Presencia serológica de Besnoitia besnoiti, Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydia abortus, Neospora caninum y Toxoplasma gondii en hatos bovinos lecheros de la zona Huetar Norte de Costa Rica
Fallas-Elizondo, Daisy Elena
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En la primera parte del trabajo se investigaron tres protozoarios intracelulares
obligados, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum y Besnoitia besnoiti, que han sido
asociados con problemas reproductivos en bovinos, ocasionando pérdidas económicas en las
fincas. El diagnóstico de estos apicomplexa se basa sobre todo en técnicas serológicas, ya
que permiten detectar de forma rápida, tanto infecciones activas como infecciones crónicas.
El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la presencia serológica de T. gondii y N. caninum en
bovinos de la Región Huetar Norte de Costa Rica, establecer coexposicionesy determinarlos
valores predictivos de tres inmunoensayos indirectos (T. gondii, N. caninum y B. besnoiti)
utilizando el Teorema de Bayes. . Se seleccionaron un total de 327 bovinos (164
seropositivos y 163 seronegativos para B. besnoiti) de un banco de sueros, recolectado en 40
fincas de leche y doble propósito de la Región Huetar Norte, los cuales se analizaron
mediante inmunoensayos para T. gondii y N. caninum. Para T. gondii se determinaron
prevalencias globales y a nivel de finca de 30,5% y 67,5%, para N. caninum de 18,0% y
75,0%, respectivamente. Además, se hallaron 42 (12,8%) animales con infecciones T. gondii
y B. besnoiti, 39 (11.9%) bovinos con infecciones N. caninum y B. besnoiti y 11 (3.3%)
animales con infecciones T. gondii y N. caninum. Siete animales (2,1%) presentaron
infecciones con los tres agentes. Se determinó un valor predictivo positivo de 91,4%, 64,7%,
100,0% y un valor predictivo negativo de 98,5%, 100,0% y 99,0% para los ELISA de T.
gondii, N. caninum y B. besnoiti, respectivamente. Se concluye, que las técnicas serológicas
mostraron un buen desempeño, y que existen bajas posibilidades de resultados falsos
positivos o negativos, con excepción del ensayo de N. caninum. Los resultados confirman
además la circulación de T. gondii, N. caninumy B. besnoiti en los hatos bovinos de la Región
Huetar Norte. Se recomienda alertar a productores y médicos veterinarios sobre la presencia
de estos parásitos, así como sobre la posibilidad de infecciones concomitantes de dos y hasta
tres apicomplexa en fincas de la zona Huetar Norte. Se recomienda implementar programas
de educación y control para reducir la toxoplasmosis, una enfermedad zoonótica y
desatendida, de los hatos bovinos de Costa Rica.
En la segunda parte del trabajo se analizaron los agentes infecciosos Besnoitia
besnoiti, Coxiella burnetii y Chlamydia abortus ocasionan enfermedad reproductiva en
bovinos, mientras que los últimos dos se consideran además agentes zoonóticos. Hasta la
fecha no se cuentan con reportes de prevalencia de B. besnoiti y C. burnetii en bovinos de
Costa Rica. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la seroprevalencia y
distribución de B. besnoiti, C. burnetii y C. abortus en fincas en la zona Huetar Norte de
Costa Rica, así como detectar estos agentes mediante técnicas moleculares. Se realizó un
estudio transversal descriptivo, en el que se analizaron 600 sueros de 40 fincas de bovinos de
leche y doble propósito (15 sueros por finca). Las fincas seleccionadas se localizaron en los
distritos de Aguas Zarcas (5), Ciudad Quesada (9), Fortuna (4), Monterrey (2), Muelle (3),
Venecia (5) y Zarcero (12). El análisis serológico se realizó utilizando los ensayos de la
compañía IDVET (Montpellier, Francia): IDScreen® Besnoitia Indirect 2.0 ELISA,
IDScreen® Q Fever Indirect ELISA, e ID Screen® Chlamydophila abortus Indirect Multi-
species ELISA. Además, se analizaron mediante técnicas moleculares 3 quistes cutáneos para
B. besnoiti, 6 muestras de leche para C. burnetii y 4 hisopados vaginales para C. abortus. Las
seroprevalencias determinadas para B. besnoiti, C. burnetii y C. abortusfueron 27,3%, 16,8%
y 1,3%, respectivamente. Animales seropositivos a besnoitiosis se encontraron en todos los
distritos analizados, menos en la Fortuna, pero sobre todo en Aguas Zarcas (64%), Venecia
(36,6%) y Zarcero (33,3%). Los animales seropositivos a coxeliosis se encontraron también
distribuidos en todos los distritos, sobre todo en Zarcero (24,6%), Ciudad Quesada (19,2%)
y Aguas Zarcas (17,7%). Con respecto a C. abortus, se encontraron pocos animales
seropositivos en tres distritos: Aguas Zarcas (3,3%), Monterrey (3,3%) y Ciudad Quesada
(2,9%). Solamente se detectó coexposicionesde B. besnoiti con C. burnetii en un total del
6,5% (n= 36) de animales infectados y en un 30,0% (n= 12) de fincas, que se ubicaron en
Zarcero (n=10), Aguas Zarcas (n=1) y Ciudad Quesada (n= 1). Todos los análisis moleculares
resultaron negativos. Se determinó por primera vez la presencia de anticuerpos contra B.
besnoiti y C. burnetii en bovinos de la región Huetar Norte de nuestro país. Se recomienda
alertar a los productores, personal veterinario y a las autoridades oficiales sobre estos
hallazgos, para tomar las medidas de prevención y control necesarias, en particular para C.
burnetii por su potencial zoonótico. Se recomienda además realizar investigaciones para
confirmar mediante aislamiento o diagnóstico molecular, la presencia de los agentes
infecciosos en el país.
