Misterios de la Kabala de Marc-Alain Ouaknin
Freer González, Anabelle
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presentación de este trabajo está basada en la reflexión teórica derivada de la traducción del libro Mysteres de la Kabbale, cuyo autor es Marc-Alain Ouaknin. El texto fue traducido y analizado para optar por el grado de Licenciatura en traducción francés-español. El trabajo está dirigido al medio latinoamericano, a un público con interés en el aprendizaje del cristianismo mesiánico, por lo que sin lugar a dudas se adaptó a la realidad cultural a la que va dirigido, la cual es muy distinta a la europea y a la del medio oriente; con características propias, con historias muy diferentes. Como el castellano impone adecuaciones léxicas y semánticas necesarias para la aclaración del mensaje, se aborda la traducción en sus diferentes dimensiones: como proceso cognitivo e interpretativo vinculado a un sujeto traductor; como actividad compleja de comunicación, gobernada por principios comunicativos, pragmáticos y semióticos; y como actividad discursiva que se realiza entre textos y no entre lenguas, y que descansa en la interacción existente entre las manifestaciones discursivas. Las formas son exteriores al proceso de traducción, trasciende el lenguaje; sin embargo, se parte de la lengua para captar la idea que el autor desea transmitir, sin apoyarse en ella. En medio de este proceso de comunicación, el traductor asume el rol de mediador entre interlocutores que no pueden establecer contacto directamente, actuando, de tal forma, como un puente conector entre el productor del texto original y sus receptores en la lengua meta. El traductor mediaría entre una producción textual en una lengua original dada y la producción textual que realizaría él mismo en una lengua meta, a partir de un proceso de interpretación y de reconstrucción del sentido del texto fuente. Sus conocimientos cognitivos del contexto situacional, de las referencias comunes a todos los participantes (autor del texto, los receptores de ambos textos original y terminal) y de los factores intra y extratextuales de ambos textos, le permiten cumplir a cabalidad con sus funciones. Si bien es cierto que el traductor está sujeto a una ética, según la cual ha de procurar captar y ser fiel al propósito retórico general y a los valores discursivos desplegados en el texto original, no lo puede hacer a costa de su propia negación sino a través de la búsqueda de un equilibrio entre las diferentes dimensiones (socioculturales, históricas, ideológicas, entre otras) o áreas implicadas. En este orden de ideas, una traducción refleja un proceso de exégesis porque ofrece la posibilidad de abstraer la lectura del traductor, sin que sea lícito hablar de contaminación alguna; partamos que no hay un sentido único, reconociendo que ni los lectores, ni el traductor, ni el autor lo concebirán de igual manera. En la traducción del libro Misterios de la Kabala la traductora en su actividad traslaticia utiliza no solo las lenguas sino los elementos cognitivos para encontrar el sema del enunciado, las significaciones ocultas que sobrepasan las palabras, restituyendo en la lengua materna la idea que está en el párrafo, desverbalizando esa idea, volviendo al texto original para restituir un segmento por el traducido, los compara, afirma, rectifica y corrige. En esa actividad traslaticia desea encontrar el sentido de los términos inminentes a esta ciencia y que no corresponde a lo que designan el concepto de las palabras sino a la significación lingüística.
