Educación Estadística: tendencias para su enseñanza y aprendizaje en educación secundaria y terciaria
Zamora Araya, José Andrey
Aguilar Fernández, Eduardo
Guillén Oviedo, Helen Susana
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
La Estadística se ha convertido en una disciplina importante en la era de la información debido a las herramientas que aporta para
el análisis e interpretación de datos, a tal punto que la Educación Estadística es considerada como una disciplina nueva y emergente.
Es por ello que el objetivo del presente documento consiste en realizar una revisión bibliográfica que permita obtener información
relacionada con el desarrollo de investigaciones de carácter científico sobre diferentes elementos que pueden considerarse en los
procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la Educación Estadística durante el período 2010-2019 y que han derivado en distintos
aportes para su implementación en el aula. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda en revistas indexadas en las bases de datos de Scopus
y EBSCO, y mediante un proceso de codificación se asignaron términos claves a cada documento. A partir de esta codificación se
proponen cinco tendencias: sentido estadístico, uso de tecnologías, actitudes hacia la Estadística, conocimiento del profesorado
y aprendizaje activo. El análisis de los documentos muestra la importancia de promover la alfabetización, razonamiento y
pensamiento estadísticos en el aula mediante actividades que involucren el uso de recursos tecnológicos, aprendizaje activo y la
necesidad por parte del profesorado de contar con conocimientos disciplinares y pedagógicos que favorezcan actitudes positivas
hacia la Estadística. Se espera que esta sistematización favorezca la reflexión y una visión crítica sobre la forma de impartir temas de
Estadística, y promueva en las personas docentes la necesidad de impulsar una adecuada formación estadística en sus estudiantes.
Statistics has become an important field during the information age since it is used as a data analysis and interpretation tool. Statistics Education is considered to be a new and emerging discipline. A bibliographic review was conducted to probe about existing scientific research related to the teaching of Statistics from 2010 -2019 that have been applied in the classroom. First, a search for indexed journals was performed on two databases - Scopus and EBSCO. A code was assigned to each of the documents found in the search which were then classified according to five categories: Statistical Sense, Use of Technology, Attitude towards Statistics. Teacher Knowledge and Active Learning. e bibliographic review revealed that there is a need to improve statistical literacy, reasoning and thought in the classroom through activities that tap into technology, active learning and teacher Statistics knowledge. Disciplinary and pedagogical insight is required to foster a positive attitude among students towards Statistics. is systematization effort will encourage critical reflection on how to teach this subject matter and foster satisfactory Statistical training among students.
Statistics has become an important field during the information age since it is used as a data analysis and interpretation tool. Statistics Education is considered to be a new and emerging discipline. A bibliographic review was conducted to probe about existing scientific research related to the teaching of Statistics from 2010 -2019 that have been applied in the classroom. First, a search for indexed journals was performed on two databases - Scopus and EBSCO. A code was assigned to each of the documents found in the search which were then classified according to five categories: Statistical Sense, Use of Technology, Attitude towards Statistics. Teacher Knowledge and Active Learning. e bibliographic review revealed that there is a need to improve statistical literacy, reasoning and thought in the classroom through activities that tap into technology, active learning and teacher Statistics knowledge. Disciplinary and pedagogical insight is required to foster a positive attitude among students towards Statistics. is systematization effort will encourage critical reflection on how to teach this subject matter and foster satisfactory Statistical training among students.
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