Factores organizacionales influyentes en la rotación de personal para la cuenta de contact center de SAYA que gestiona Network Communications S.A. durante el periodo comprendido entre julio de 2019 y junio de 2020
Campos Vega, Gladys
Esquivel Ramírez, Jefry
Madrigal Hernández, Adriana
Méndez Lara, María Carolina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación busca analizar los factores organizacionales influyentes en la rotación de personal de la cuenta SAYA (nombre confidencial de la cuenta real) la cual administra Network Communications S.A. en el servicio de contact center, para la disminución del impacto que genera la salida de personal. Para ello, se consideran datos suministrados por los agentes y exagentes por medio de un cuestionario aplicado por vía telefónica, así como información proporcionada por el área administrativa de la cuenta, contenida en una encuesta aplicada por la compañía. A continuación, se presentan los principales resultados obtenidos (Anexos A, B, C y D)
● SAYA ha realizado esfuerzos organizacionales para identificar y cuantificar los factores causantes de la rotación del personal en el puesto de agente telefónico y, con dichos fines, ha implementado acciones recomendadas en la Norma Customer Operation Performance Center, orientadas a brindar el mejor servicio al cliente; sin embargo, durante el periodo investigado, no cuentan con un listado de los factores que influyen en la rotación de personal. Por lo cual, del análisis realizado en el presente documento, se recolectan y puntualizan los factores causantes de la constante salida y entrada de personal, señalados por los exagentes y jefaturas de SAYA
● Por otro lado, los agentes telefónicos perciben que SAYA tiene un buen ambiente laboral, que brinda permanencia al personal y ofrece la posibilidad de adquirir experiencia profesional a personas jóvenes; no obstante, de la evaluación realizada por el equipo investigador, dichos colaboradores indican como factores organizacionales que eventualmente pueden ocasionar deserción laboral, los siguientes: mínimos incentivos laborales: escasa ergonomía laboral, inflexibilidad horaria, poco reconocimiento, tiempos de descanso muy reducidos, escasa motivación laboral, falta de comunicación asertiva y consideran, además, el salario no proporcional al esfuerzo realizado.
● Asimismo, del análisis de la información suministrada por los agentes telefónicos se derivan las siguientes acciones que realiza SAYA y motivan la estabilidad laboral: teletrabajo, respeto, tiempos para almuerzos o desayunos, mensajes de apoyo por parte de la jefatura inmediata, solidez de la empresa y las buenas instalaciones de la misma. Igualmente, el horario les permite estudiar, y llevar a cabo mayores aprendizajes. Pero de igual manera, se detectan debilidades que pueden ocasionar la deserción laboral; por ejemplo, los agentes se sienten desestimados pues, perciben que son tratados como máquinas, horarios extensos en algunos casos, sienten mucha presión, y las cargas de trabajo no son iguales, entre otros factores.
● Para finalizar, con el propósito de que la empresa pueda minimizar los factores mencionados, se procede a elaborar una herramienta permisible para trabajar con los factores que se identifiquen, orientada a la planificación de acciones para reducir la rotación del personal, o bien, minimice el impacto; considerando aspectos analizados durante esta investigación, tales como: clima organizacional, plan de incentivos laborales, espacio físico, desarrollo profesional y descripción del puesto, así como el mecanismo utilizado para el pago de la planilla.
This research seeks to analyze the organizational factors influencing the staff turnover of the SAYA account (confidential name of the real account) which Network Communications S.A. administers. in the contact center service, to reduce the impact generated by the departure of personnel. For this, data provided by agents and ex-agents through a questionnaire applied by telephone is considered, as well as information provided by the administrative area of the account, contained in a survey applied by the company. The main results obtained are presented below (Annexes A, B, C and D) ● SAYA has made organizational efforts to identify and quantify the factors that cause staff turnover in the position of telephone agent and, for these purposes, has implemented actions recommended in the Customer Operation Performance Center Standard, aimed at providing the best customer service; however, during the investigated period, they do not have a list of the factors that influence staff turnover. Therefore, from the analysis carried out in this document, the factors causing the constant departure and entry of personnel are collected and specified, indicated by former agents and SAYA heads. ● On the other hand, telephone agents perceive that SAYA has a good work environment, which provides permanence to staff and offers the possibility of acquiring professional experience to young people; However, from the evaluation carried out by the research team, these collaborators indicate as organizational factors that may eventually cause job desertion, the following: minimal work incentives: poor work ergonomics, inflexibility, little recognition, very short rest times, little motivation labor, lack of assertive communication and consider, in addition, the salary not proportional to the effort made. ● Likewise, from the analysis of the information provided by the telephone agents, the following actions carried out by SAYA are derived and motivate job stability: teleworking, respect, times for lunches or breakfasts, messages of support from the immediate leadership, solidity of the company and its good facilities. Likewise, the schedule allows them to study, and carry out further learning. But in the same way, weaknesses are detected that can cause job desertion; For example, agents feel underappreciated because, they perceive that they are treated like machines, long hours in some cases, they feel a lot of pressure, and workloads are not equal, among other factors. ● Finally, in order that the company can minimize the aforementioned factors, we proceed to develop a permissible tool to work with the factors that are identified, aimed at planning actions to reduce staff turnover, or minimize the impact; considering aspects analyzed during this research, such as: organizational climate, work incentives plan, physical space, professional development and job description, as well as the mechanism used to pay the payroll.
This research seeks to analyze the organizational factors influencing the staff turnover of the SAYA account (confidential name of the real account) which Network Communications S.A. administers. in the contact center service, to reduce the impact generated by the departure of personnel. For this, data provided by agents and ex-agents through a questionnaire applied by telephone is considered, as well as information provided by the administrative area of the account, contained in a survey applied by the company. The main results obtained are presented below (Annexes A, B, C and D) ● SAYA has made organizational efforts to identify and quantify the factors that cause staff turnover in the position of telephone agent and, for these purposes, has implemented actions recommended in the Customer Operation Performance Center Standard, aimed at providing the best customer service; however, during the investigated period, they do not have a list of the factors that influence staff turnover. Therefore, from the analysis carried out in this document, the factors causing the constant departure and entry of personnel are collected and specified, indicated by former agents and SAYA heads. ● On the other hand, telephone agents perceive that SAYA has a good work environment, which provides permanence to staff and offers the possibility of acquiring professional experience to young people; However, from the evaluation carried out by the research team, these collaborators indicate as organizational factors that may eventually cause job desertion, the following: minimal work incentives: poor work ergonomics, inflexibility, little recognition, very short rest times, little motivation labor, lack of assertive communication and consider, in addition, the salary not proportional to the effort made. ● Likewise, from the analysis of the information provided by the telephone agents, the following actions carried out by SAYA are derived and motivate job stability: teleworking, respect, times for lunches or breakfasts, messages of support from the immediate leadership, solidity of the company and its good facilities. Likewise, the schedule allows them to study, and carry out further learning. But in the same way, weaknesses are detected that can cause job desertion; For example, agents feel underappreciated because, they perceive that they are treated like machines, long hours in some cases, they feel a lot of pressure, and workloads are not equal, among other factors. ● Finally, in order that the company can minimize the aforementioned factors, we proceed to develop a permissible tool to work with the factors that are identified, aimed at planning actions to reduce staff turnover, or minimize the impact; considering aspects analyzed during this research, such as: organizational climate, work incentives plan, physical space, professional development and job description, as well as the mechanism used to pay the payroll.
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