Contribución del desarrollo turístico sobre el empleo rural no agrícola en Costa Rica
Acuña, Marvin
Ruiz-Mejias, Keynor
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Economía y Sociedad
La crisis de principios de los años ochenta, la estabilización, la apertura y la reforma económica, pilares de la nueva estrategia de desarrollo que se ha estado impulsando, son hoy parte de los procesos que han inducido cambios importantes en el mundo rural costarricense y en particular en los mercados de trabajo.
En medio de una lógica transformadora del tipo "más Mercado y menos Estado" los cambios ocurridos en la dinámica productiva destacan entre los más importantes. La política sectorial activa: de topes de cartera, tasas de interés subsidiadas y precios de sustentación ha sido sustituida por la lógica eficientista de los mercados libres y desregulados. La eficiencia, la rentabilidad y la competitividad son hoy parte de una racionalidad económica de carácter envolvente y devienen en las nuevas reglas de juego que gobiernan el mundo rural. Mientras, un mejor posicionamiento en los mercados locales o regionales y/o la incursión y penetración en los mercados externos es parte de los objetivos estratégicos
The crisis of the early eighties, stabilization, openness and economic reform, pillars of the new development strategy that has been promoted, are today part of the processes that have led to important changes in the rural Costa Rican world and in particular in the labor markets. In the midst of a transformative logic of the "more Market and less State" type, the changes that occurred in the productive dynamics stand out among the most important. Active sectoral policy: portfolio ceilings, subsidized interest rates and support prices has been replaced by the efficient logic of free and deregulated markets. Efficiency, profitability and competitiveness are today part of an enveloping economic rationality and become the new rules of the game that govern the rural world. Meanwhile, a better positioning in local or regional markets and / or incursion and penetration in external markets is part of the strategic objectives.
The crisis of the early eighties, stabilization, openness and economic reform, pillars of the new development strategy that has been promoted, are today part of the processes that have led to important changes in the rural Costa Rican world and in particular in the labor markets. In the midst of a transformative logic of the "more Market and less State" type, the changes that occurred in the productive dynamics stand out among the most important. Active sectoral policy: portfolio ceilings, subsidized interest rates and support prices has been replaced by the efficient logic of free and deregulated markets. Efficiency, profitability and competitiveness are today part of an enveloping economic rationality and become the new rules of the game that govern the rural world. Meanwhile, a better positioning in local or regional markets and / or incursion and penetration in external markets is part of the strategic objectives.
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