Diagnóstico sobre las características y problemática del estudiante de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.
Alvarez, Vilma
Cedeño, Ricardo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Dentro de la visión, es que la vicerrectoría de vida estudiantil se plantea un proceso de revisión y reestructuración de sus políticas y estructura organizativa, que en consecuencia se crean los equipos Interdisciplinarios en Centros y Facultades, para una mayor vinculación con las Facultades de nuestra Universidad.
Una de las tareas prioritarias producto de este proceso, ha sido la elaboración de un diagnostico que permita tener una visión global de la Facultad y el detectar la información los problemas fundamentales de los estudiantes.
Los temas que se desarrollaron en la entrevista y de los cuales se hará una presentación de los datos obtenidos son, características socio-económicas y académicas de los Estudios, Aspectos académicos de las carreras, Aspectos de participación del estudiante, conocimiento sobre la Vicerrectoría de vida estudiantil y sus programas y proyectos.
Within the vision, the vice-rector for student life proposes a process of review and restructuring of its policies and organizational structure, which consequently creates Interdisciplinary teams in Centers and Faculties, for greater links with the Faculties of our University. . One of the priority tasks resulting from this process has been the preparation of a diagnosis that allows for a global vision of the Faculty and the detection of information on the fundamental problems of the students. The topics that were developed in the interview and of which a presentation of the data obtained will be made are, socio-economic and academic characteristics of the Studies, Academic aspects of the careers, Aspects of student participation, knowledge about the Vice-Rector's Office of Life student and its programs and projects.
Within the vision, the vice-rector for student life proposes a process of review and restructuring of its policies and organizational structure, which consequently creates Interdisciplinary teams in Centers and Faculties, for greater links with the Faculties of our University. . One of the priority tasks resulting from this process has been the preparation of a diagnosis that allows for a global vision of the Faculty and the detection of information on the fundamental problems of the students. The topics that were developed in the interview and of which a presentation of the data obtained will be made are, socio-economic and academic characteristics of the Studies, Academic aspects of the careers, Aspects of student participation, knowledge about the Vice-Rector's Office of Life student and its programs and projects.
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