Evaluación de las fuentes históricas censales-agropecuarias en Costa Rica: el censo agrícola e industrial de 1905
Peters Solórzano, Gertrud
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Editorial Universidad Nacional
La Escuela de Historia de la Universidad Nacional, a travÉs de su Programa "Historia Social Agraria" ha desarrollado un esfuerzo por adoptar y sistematizar fuentes primarias para su análisis en la historia agraria costarricense en particular y centroamericana. Esto permitirá a investigadores, docentes y extensionistas realizar estudios de casos, análisis prosopográficos, enlace de archivos y desarrollar
proyectos específicos para la historia agraria comparada.
Con el propósito de contribuir a la evaluación y recolecci6n de fuentes históricas agropecuarias, se presentan en esta revista los datos del Censo Agrícola e Industrial de 1905 para la provincia de Heredia (Costa Rica), agrupados en cuatro cuadros estadísticos con el fin de facilitar su análisis.
El artículo está organizado en tres partes: la primera sobre el documento en si y su información; la segunda se refiere a los antecedentes del documento y la última presenta las limitaciones que rodearon a la recolección de los datos censales.
The School of History of the National University, through its Program "Agrarian Social History" has developed an effort to adopt and systematize primary sources for its analysis in the Costa Rican agrarian history in particular and Central America. This will allow researchers, teachers, and extension workers to carry out case studies, prosopographic analyzes, link files, and develop specific projects for comparative agrarian history. With the purpose of contributing to the evaluation and collection of historical agricultural sources, the data from the Agricultural and Industrial Census of 1905 for the province of Heredia (Costa Rica) are presented in this magazine, grouped in four statistical tables in order to facilitate their analysis. analysis. The article is organized in three parts: the first about the document itself and its information; the second refers to the background of the document and the last presents the limitations that surrounded the collection of census data.
The School of History of the National University, through its Program "Agrarian Social History" has developed an effort to adopt and systematize primary sources for its analysis in the Costa Rican agrarian history in particular and Central America. This will allow researchers, teachers, and extension workers to carry out case studies, prosopographic analyzes, link files, and develop specific projects for comparative agrarian history. With the purpose of contributing to the evaluation and collection of historical agricultural sources, the data from the Agricultural and Industrial Census of 1905 for the province of Heredia (Costa Rica) are presented in this magazine, grouped in four statistical tables in order to facilitate their analysis. analysis. The article is organized in three parts: the first about the document itself and its information; the second refers to the background of the document and the last presents the limitations that surrounded the collection of census data.
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