica
Niño Narváez, Jorge Steven
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar la eficiencia y beneficio económico de dos tratamientos, el uso de feromonas sexuales sintéticas para el trampeo masivo complementario con aplicaciones de insecticidas para el manejo de la polilla del repollo (Plutella xylostella), esto en comparación con la aplicación de insecticidas aplicados regularmente a criterio del productor (tratamiento control). Se desarrolló en los distritos de Pacayas y Capellades ambos del cantón de Alvarado en la provincia de Cartago, Costa Rica. En cada tratamiento se utilizaron tres parcelas de repollo cada uno, todas con edades similares entre sí. En cada parcela se instalaron trampas con feromonas sexuales sintéticas para el monitoreo poblacional, contando con una densidad mayor en las parcelas con trampeo masivo. En ambos tratamientos se evaluó semanalmente el porcentaje de daño en las plantas y la cantidad de polillas capturadas en las trampas. Las evaluaciones se realizaron durante aproximadamente 12 semanas, a lo largo del ciclo productivo del cultivo. Diferentes tipos de factores influyeron en los resultados obtenidos, tales como la época del año, las prácticas agronómicas y culturales utilizadas por cada productor; incluso otros inconvenientes menores como volcamientos de trampas y problemas por pandemia que provocaron la no realización de muestreos durante dos semanas. El beneficio económico de los tratamientos se obtuvo mediante el cálculo de los costos de inversión por tratamiento y de la ganancia económica obtenida por la producción del repollo. Se obtuvo una mayor captura de polillas en el tratamiento control de 18.01 polillas/semana en comparación con el 12.99 de polillas/semana, capturadas en el tratamiento de trampeo masivo más no existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre tratamientos. En cuanto al daño observado en las plantas, el tratamiento con trampeo masivo obtuvo un 46.09% representando un menor porcentaje de daño en el total de plantas por unidad experimental, contra un 83.43% del tratamiento control, resultando una diferencia significativa entre tratamientos. En ambos tratamientos se presentó un aumento gradual paralelamente al desarrollo de las plantas, tanto para la captura como para el porcentaje de daño. La época en que se realizó la investigación permitió tener una afectación de las polillas relativamente controlada, pues a pesar de estar presentes durante todo el año, las condiciones climáticas favorecieron una menor presencia, en comparación con la época seca donde la proliferación de la plaga es mayor. En lo que respecta al ámbito económico, el tratamiento con trampeo masivo resultó ser menos costoso además obtuvo mejores tasas de productividad por hectárea.
This research was carried out with the objective of evaluating the efficiency and economic benefit of two treatments, the use of synthetic sex pheromones for mass trapping in addition to insecticide applications for the management of cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella), in comparison with the application of insecticides applied regularly at the grower's discretion (control treatment). The study was carried out in the districts of Pacayas and Capellades, both in the canton of Alvarado in the province of Cartago, Costa Rica. Three plots of cabbage were used in each treatment, all with similar ages. In each plot, synthetic sex pheromone traps were installed for population monitoring, with a higher density in the plots with mass trapping. In both treatments, the percentage of damage to the plants and the number of moths captured in the traps were evaluated weekly. The evaluations were carried out during approximately 12 weeks, throughout the productive cycle of the crop. Different types of factors influenced the results obtained, such as the time of the year, the agronomic and cultural practices used by each grower, and even other minor inconveniences such as trap overturns and pandemic problems that caused the absence of sampling for two weeks. The economic benefit of the treatments was obtained by calculating the investment costs per treatment and the economic gain obtained from cabbage production. A higher moth capture was obtained in the control treatment of 18.01 moths/week compared to 12.99 moths/week captured in the mass trapping treatment, but there was no statistically significant difference between treatments. As for the damage observed in the plants, the mass trapping treatment obtained 46.09%, representing a lower percentage of damage in the total number of plants per experimental unit, against 83.43% of the control treatment, resulting in a significant difference between treatments. In both treatments there was a gradual increase parallel to the development of the plants, both for the capture and for the percentage of damage.The time of the year in which the research was carried out allowed for relatively controlled moth infestation, because although they are present throughout the year, the climatic conditions favored a lower presence, compared to the dry season when the proliferation of the pest is greater. In terms of economics, the treatment with mass trapping proved to be less costly and obtained better productivity rates per hectare.
This research was carried out with the objective of evaluating the efficiency and economic benefit of two treatments, the use of synthetic sex pheromones for mass trapping in addition to insecticide applications for the management of cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella), in comparison with the application of insecticides applied regularly at the grower's discretion (control treatment). The study was carried out in the districts of Pacayas and Capellades, both in the canton of Alvarado in the province of Cartago, Costa Rica. Three plots of cabbage were used in each treatment, all with similar ages. In each plot, synthetic sex pheromone traps were installed for population monitoring, with a higher density in the plots with mass trapping. In both treatments, the percentage of damage to the plants and the number of moths captured in the traps were evaluated weekly. The evaluations were carried out during approximately 12 weeks, throughout the productive cycle of the crop. Different types of factors influenced the results obtained, such as the time of the year, the agronomic and cultural practices used by each grower, and even other minor inconveniences such as trap overturns and pandemic problems that caused the absence of sampling for two weeks. The economic benefit of the treatments was obtained by calculating the investment costs per treatment and the economic gain obtained from cabbage production. A higher moth capture was obtained in the control treatment of 18.01 moths/week compared to 12.99 moths/week captured in the mass trapping treatment, but there was no statistically significant difference between treatments. As for the damage observed in the plants, the mass trapping treatment obtained 46.09%, representing a lower percentage of damage in the total number of plants per experimental unit, against 83.43% of the control treatment, resulting in a significant difference between treatments. In both treatments there was a gradual increase parallel to the development of the plants, both for the capture and for the percentage of damage.The time of the year in which the research was carried out allowed for relatively controlled moth infestation, because although they are present throughout the year, the climatic conditions favored a lower presence, compared to the dry season when the proliferation of the pest is greater. In terms of economics, the treatment with mass trapping proved to be less costly and obtained better productivity rates per hectare.
Licenciatura en Ingeniería Agronómica con énfasis en agricultura alternativa
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