El uso de recursos didácticos de la química para estudiantes, en los colegios académicos diurnos de los circuitos 09 y 11, San José, Costa Rica
Chacón-Ramírez, Nancy
Saborío-García, Franklin
Nova-Bustos, Nidya
saborio garcia
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo fue identificar
con cuáles materiales didácticos cuenta el profesorado para las lecciones de química en dos colegios
académicos en los circuitos 09 y 11. La investigación responde a un estudio complementado en el
enfoque cualitativo, dada la naturaleza de las categorías de análisis y los datos recolectados. Las técnicas
e instrumentos utilizados fueron los cuestionarios, entrevistas y la observación descriptiva. La población
estuvo conformada por dos docentes y un total de 130 estudiantes. Los principales resultados de la
investigación muestran que uno de los colegios sujeto de estudio cuenta con una amplia gama de
recursos para llevar a cabo las actividades experimentales con sus estudiantes, mientras que el otro
colegio académico no cuenta ni con laboratorio, ni con instrumental adecuado para dichas actividades.
Una parte de la población estudiantil entrevistada considera que las lecciones de química son
interesantes, pero otros consideran lo contrario, ya que las sienten aburridas y poco dinámicas. Se puede
proponer trabajar en la construcción de conocimientos del estudiantado, a fin de que se interesen por la
química y, a partir de trabajo e interés, construyan sus conocimientos de forma significativa.
This article presents the results of an investigation conducted to identify which didactic materials teachers have to teach chemistry in two academic secondary schools of the school districts 09 and 11. This research responds to a study complemented with the qualitative approach, given the nature of categories of analysis and data collected. The techniques and instruments used were questionnaires, interviews and descriptive observation. The population studied consisted of two teachers and 130 students. The main results of the investigation show that one of the schools studied has a wide range of resources to carry out experimental activities with their students, while the other academic school has neither laboratory nor proper equipment for such activities. Part of the student population interviewed believes that the lessons of chemistry are interesting, but others believe otherwise, since they consider them as boring and less dynamic. It can be proposed to work in the students’ construction of knowledge so that they would be interested in chemistry and, from work and interest, they could construct their knowledge significantly.
This article presents the results of an investigation conducted to identify which didactic materials teachers have to teach chemistry in two academic secondary schools of the school districts 09 and 11. This research responds to a study complemented with the qualitative approach, given the nature of categories of analysis and data collected. The techniques and instruments used were questionnaires, interviews and descriptive observation. The population studied consisted of two teachers and 130 students. The main results of the investigation show that one of the schools studied has a wide range of resources to carry out experimental activities with their students, while the other academic school has neither laboratory nor proper equipment for such activities. Part of the student population interviewed believes that the lessons of chemistry are interesting, but others believe otherwise, since they consider them as boring and less dynamic. It can be proposed to work in the students’ construction of knowledge so that they would be interested in chemistry and, from work and interest, they could construct their knowledge significantly.
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