Emprendimiento e innovación para la competitividad internacional : dimensiones, factores y esquemas empíricos sobre sus causas y efectos
Castillo Arce, Miriam Liliana
Ríos Flores, Jesús Armando
España, Carolina
Sánchez, Gloriana
Vargas Calvo, Margarita
Calderón Mora, Emiliano A.
Rodríguez Calderón, Greivin
Morales Camacho, María Fernanda
Garita Calvo, Adriana María
Hernández Pereira, Rosmery
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En las dos últimas décadas uno de los ejes centrales de investigación en la Escuela de Relaciones
Internacionales ha sido el Comercio y los Negocios Internacionales. El auge de esta
línea de investigación puede apreciarse en la consolidación, hace pocos años, de una nueva
carrera en ese ámbito y el surgimiento de sobresalientes programas de investigación en esa
línea. Dichos espacios han permitido la constitución de un grupo de académicos y una profusa
discusión académica en este ámbito.
Dos de las iniciativas de mayor influencia en ese transitar han sido el Programa “Comercio,
tecnología e innovación” y el Proyecto “Dínamo Innovador”. El logro fundamental de ambas
propuestas ha sido sistematizar de forma permanente los componentes más relevantes
para comprender los fenómenos de innovación y competitividad, junto con sus consecuencias
Este proceso sigue adelante con el tercero de una serie de libros dedicados a difundir los
hallazgos en la materia. Titulado “Emprendimiento e innovación para la competitividad internacional”,
este volumen aborda y expone para su discusión cuatro temas de notable actualidad
y relevancia: la economía del conocimiento; la relación entre innovación y comercio
exterior; la relación entre comercio exterior y tecnologías; así como la innovación y la
propiedad industrial.
Una de las grandes virtudes que acompaña el texto es que su vinculación con casos reales.
En este sentido, junto con los desarrollos teóricos necesarios, se analizan situaciones específicas,
que demuestran cómo pueden ser llevados a la práctica diversos modelos de gestión.
Este elemento constituye una relación fundamental entre academia y sector productivo, la
cual debe ser explotada cada vez con uno de los pilares del desarrollo nacional.
Adicionalmente, el trabajo no se contenta con un abordaje nacional. El texto incluye la colaboración
de estudiosos de México y España, lo cual refleja el trabajo metódico del Dr. Juan
Carlos Bermúdez Mora por construir redes de conocimiento en beneficio de la Universidad
Nacional, en general, y de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales, en particular.
In the last two decades one of the central axes of research in the School of Relations International has been Commerce and International Business. The rise of this line of research can be seen in the consolidation, a few years ago, of a new career in this field and the emergence of outstanding research programs in that field line. These spaces have allowed the constitution of a group of academics and a profuse academic discussion in this area. Two of the initiatives with the greatest influence in this journey have been the “Commerce, technology and innovation ”and the“ Innovative Dynamo ”Project. The fundamental achievement of both proposals has been to permanently systematize the most relevant components to understand the phenomena of innovation and competitiveness, together with their consequences practices. This process continues with the third in a series of books dedicated to disseminating the findings in the matter. Titled "Entrepreneurship and innovation for international competitiveness", This volume addresses and exposes for discussion four issues of notable relevance and relevance: the knowledge economy; the relationship between innovation and trade Exterior; the relationship between foreign trade and technologies; as well as innovation and industrial property. One of the great virtues that accompanies the text is that it is linked to real cases. In this sense, along with the necessary theoretical developments, specific situations are analyzed, that demonstrate how various management models can be put into practice. This element constitutes a fundamental relationship between academia and the productive sector, which must be exploited each time with one of the pillars of national development. Additionally, the work is not content with a national approach. Text includes collaboration of scholars from Mexico and Spain, which reflects the methodical work of Dr. Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora for building knowledge networks for the benefit of the University National, in general, and the School of International Relations, in particular.
In the last two decades one of the central axes of research in the School of Relations International has been Commerce and International Business. The rise of this line of research can be seen in the consolidation, a few years ago, of a new career in this field and the emergence of outstanding research programs in that field line. These spaces have allowed the constitution of a group of academics and a profuse academic discussion in this area. Two of the initiatives with the greatest influence in this journey have been the “Commerce, technology and innovation ”and the“ Innovative Dynamo ”Project. The fundamental achievement of both proposals has been to permanently systematize the most relevant components to understand the phenomena of innovation and competitiveness, together with their consequences practices. This process continues with the third in a series of books dedicated to disseminating the findings in the matter. Titled "Entrepreneurship and innovation for international competitiveness", This volume addresses and exposes for discussion four issues of notable relevance and relevance: the knowledge economy; the relationship between innovation and trade Exterior; the relationship between foreign trade and technologies; as well as innovation and industrial property. One of the great virtues that accompanies the text is that it is linked to real cases. In this sense, along with the necessary theoretical developments, specific situations are analyzed, that demonstrate how various management models can be put into practice. This element constitutes a fundamental relationship between academia and the productive sector, which must be exploited each time with one of the pillars of national development. Additionally, the work is not content with a national approach. Text includes collaboration of scholars from Mexico and Spain, which reflects the methodical work of Dr. Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora for building knowledge networks for the benefit of the University National, in general, and the School of International Relations, in particular.
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