El Derecho al Trabajo en la Persona Adulta Mayor: Apuntes para la Construcción de una Estrategia Costarricense
León Fernández, Maribel
Jiménez Quesada, Flora
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Esta ponencia expone y resume las acciones ejecutadas y lecciones aprendidas por diferentes instituciones y organizaciones (Programa de Atención Integral de la Persona Adulta Mayor (PAIPAM), el Programa Educativo para la Persona Adulta Mayor del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (PAMTEC), Programa de Gerontología de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica, Emprendedores de Oro de la Universidad de Costa Rica, UNA Emprendedores de la Universidad Nacional, Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (MTSS), entre otros), en el ámbito costarricense, período 2013 y 2014, desde el Proyecto de Extensión (Fondo del Sistema) del Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE): Empoderar y Emprender: las Personas Adultas Mayores Protagonistas y Agentes de Cambio, en torno a garantizar el derecho al trabajo en la Persona Adulta Mayor, como un componente más en el proceso de envejecimiento activo. El objetivo general fue: Promover el Empoderamiento Personal y el Espíritu Emprendedor en Personas Adultas Mayores, de manera que, por medio de la construcción y participación de una cultura emprendedora, sea ésta de empresarial o social, se transformen en agentes de cambio y protagonistas de su propia vida y del desarrollo del país; y el objetivo específico principal: Estimular el intercambio y la vinculación con organizaciones, empresas e instituciones nacionales o internacionales, para el establecimiento de alianzas estratégicas que faciliten la creación de espacios y optimicen los recursos requeridos para el desarrollo de las actividades proyectadas y cuya meta primordial tuvo Colgar la Base de Datos (Bolsa de Trabajo para Personas Adultas Mayores (“Bolsa Mayor”)) en un sitio estratégico, con la información actualizada y el compromiso del mantenimiento de potenciales empleadores y personas adultas mayores oferentes de servicios y productos). La metodología fue participativa, de consulta y establecimiento de alianzas estratégicas para el desarrollo de talleres, cursos y charlas. Como principales resultados se pueden citar: una Metodología de Trabajo para el Empoderamiento y el Emprendimiento en Personas Adultas Mayores, la germinación de un Grupo de Mujeres Emprendedoras, 2 grupos de Personas Adultas Mayores graduadas en Emprendimiento de 2 Programas Universitarios de 2 Universidades Estatales de Costa Rica, colocar en agenda institucional por medio del Programa UNA Vinculación, en la programación anual 2013 y 2014, en Temas de Coyuntura Nacional, Área de Humanismo, 4 actividades sobre el tema del Derecho al Trabajo en las Personas Adultas Mayores y la vinculación intergeneracional con participación de estudiantes de diferentes carreras que aportaron para el éxito del proyecto, entre otras.
This paper exposes and summarizes the actions carried out and lessons learned by different institutions and organizations (Program for the Comprehensive Care of the Elderly Person (PAIPAM), the Educational Program for the Elderly Person of the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (PAMTEC), the Gerontology of the State Distance University of Costa Rica, Gold Entrepreneurs of the University of Costa Rica, UNA Emprendedores of the National University, Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), among others), in Costa Rica, period 2013 and 2014, from the Extension Project (System Fund) of the National Council of Rectors (CONARE): Empowering and Entrepreneurship: Older Adult People Protagonists and Change Agents, around guaranteeing the right to work in the Older Adult Person, as one more component in the active aging process. The general objective was: Promote Personal Empowerment and the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Older Adults, so that, through the construction and participation of an entrepreneurial culture, be it business or social, they become agents of change and protagonists of his own life and the development of the country; and the main specific objective: To stimulate the exchange and linkage with organizations, companies and national or international institutions, for the establishment of strategic alliances that facilitate the creation of spaces and optimize the resources required for the development of the projected activities and whose primary goal Posting the Database (Job Exchange for Older Adults (“Bolsa Mayor”)) in a strategic place, with up-to-date information and the commitment to maintain potential employers and older adults offering services and products). The methodology was participatory, consultation and establishment of strategic alliances for the development of workshops, courses and talks. The main results include: a Work Methodology for Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Older Adults, the germination of a Group of Entrepreneurial Women, 2 groups of Older Adults graduated in Entrepreneurship from 2 University Programs from 2 State Universities of the Coast Rica, place on the institutional agenda through the UNA Vinculación Program, in the 2013 and 2014 annual programming, in Issues of the National Conjuncture, Area of Humanism, 4 activities on the topic of the Right to Work in the Elderly and the intergenerational relationship with participation of students from different careers who contributed to the success of the project, among others.
This paper exposes and summarizes the actions carried out and lessons learned by different institutions and organizations (Program for the Comprehensive Care of the Elderly Person (PAIPAM), the Educational Program for the Elderly Person of the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (PAMTEC), the Gerontology of the State Distance University of Costa Rica, Gold Entrepreneurs of the University of Costa Rica, UNA Emprendedores of the National University, Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), among others), in Costa Rica, period 2013 and 2014, from the Extension Project (System Fund) of the National Council of Rectors (CONARE): Empowering and Entrepreneurship: Older Adult People Protagonists and Change Agents, around guaranteeing the right to work in the Older Adult Person, as one more component in the active aging process. The general objective was: Promote Personal Empowerment and the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Older Adults, so that, through the construction and participation of an entrepreneurial culture, be it business or social, they become agents of change and protagonists of his own life and the development of the country; and the main specific objective: To stimulate the exchange and linkage with organizations, companies and national or international institutions, for the establishment of strategic alliances that facilitate the creation of spaces and optimize the resources required for the development of the projected activities and whose primary goal Posting the Database (Job Exchange for Older Adults (“Bolsa Mayor”)) in a strategic place, with up-to-date information and the commitment to maintain potential employers and older adults offering services and products). The methodology was participatory, consultation and establishment of strategic alliances for the development of workshops, courses and talks. The main results include: a Work Methodology for Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Older Adults, the germination of a Group of Entrepreneurial Women, 2 groups of Older Adults graduated in Entrepreneurship from 2 University Programs from 2 State Universities of the Coast Rica, place on the institutional agenda through the UNA Vinculación Program, in the 2013 and 2014 annual programming, in Issues of the National Conjuncture, Area of Humanism, 4 activities on the topic of the Right to Work in the Elderly and the intergenerational relationship with participation of students from different careers who contributed to the success of the project, among others.
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