Exposición de trabajadores embolsadores de plátano al plaguicida clorpirifos usado en la bolsa protectora. Cantón Talamanca, provincia Limón
Villalobos Murillo, Johanna
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El clorpirifos es un plaguicida organofosforado y clorado usado en bolsas protectoras de
los racimos de plátano y banano. En Costa Rica, el proceso de embolse no ha sido evaluado
desde la perspectiva ocupacional y existe escasa información sobre el riesgo que puede
generar esta labor. El presente estudio pretendió evaluar la exposición laboral al clorpirifos
en embolsadores de racimos de plátano en pequeñas fincas en los poblados de Shiroles,
Suretka, Margarita y Paraíso, en el cantón de Talamanca. Participaron14 trabajadores
agrícolas, nueve embolsadores y cinco trabajadores quienes realizaron otras actividades, de
los que se obtuvieron muestras de orina (n=19), lavado de manos (n=18) y aire (n=8).
Además se les aplicó un cuestionario(n=19) y se observó a cinco trabajadores para
documentar las labores efectuadas en el día de muestreo, el uso de equipo de protección
personal , sus hábitos de higiene y otros posibles determinantes de exposición. Se
determinó concentraciones de clorpirifos en muestras de lavados de manos y en muestras
de aire mediante cromatografía de gases con detector de masas y la concentración urinaria
del 3,5,6-tricloro-2-piridinol mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución con detector
de masas.
Las concentraciones de clorpirifos para embolsadores versus no- embolsadores fueron:
(a) en promedio en ambas manos178 µg versus 2,3 µg; y (b) en aire la media geométrica
(MG) fue de 119 ng/m3 versus 10 ng/m3
respectivamente. El principal metabolito de
clorpirifos, el 3, 5, 6-tricloropiridinol (TCP), se encontró en la orina de todos los
participantes; la MG de las concentraciones en embolsadores versus no- embolsadores fue
de 38µg/g versus 5,3µg/g, respectivamente. La dosis de referencia crónica (RfD) de 0,3
µg/kg-día fue rebasada por los embolsadores (1,2 µ/kg-día, bajo una masa corporal de 70
kg) y las estimaciones de Margen de Exposición (MOE) mostraron que la exposición
dérmica podría causar efectos adversos en los embolsadores.
Los resultados sugieren que los embolsadores tienen exposición considerable al
clorpirifos, cuya principal vía de absorción es la dérmica y está determinada por la cantidad
de bolsas tocadas, rapidez del embolse, permanencia en campo y frecuencia del embolse.
Se recomienda evitar el uso de la bolsa con clorpirifos y sustituirla, si fuese posible, por
bolsas sin ningún tratamiento con plaguicidas. Además, se exhorta a los pequeños
productores a que implementen métodos de producción alternativos que disminuyan el
consumo de plaguicidas y con ello, la exposición de los trabajadores y comunidad
Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate and chlorine pesticide used in protective bags of the banana and plantain clusters. In Costa Rica, the bagging process has not been evaluated from an occupational perspective and there is little information about the risk that can generate this work. The present study aimed to evaluate the occupational exposure to chlorpyrifos in baggers of banana clusters in small farms in the villages of Shiroles, Suretka, Margarita and Paraíso, in the canton of Talamanca. 14 workers participated nine baggers and five workers who performed other activities, from those who obtained samples of urine (n=19), hand washing (n=18) and air (n=8). In addition, a questionnaire was applied to them (n=19) and five workers were observed to document the work done on the day of sampling, the use of protective equipment personal, their hygiene habits and other possible determinants of exposure. It is determined concentrations of chlorpyrifos in hand washing samples and of air by gas chromatography with mass detector and urinary concentration of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol by means of high performance liquid chromatography with of masses. The concentrations of chlorpyrifos for baggers versus non-baggers were (a) on average in both hands178 µg versus 2.3 µg; and (b) in air the geometric mean (MG) was 119 ng/m3 versus 10 ng/m3 respectively. The main metabolite of chlorpyrifos, the 3, 5, 6-trichloropyridinol (TCP), was found in the urine of all participants; the MG of bagger versus non-bagger concentrations was of 38µg/g versus 5.3µg/g, respectively. The chronic reference dose (RfD) of 0.3 µg/kg-day was exceeded by the baggers (1.2 µ/kg-day, under a body mass of 70 kg) and the exposure margin estimates (MOE) showed that the exposure The use of a dermal filler may cause adverse effects on baggers. The results suggest that baggers have considerable exposure to chlorpyrifos, whose main absorption route is dermal and is determined by the amount of bags touched, speed of bagging, permanence in field and frequency of bagging. It is recommended to avoid the use of the bag with chlorpyrifos and to replace it, if possible, with bags without any treatment with pesticides. In addition, small producers to implement alternative production methods that reduce the consumption of pesticides and with it, the exposure of workers and community surrounding.
Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate and chlorine pesticide used in protective bags of the banana and plantain clusters. In Costa Rica, the bagging process has not been evaluated from an occupational perspective and there is little information about the risk that can generate this work. The present study aimed to evaluate the occupational exposure to chlorpyrifos in baggers of banana clusters in small farms in the villages of Shiroles, Suretka, Margarita and Paraíso, in the canton of Talamanca. 14 workers participated nine baggers and five workers who performed other activities, from those who obtained samples of urine (n=19), hand washing (n=18) and air (n=8). In addition, a questionnaire was applied to them (n=19) and five workers were observed to document the work done on the day of sampling, the use of protective equipment personal, their hygiene habits and other possible determinants of exposure. It is determined concentrations of chlorpyrifos in hand washing samples and of air by gas chromatography with mass detector and urinary concentration of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol by means of high performance liquid chromatography with of masses. The concentrations of chlorpyrifos for baggers versus non-baggers were (a) on average in both hands178 µg versus 2.3 µg; and (b) in air the geometric mean (MG) was 119 ng/m3 versus 10 ng/m3 respectively. The main metabolite of chlorpyrifos, the 3, 5, 6-trichloropyridinol (TCP), was found in the urine of all participants; the MG of bagger versus non-bagger concentrations was of 38µg/g versus 5.3µg/g, respectively. The chronic reference dose (RfD) of 0.3 µg/kg-day was exceeded by the baggers (1.2 µ/kg-day, under a body mass of 70 kg) and the exposure margin estimates (MOE) showed that the exposure The use of a dermal filler may cause adverse effects on baggers. The results suggest that baggers have considerable exposure to chlorpyrifos, whose main absorption route is dermal and is determined by the amount of bags touched, speed of bagging, permanence in field and frequency of bagging. It is recommended to avoid the use of the bag with chlorpyrifos and to replace it, if possible, with bags without any treatment with pesticides. In addition, small producers to implement alternative production methods that reduce the consumption of pesticides and with it, the exposure of workers and community surrounding.
Trabajo presentado para optar al grado de Máster en Salud Ocupacional con énfasis en Higiene Ambiental
Programa Infantes y Salud Ambiental
Programa ISA
Infant´s Environmental Health Study
Infant´s Environmental Health Program
Programa Infantes y Salud Ambiental
Programa ISA
Infant´s Environmental Health Study
Infant´s Environmental Health Program
Palabras clave