Generalidades del phylum porifera y bases para su identificación con sinopsis de algunas de ellas, en Limón, Costa Rica
Loaiza Coronado, Betty
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Revisión bibliográfica sobre la taxonomía del Phylum Porifera asociada a la ausencia de personal especializado en este campo, implica que el presente aporte sea el primer estudio realizado en los litorales de Costa Rica. El estudio se efectuó en Isla Uvita y Puerto Vargas, al sur del único arrecife en el Caribe de Costa Rica. Las esponjas fueron colectadas por medio de buceo libre y autónomo entre los 0m y 5m de profundidad. Se utilizó el microscopio óptico y el electrónico de barrido (MEB), el primero para la elaboración de dibujos a escala del esqueleto y el segundo principalmente para la observación de espículas microscleras.
Bibliographic review on the taxonomy of the Phylum Porifera associated with the absence of specialized personnel in this field, implies that this contribution is the first study carried out in the coastlines of Costa Rica. The study was carried out on Isla Uvita and Puerto Vargas, south of the only reef in the Caribbean of Costa Rica. The sponges were collected by means of free and autonomous diving between 0m and 5m of depth. The optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used, the first for the elaboration of scale drawings of the skeleton and the second mainly for the observation of microscler
Bibliographic review on the taxonomy of the Phylum Porifera associated with the absence of specialized personnel in this field, implies that this contribution is the first study carried out in the coastlines of Costa Rica. The study was carried out on Isla Uvita and Puerto Vargas, south of the only reef in the Caribbean of Costa Rica. The sponges were collected by means of free and autonomous diving between 0m and 5m of depth. The optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used, the first for the elaboration of scale drawings of the skeleton and the second mainly for the observation of microscler
Loaiza Coronado, B. (1989). Generalidades del phylum porifera y bases para su identificación con sinopsis de algunas de ellas, en Limón, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica]. Repositorio Académico Institucional.
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