Los primeros pasos en la enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales en Costa Rica: entrevista a la licenciada Evelia Fuentes Rivera
Torres Hernández, Margarita
Salas Víquez, José Antonio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Nació en Escazú en el año 1921 y desde muy corta edad se trasladó a la ciudad de Heredia, donde ha radicado hasta la fecha. La enseñanza primaria la curso en la escuela Braulio Morales y la secundaria en el Liceo de Heredia, donde obtuvo su bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras. Realizo sus estudios pedagógicos en la Universidad de Costa Rica, graduándose como profesora de enseñanza primaria, pero sus inclinaciones hacia la historia la llevaron a continuar su formación en la Escuela de Filosofía y Letras de la misma universidad, donde recibió los títulos de licenciada en Historia y Geografía y profesora de enseñanza media en esta especialidad.
She was born in Escazú in 1921 and at a very young age he moved to the city of Heredia, where she has lived to date. She attended elementary school at Braulio Morales School and high school at the Liceo de Heredia, where she obtained his bachelor's degree in Sciences and Letters. She completed her pedagogical studies at the University of Costa Rica, graduating as an elementary school teacher, but her inclination towards history led her to continue her education at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the same university, where she received a degree in History and Geography and a high school teacher in this specialty.
She was born in Escazú in 1921 and at a very young age he moved to the city of Heredia, where she has lived to date. She attended elementary school at Braulio Morales School and high school at the Liceo de Heredia, where she obtained his bachelor's degree in Sciences and Letters. She completed her pedagogical studies at the University of Costa Rica, graduating as an elementary school teacher, but her inclination towards history led her to continue her education at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the same university, where she received a degree in History and Geography and a high school teacher in this specialty.
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