The presentation of this work is based on the theoretical reflection derived from the translation of the book Mysteres de la Kabbale, whose author is Marc-Alain Ouaknin. The text was translated and analysed in order to obtain a degree in French-Spanish translation. The work is aimed at Latin America, at a public interested in learning about Messianic Christianity, so it was undoubtedly adapted to the cultural reality to which it is addressed, which is very different from that of Europe and the Middle East, with its own characteristics and very different histories. As Spanish imposes lexical and semantic adaptations necessary for the clarification of the message, translation is approached in its different dimensions: as a cognitive and interpretative process linked to a translating subject; as a complex communication activity, governed by communicative, pragmatic and semiotic principles; and as a discursive activity that takes place between texts and not between languages, and which rests on the interaction existing between discursive manifestations. The forms are external to the translation process, it transcends language; however, it is based on language in order to capture the idea that the author wishes to convey, without relying on it. In the midst of this communication process, the translator assumes the role of mediator between interlocutors who cannot establish direct contact, thus acting as a connecting bridge between the producer of the original text and its recipients in the target language. The translator mediates between a textual production in a given source language and the textual production he or she would produce in a target language, based on a process of interpretation and reconstruction of the meaning of the source text. His cognitive knowledge of the situational context, of the references common to all participants (the author of the text, the recipients of both source and target texts) and of the intra- and extra-textual factors of both texts, enables him to fulfil his functions fully. While it is true that the translator is subject to an ethic, according to which he or she has to try to capture and be faithful to the general rhetorical purpose and discursive values deployed in the original text, he or she cannot do so at the cost of his or her own negation but through the the search for a balance between the different dimensions (socio-cultural, historical, ideological, etc.) or areas involved. In this sense, a translation reflects a process of exegesis because it offers the possibility of abstracting the translator's reading, without it being licit to speak of any contamination; we start from the fact that there is no single meaning, recognizing that neither the readers, nor the translator, nor the author will conceive it in the same way. In the translation of the book Mysteries of the Kabala, the translator in her translating activity uses not only the languages but also the cognitive elements to find the meaning of the statement, the hidden meanings that go beyond the words, restoring in the mother tongue the idea that is in the paragraph, deverbalising that idea, returning to the original text to restore a segment for the translated one, comparing them, affirming, rectifying and correcting them. In this translating activity, he wishes to find the meaning of the terms that are imminent to this science and that do not correspond to what the concept of the words designate but to the linguistic meaning.
The presentation of this work is based on the theoretical reflection derived from the translation of the book Mysteres de la Kabbale, whose author is Marc-Alain Ouaknin. The text was translated and analysed in order to obtain a degree in French-Spanish translation. The work is aimed at Latin America, at a public interested in learning about Messianic Christianity, so it was undoubtedly adapted to the cultural reality to which it is addressed, which is very different from that of Europe and the Middle East, with its own characteristics and very different histories. As Spanish imposes lexical and semantic adaptations necessary for the clarification of the message, translation is approached in its different dimensions: as a cognitive and interpretative process linked to a translating subject; as a complex communication activity, governed by communicative, pragmatic and semiotic principles; and as a discursive activity that takes place between texts and not between languages, and which rests on the interaction existing between discursive manifestations. The forms are external to the translation process, it transcends language; however, it is based on language in order to capture the idea that the author wishes to convey, without relying on it. In the midst of this communication process, the translator assumes the role of mediator between interlocutors who cannot establish direct contact, thus acting as a connecting bridge between the producer of the original text and its recipients in the target language. The translator mediates between a textual production in a given source language and the textual production he or she would produce in a target language, based on a process of interpretation and reconstruction of the meaning of the source text. His cognitive knowledge of the situational context, of the references common to all participants (the author of the text, the recipients of both source and target texts) and of the intra- and extra-textual factors of both texts, enables him to fulfil his functions fully. While it is true that the translator is subject to an ethic, according to which he or she has to try to capture and be faithful to the general rhetorical purpose and discursive values deployed in the original text, he or she cannot do so at the cost of his or her own negation but through the the search for a balance between the different dimensions (socio-cultural, historical, ideological, etc.) or areas involved. In this sense, a translation reflects a process of exegesis because it offers the possibility of abstracting the translator's reading, without it being licit to speak of any contamination; we start from the fact that there is no single meaning, recognizing that neither the readers, nor the translator, nor the author will conceive it in the same way. In the translation of the book Mysteries of the Kabala, the translator in her translating activity uses not only the languages but also the cognitive elements to find the meaning of the statement, the hidden meanings that go beyond the words, restoring in the mother tongue the idea that is in the paragraph, deverbalising that idea, returning to the original text to restore a segment for the translated one, comparing them, affirming, rectifying and correcting them. In this translating activity, he wishes to find the meaning of the terms that are imminent to this science and that do not correspond to what the concept of the words designate but to the linguistic meaning.
Licenciatura en traducción (francés-español)
Palabras clave