Aportes de la Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe para el desarrollo sostenible ejecutadas por medio dos proyectos de extención universitaria
Montero Herrera, Sonia
Rojas Hidalgo, Ingrid
Daly Duarte, Carmen
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe
La Sección Huetar Norte y Caribe inició sus labores desde el 2008, y a partir de ese
momento buscó posicionarse por medio de la extensión universitaria, ante los actores
locales que incluye: territorios indígenas, familias, entes educativos de la región. El
desarrollo sostenible se ve como una preocupación esencial en el plan estratégico
2017-2021. Se pone en práctica un modelo de universidad innovadora, generadora y
trasmisora de conocimiento como parte de su quehacer académico.
El abordaje a las comunidades se da por medio de la implementación de talleres
contextualizados y metodologías participativas adaptadas a las realidades,
enfocándose en el rescate de los saberes locales que permiten el desarrollo
socioeconómico por medio del fortalecimiento de iniciativas productivas.
Estrategia que permitirá no depender de mercados externos para obtener algunos de
sus productos de primera necesidad, beneficiarse con el valor agregado, la
integralidad de los procesos, aplicando prácticas amigables, producción de bajo costo,
usando materiales reciclados y aprovechando los recursos existentes en las zonas
El aporte desde la extensión es generar el empoderamiento y autogestión necesarias
para que las personas puedan implementar las buenas prácticas sostenibles en las
comunidades abordadas, las cuales se caracterizan por tener alta vulnerabilidad entre
los índices de desarrollo en Costa Rica.
The North Huetar and Caribbean Section began its work in 2008, and from that moment on it sought to position itself through university through university outreach to local stakeholders, including: indigenous territories, families, and educational including: indigenous territories, families, and educational entities in the region. The sustainable development is seen as an essential concern in the strategic plan 2017-2021. 2017-2021. A model of an innovative university, generator and transmitter of knowledge is put into practice as part of the strategic plan 2017-2021. transmitter of knowledge as part of its academic work. The approach to the communities is given through the implementation of contextualized workshops and participatory methodologies. contextualized workshops and participatory methodologies adapted to the realities, focusing on the rescue of local knowledge that allows socio-economic development by strengthening socioeconomic development through the strengthening of productive initiatives. This strategy will allow them not to depend on external markets to obtain some of their staple products. products, benefiting from the added value, the integrality of the processes, applying processes, applying friendly practices, low-cost production, using recycled materials and taking advantage of the existing resources in the areas. The contribution of extension is to generate the necessary empowerment and self-management so that people can implement the good practices to enable people to implement good sustainable practices in the communities addressed, which are communities, which are characterized by high vulnerability among the development indices in Costa Rica. development indexes in Costa Rica.
The North Huetar and Caribbean Section began its work in 2008, and from that moment on it sought to position itself through university through university outreach to local stakeholders, including: indigenous territories, families, and educational including: indigenous territories, families, and educational entities in the region. The sustainable development is seen as an essential concern in the strategic plan 2017-2021. 2017-2021. A model of an innovative university, generator and transmitter of knowledge is put into practice as part of the strategic plan 2017-2021. transmitter of knowledge as part of its academic work. The approach to the communities is given through the implementation of contextualized workshops and participatory methodologies. contextualized workshops and participatory methodologies adapted to the realities, focusing on the rescue of local knowledge that allows socio-economic development by strengthening socioeconomic development through the strengthening of productive initiatives. This strategy will allow them not to depend on external markets to obtain some of their staple products. products, benefiting from the added value, the integrality of the processes, applying processes, applying friendly practices, low-cost production, using recycled materials and taking advantage of the existing resources in the areas. The contribution of extension is to generate the necessary empowerment and self-management so that people can implement the good practices to enable people to implement good sustainable practices in the communities addressed, which are communities, which are characterized by high vulnerability among the development indices in Costa Rica. development indexes in Costa Rica.
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