Estilo de Comunicación de los estudiantes de la carrera de Administración y Gestión de Recursos Humanos
Vasconcelos-Vásquez, Kattia Lizzett
Ugalde Naranjo, Jinette
Montero Ulate, Betzaida
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Universidad Complutense
Este documento nace como la experiencia de siete años de aplicar la prueba “Mi sistema de comunicación” en el curso de reclutamiento y selección de personal de la carrera de administración y gestión de recursos humanos (AGRH) de la Universidad Técnica Nacional (UTN). Esta prueba se utiliza en procesos de selección de personas en las diferentes organizaciones del país y por el Programa de Habilidades Blandas Empresariales (PROHABLA) de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. El objetivo es conocer el estilo de comunicación de los estudiantes de AGRH para el establecimiento de estrategias organizacionales que se ajusten a sus necesidades. Metodología: Las investigadoras deciden aplicar esta prueba a cuatro grupos de estudiantes utilizando la herramienta Google form, y se utiliza la triangulación en el análisis de los datos. Resultados: La mayoría de las personas participantes son kinésicas y/o kinestésicas, sobresalen los sentidos del tacto, gusto y olfato. Discusión: Los resultados se considera buenos pues la metodología de la Universidad está basada en el “saber-hacer” por tanto al aplicar los sentidos del tacto, gusto y olfato el estudiantado fortalece la comunicación basada en a través de actividades que se basan en las experiencias vivenciales (ejecutar y vivir cada situación). Conclusiones: Una vez que se conocen los resultados se dan dos situaciones a saber: 1) El profesorado puede diseñar las actividades de clase con las estrategias que favorecen la comunicación. 2) El estudiantado reconoce las fortalezas en sus sentidos y aprovechan estos recursos para potenciar otros sentidos y comunicarse de forma integral.
This document was born as the experience of seven years of applying the test “My communication system” in the recruitment and personnel selection course of the human resources administration and management career (AGRH) of the National Technical University (UTN). This test is used in personnel selection processes in different organizations in the country and by the Business Soft Skills Program (PROHABLA) of the National University of Costa Rica. The objective is to learn about the communication style of AGRH students in order to establish organizational strategies that meet their needs. Methodology: The researchers decided to apply this test to four groups of students using the Google form tool, and triangulation was used in the analysis of the data. Results: Most of the participants are kinesthetic and/or kinesthetic, with the senses of touch, taste and smell standing out. Discussion: The results are considered good because the methodology of the University is based on “know-how” therefore by applying the senses of touch, taste and smell the students strengthen communication based on activities that are based on experiential experiences (to execute and live each situation). Conclusions: Once the results are known there are two situations namely: 1) The teaching staff can design class activities with strategies that favor communication. 2) The students recognize the strengths of their senses and take advantage of these resources to enhance other senses and communicate in an integral way.
This document was born as the experience of seven years of applying the test “My communication system” in the recruitment and personnel selection course of the human resources administration and management career (AGRH) of the National Technical University (UTN). This test is used in personnel selection processes in different organizations in the country and by the Business Soft Skills Program (PROHABLA) of the National University of Costa Rica. The objective is to learn about the communication style of AGRH students in order to establish organizational strategies that meet their needs. Methodology: The researchers decided to apply this test to four groups of students using the Google form tool, and triangulation was used in the analysis of the data. Results: Most of the participants are kinesthetic and/or kinesthetic, with the senses of touch, taste and smell standing out. Discussion: The results are considered good because the methodology of the University is based on “know-how” therefore by applying the senses of touch, taste and smell the students strengthen communication based on activities that are based on experiential experiences (to execute and live each situation). Conclusions: Once the results are known there are two situations namely: 1) The teaching staff can design class activities with strategies that favor communication. 2) The students recognize the strengths of their senses and take advantage of these resources to enhance other senses and communicate in an integral way.
Se incluye versión en Inglés.
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