Efecto de la fuente de luz en anaquel en la calidad de carne de corderos criados en dos distintos sistemas de alimentación / Leonor Corrales Retana
Corrales Retana, Leonor
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El efecto en la calidad de la carne de las fuentes de luz utilizada en anaquel no es del todo comprendido y sigue existiendo controversia al respecto. De igual manera, no se conocen los efectos intrínsecos del tipo de sistema de alimentación utilizado en los corderos y como este pueda ayudar a proteger o no la carne durante su vida útil en exhibición. Con el fin de evaluar lo anterior, un total de dieciocho muestras de carne, fueron sometidas a dos tipos de fuentes de luz (fluorescente y LED) junto con un tratamiento control (oscuridad), utilizando muestras de seis corderos pertenecientes a dos tipos de sistemas de alimentación (concentrado y forrajes) simulando condiciones de exhibición en anaquel. A través de los análisis del estado de la oxidación lipídica (COV: compuestos orgánicos volátiles y TBARS: Sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico) y su influencia en sus características físico-químicas (color, mioglobina y pH).
La pérdida de calidad de la carne, es un proceso muy complejo, el cual no está determinado únicamente por un solo factor, sino que todos actúan de forma sincronizada. De los resultados obtenidos, se podría decir que existe una gran correlación entre pérdida de color y el desarrollo de olores y sabores desagradables al consumidor, con el simultáneo aumento de la cantidad de metamioglobina (color rojo-marrón) y la oxidación de los lípidos, representada por un aumento en la concentración de aldehídos. La luz fluorescente resultó ser el tratamiento que obtuvo mayor valor de TBARS y de compuestos secundarios de la oxidación de los lípidos, acompañado a su vez de una coloración de la carne más oscura, menos brillante y un color menos saturado, comparado con el control y la luz LED. Por lo que los resultados sugieren que la luz LED pueda ser una alternativa válida para preservar de mejor manera la carne en exhibición en anaquel.
The effect on meat quality of light sources used on the shelf is not fully understood and remains controversial. Similarly, the intrinsic effects of the type of feeding system used in lambs and how this may or may not help to protect the meat during its shelf life are not known. In order to evaluate this, a total of eighteen meat samples were subjected to two types of light sources (fluorescent and LED) along with a control treatment (dark), using samples from six lambs belonging to two types of feeding systems (concentrate and forages) simulating shelf display conditions.Through the analysis of lipid oxidation status (VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds and TBARS: Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances) and its influence on their physicochemical characteristics (color, myoglobin and pH). The loss of meat quality is a very complex process, which is not determined solely by a single factor, but rather all of them act in a synchronized manner.From the results obtained, it can be said that there is a strong correlation between loss of color and the development of unpleasant odors and flavors for the consumer, with the simultaneous increase in the amount of metamyoglobin (red-brown color) and the oxidation of lipids, represented by an increase in the concentration of aldehydes. Fluorescent light was the treatment that obtained the highest TBARS and secondary compounds from lipid oxidation, accompanied by a darker, less shiny and less saturated color of the meat, compared to the control and LED light.Therefore, the results suggest that LED light may be a valid alternative to better preserve meat on display on the shelf.
The effect on meat quality of light sources used on the shelf is not fully understood and remains controversial. Similarly, the intrinsic effects of the type of feeding system used in lambs and how this may or may not help to protect the meat during its shelf life are not known. In order to evaluate this, a total of eighteen meat samples were subjected to two types of light sources (fluorescent and LED) along with a control treatment (dark), using samples from six lambs belonging to two types of feeding systems (concentrate and forages) simulating shelf display conditions.Through the analysis of lipid oxidation status (VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds and TBARS: Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances) and its influence on their physicochemical characteristics (color, myoglobin and pH). The loss of meat quality is a very complex process, which is not determined solely by a single factor, but rather all of them act in a synchronized manner.From the results obtained, it can be said that there is a strong correlation between loss of color and the development of unpleasant odors and flavors for the consumer, with the simultaneous increase in the amount of metamyoglobin (red-brown color) and the oxidation of lipids, represented by an increase in the concentration of aldehydes. Fluorescent light was the treatment that obtained the highest TBARS and secondary compounds from lipid oxidation, accompanied by a darker, less shiny and less saturated color of the meat, compared to the control and LED light.Therefore, the results suggest that LED light may be a valid alternative to better preserve meat on display on the shelf.
Trabajo final de graduación para optar al grado de Licenciatura en Ingeniería Agronómica con modalidad de Tesis
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