Significación contextual de Martín Rivas, de Alberto Blest Gana
Durán Luzio, Juan
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Latinoamericana Editores
A principios del mes de julio de 1850 atravesaba la puerta de la calle de una hermosa casa de Santiago un joven de veintidós a veintitrés años. Su traje y sus maneras estaban muy distantes de asemejarse a las maneras y al traje de nuestros elegantes de la capital.
Estas frases que dan inicio a la novela Martin Rivas ponen de manifiesto una constante de la estructura y otra del significado del texto: en lo formal, el rigor de su organización cronológica; en lo significativo, la explicita conciencia del narrador acerca de los distintos grupos sociales en el Chile de entonces.
At the beginning of July 1850, a young man between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-three passed through the front door of a beautiful house in Santiago. His dress and manners were very far from resembling the manners and dress of our elegant men in the capital. These phrases that start the novel Martin Rivas reveal a constant of the structure and another of the meaning of the text: formally, the rigor of its chronological organization; significantly, the narrator's explicit awareness of the different social groups in Chile at the time.
At the beginning of July 1850, a young man between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-three passed through the front door of a beautiful house in Santiago. His dress and manners were very far from resembling the manners and dress of our elegant men in the capital. These phrases that start the novel Martin Rivas reveal a constant of the structure and another of the meaning of the text: formally, the rigor of its chronological organization; significantly, the narrator's explicit awareness of the different social groups in Chile at the time.
Año 13, no.16, (2do. semestre, 1987) p.43-54.
Palabras clave