Conformación de líneas promisorias de mutantes de arroz (Oryza sativa var. CR-5272) con tolerancia a condiciones de sequía en una población M2 obtenida por irradiación gamma
Sáenz Cordero, Alexander Xavier
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo de esta investigación fue el de obtener plantas de arroz tolerantes al estrés hídrico a partir de una población segregante M2 de la variedad CR-5272 generada por irradiación gamma cobalto 60 (Co60). El estudio se dividió en dos fases, la fase I consistió en la determinación de la dosis letal media (DL50) de Polietilenglicol 8000 (PEG8000) en condiciones de laboratorio, la cual sería usada en el proceso de selección de mutantes promisorios tolerantes a estrés hídrico. Para ello, se utilizaron 11 tratamientos distribuidos al alzar correspondientes a potenciales osmóticos que iban desde los 0 MPa a los -1.0 MPa con tres repeticiones por tratamiento, donde se evaluaron tres variables: germinación, altura de la planta y longitud de la raíz, La fase II se basó en la selección de mutantes promisorios de arroz con tolerancia al estrés hídrico usando la DL50 de PEG8000 determinada en la fase I, para dicha selección se evaluaron los mutantes en las dos etapas de mayor sensibilidad al estrés hídrico, siendo estas la etapa vegetativa y la reproductiva. En esta fase, y en la primera selección (21 dds) se definieron tres tratamientos, tratamiento 1 (T1), semillas M2 de CR5272 irradiada con 300 Gy (10,000 semillas M2) en solución de PEG8000 con el potencial osmótico de -0.5 MPa, el tratamiento 2 (T2) de CR5272 (1000 semillas M0) sin irradiar en solución con el potencial osmótico de -0.5 MPa, y el tratamiento 3 (T3) con CR5272 (1000 semillas M0) sin irradiar en agua destilada. Los tratamientos se ubicaron en bandejas metálicas colocándose 14 días en una cámara de germinación y 7 días en un cuarto de crecimiento con un fotoperiodo de 16 horas de luz y 8 de oscuridad a una temperatura de 26oC. La segunda selección se realizó en condiciones de invernadero, en la cual las plantas obtenidas de los tres tratamientos de la primera selección se sembraron en potes con suelo estéril y se sumergieron en una piscina plástica llena de agua para mantener las plantas a Capacidad de Campo (CC), donde permanecieron hasta prefloración y así iniciar la segunda selección, para ello a los tratamientos T1 y T2 se les redujo la humedad de modo que permanecieran en un rango de 30-40% (-0.5MPa) durante un periodo de 27 días una vez transcurrido este tiempo estas plantas se volvieron a sumergir en la piscina para culminar con el llenado de granos hasta la cosecha. Durante este segundo periodo de estrés hídrico hasta a cosecha todas las plantas se evaluaron utilizando parámetros de rendimiento y el Sistema de Evaluación Estándar adoptado para el arroz (IRRI 1996). Como producto de la primera fase se logró determinar la DL50 de PEG8000 siendo esta de -0.5 MPa. En la fase II en la primera selección se rescataron 17 mutantes tolerantes a condiciones de estrés hídrico provenientes del tratamiento T1. Finalmente, en la segunda selección se rescataron cuatro mutantes que fueron los que mostraron un mejor comportamiento bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico cuando fueron comparados con el tratamiento testigo T3. Producto de este trabajo se destaca que la técnica de inducción de mutaciones usando radiaciones ionizantes, constituyen una herramienta valiosa para la obtención de mutantes tolerantes a la sequía en el cultivo del arroz en Costa Rica.