In the first part of the work, three obligate intracellular protozoa, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Besnoitia besnoiti, which have been associated with reproductive problems in cattle, causing economic losses in the farms, were investigated. The diagnosis of these apicomplexa is based mainly on serological techniques, since they allow rapid detection of both active and chronic infections. The objective of the study was to determine the serological presence of T. gondii and N. caninum in cattle in the Northern Huetar Region of Costa Rica, to establish coexposures and to determine the predictive values of three indirect immunoassays (T. gondii, N. caninum and B. besnoiti) using Bayes' Theorem . A total of 327 cattle (164 seropositive and 163 seronegative for B. besnoiti) were selected from a serum bank, collected from 40 dairy and dual purpose farms in the Northern Huetar Region, and analyzed by immunoassays for T. gondii and N. caninum. For T. gondii, overall and farm-level prevalences were determined to be 30.5% and 67.5%, and for N. caninum, 18.0% and 75.0%, respectively. In addition, 42 (12.8%) animals were found with T. gondii and B. besnoiti infections, 39 (11.9%) cattle with N. caninum and B. besnoiti infections and 11 (3.3%) animals with T. gondii and N. caninum infections. Seven animals (2.1%) had infections with all three agents. A positive predictive value of 91.4%, 64.7%, 100.0% and a negative predictive value of 98.5%, 100.0% and 99.0% were determined for T. gondii, N. caninum and B. besnoiti ELISAs, respectively. It is concluded that the serological techniques showed a good performance, and that there are low possibilities of false positive or negative results, with the exception of the N. caninum assay. The results also confirm the circulation of T. gondii, N. caninum and B. besnoiti in the cattle herds of the Northern Huetar Region. It is recommended that producers and veterinarians be alerted about the presence of these parasites, as well as about the possibility of concomitant infections of two or even three apicomplexa on farms in the Northern Huetar region. It is recommended to implement education and control programs to reduce toxoplasmosis, a zoonotic and neglected disease, in Costa Rican cattle herds. xi In the second part of the paper, the infectious agents Besnoitia besnoiti, Coxiella burnetii and Chlamydia abortus cause reproductive disease in cattle, while the last two are also considered zoonotic agents. To date, there are no reports on the prevalence of B. besnoiti and C. burnetii in cattle in Costa Rica. The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence and distribution of B. besnoiti, C. burnetii and C. abortus on farms in the Huetar Norte area of Costa Rica, as well as to detect these agents by molecular techniques. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, in which the following were analyzed
In the first part of the work, three obligate intracellular protozoa, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Besnoitia besnoiti, which have been associated with reproductive problems in cattle, causing economic losses in the farms, were investigated. The diagnosis of these apicomplexa is based mainly on serological techniques, since they allow rapid detection of both active and chronic infections. The objective of the study was to determine the serological presence of T. gondii and N. caninum in cattle in the Northern Huetar Region of Costa Rica, to establish coexposures and to determine the predictive values of three indirect immunoassays (T. gondii, N. caninum and B. besnoiti) using Bayes' Theorem . A total of 327 cattle (164 seropositive and 163 seronegative for B. besnoiti) were selected from a serum bank, collected from 40 dairy and dual purpose farms in the Northern Huetar Region, and analyzed by immunoassays for T. gondii and N. caninum. For T. gondii, overall and farm-level prevalences were determined to be 30.5% and 67.5%, and for N. caninum, 18.0% and 75.0%, respectively. In addition, 42 (12.8%) animals were found with T. gondii and B. besnoiti infections, 39 (11.9%) cattle with N. caninum and B. besnoiti infections and 11 (3.3%) animals with T. gondii and N. caninum infections. Seven animals (2.1%) had infections with all three agents. A positive predictive value of 91.4%, 64.7%, 100.0% and a negative predictive value of 98.5%, 100.0% and 99.0% were determined for T. gondii, N. caninum and B. besnoiti ELISAs, respectively. It is concluded that the serological techniques showed a good performance, and that there are low possibilities of false positive or negative results, with the exception of the N. caninum assay. The results also confirm the circulation of T. gondii, N. caninum and B. besnoiti in the cattle herds of the Northern Huetar Region. It is recommended that producers and veterinarians be alerted about the presence of these parasites, as well as about the possibility of concomitant infections of two or even three apicomplexa on farms in the Northern Huetar region. It is recommended to implement education and control programs to reduce toxoplasmosis, a zoonotic and neglected disease, in Costa Rican cattle herds. xi In the second part of the paper, the infectious agents Besnoitia besnoiti, Coxiella burnetii and Chlamydia abortus cause reproductive disease in cattle, while the last two are also considered zoonotic agents. To date, there are no reports on the prevalence of B. besnoiti and C. burnetii in cattle in Costa Rica. The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence and distribution of B. besnoiti, C. burnetii and C. abortus on farms in the Huetar Norte area of Costa Rica, as well as to detect these agents by molecular techniques. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, in which the following were analyzed
Maestría en Enfermedades Tropicales
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