The objective of this research was to obtain water stress tolerant rice plants from a M2 segregating population of the variety CR-5272 generated by gamma cobalt 60 (Co60) irradiation. The study was divided into two phases, phase I consisted of the determination of the mean lethal dose (LD50) of Polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG8000) under laboratory conditions, which would be used in the selection process of promising mutants tolerant to water stress. For this purpose, 11 treatments were used, distributed upward, corresponding to osmotic potentials ranging from 0 MPa to -1. 0 MPa with three replicates per treatment, where three variables were evaluated: germination, plant height and root length. Phase II was based on the selection of promising rice mutants with tolerance to water stress using the LD50 of PEG8000 determined in phase I. For this selection, the mutants were evaluated in the two stages of greatest sensitivity to water stress, the vegetative and reproductive stages. In this phase, and in the first selection (21 dds) three treatments were defined, treatment 1 (T1), M2 seeds of CR5272 irradiated with 300 Gy (10,000 M2 seeds) in PEG8000 solution with the osmotic potential of -0. 5 MPa, treatment 2 (T2) of CR5272 (1000 M0 seeds) unirradiated in solution with the osmotic potential of -0.5 MPa, and treatment 3 (T3) with CR5272 (1000 M0 seeds) unirradiated in distilled water. The treatments were placed in metal trays for 14 days in a germination chamber and 7 days in a growth room with a photoperiod of 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness at a temperature of 26oC. The second selection was carried out under greenhouse conditions, in which the plants obtained from the three treatments of the first selection were planted in pots with sterile soil and submerged in a plastic pool filled with water to maintain the plants at field capacity (CC), where they remained until pre-flowering and thus initiate the second selection The plants were then submerged back into the pool to complete the grain filling until harvest. During this second period of water stress until harvest, all plants were evaluated using yield parameters and the Standard Evaluation System adopted for rice (IRRI 1996). As a result of the first phase the LD50 of PEG8000 was determined to be -0.5 MPa. In phase II, in the first selection, 17 mutants tolerant to water stress conditions were rescued from the T1 treatment. Finally, in the second selection, four mutants were rescued and showed the best performance under water stress conditions when compared to the control treatment T3. As a result of this work, the mutation induction technique using ionizing radiation is a valuable tool for obtaining drought tolerant mutants in rice cultivation in Costa Rica.
The objective of this research was to obtain water stress tolerant rice plants from a M2 segregating population of the variety CR-5272 generated by gamma cobalt 60 (Co60) irradiation. The study was divided into two phases, phase I consisted of the determination of the mean lethal dose (LD50) of Polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG8000) under laboratory conditions, which would be used in the selection process of promising mutants tolerant to water stress. For this purpose, 11 treatments were used, distributed upward, corresponding to osmotic potentials ranging from 0 MPa to -1. 0 MPa with three replicates per treatment, where three variables were evaluated: germination, plant height and root length. Phase II was based on the selection of promising rice mutants with tolerance to water stress using the LD50 of PEG8000 determined in phase I. For this selection, the mutants were evaluated in the two stages of greatest sensitivity to water stress, the vegetative and reproductive stages. In this phase, and in the first selection (21 dds) three treatments were defined, treatment 1 (T1), M2 seeds of CR5272 irradiated with 300 Gy (10,000 M2 seeds) in PEG8000 solution with the osmotic potential of -0. 5 MPa, treatment 2 (T2) of CR5272 (1000 M0 seeds) unirradiated in solution with the osmotic potential of -0.5 MPa, and treatment 3 (T3) with CR5272 (1000 M0 seeds) unirradiated in distilled water. The treatments were placed in metal trays for 14 days in a germination chamber and 7 days in a growth room with a photoperiod of 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness at a temperature of 26oC. The second selection was carried out under greenhouse conditions, in which the plants obtained from the three treatments of the first selection were planted in pots with sterile soil and submerged in a plastic pool filled with water to maintain the plants at field capacity (CC), where they remained until pre-flowering and thus initiate the second selection The plants were then submerged back into the pool to complete the grain filling until harvest. During this second period of water stress until harvest, all plants were evaluated using yield parameters and the Standard Evaluation System adopted for rice (IRRI 1996). As a result of the first phase the LD50 of PEG8000 was determined to be -0.5 MPa. In phase II, in the first selection, 17 mutants tolerant to water stress conditions were rescued from the T1 treatment. Finally, in the second selection, four mutants were rescued and showed the best performance under water stress conditions when compared to the control treatment T3. As a result of this work, the mutation induction technique using ionizing radiation is a valuable tool for obtaining drought tolerant mutants in rice cultivation in Costa Rica.
Modalidad de graduación:Tesis
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