Pasantía en Buiatría de bovinos especializados en producción lechera de la Zona del Volcán Poás y Vara Blanca.
Alfaro Blanco, José Emilio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente trabajo describe una pasantía realizada en Buiatría en la zona del volcán Poás y
Varablanca en un periodo de cuatro meses (10 mayo al 16 septiembre del 2013). Durante la
pasantía se realizaron visitas programadas a fincas y atención de emergencias, en
explotaciones atendidas por el Dr. Jaime Murillo y el Dr. Frank Hueckmann.
El trabajo se dividió en dos partes, en la primera se hizo un análisis de la casuística
atendida durante la pasantía; se dividieron los casos en diferentes áreas: Salud de Hato, casos
clínicos, cirugía y necropsias. Se comentaron algunos de los casos más relevantes.
En la segunda parte se hizo la evaluación de cuatro fincas con el programa VAMPP
Bovino®, con el objetivo de capacitarse en la utilización del programa y determinar los
parámetros reproductivos y productivos de las mismas; para conocer cuáles son las fortalezas
y debilidades de las mismas.
En términos generales los resultados de las evaluaciones de las fincas fueron: que los
parámetros como el porcentaje de detección de celos y el intervalo parto primer servicio
estuvieron más distantes a los valores óptimos, por ello es importante en el ámbito veterinario
enfocar fuerzas para mejorar los mismos. Otro punto importante es el manejo de la edad al
primer parto, porque estuvo distante a los valores óptimos en los hatos evaluados
This paper describes an internship in buiatrics in the Poas Volcano and Varablanca area, over a period of four months (May 10 to September 16, 2013). During the internship, there were performed scheduled farm visits and emergency care in farms supervised by Dr. Jaime Murillo and Dr. Frank Hueckmann. The work was divided in two parts: first an analysis of cases seen during the internship was done, the cases were divided into different areas: Herd Health, clinical case supervision, surgeries and necropsies. The more relevant cases were deeply discussed. In the second part, the evaluation of four farms was done using the VAMPP Bovino® program, training the student in the use of the program and determining the reproductive and productive parameters of the farms included in the study. In general terms, the results of the evaluations of the farms are as follows: the parameters such as the percentage of heat detection and the first service delivery were most distant from the optimal values, so it is important to focus on the veterinary forces to improve them. Another important point is the management of the age at first birth, which was distant to the optimal values in the herds evaluated.
This paper describes an internship in buiatrics in the Poas Volcano and Varablanca area, over a period of four months (May 10 to September 16, 2013). During the internship, there were performed scheduled farm visits and emergency care in farms supervised by Dr. Jaime Murillo and Dr. Frank Hueckmann. The work was divided in two parts: first an analysis of cases seen during the internship was done, the cases were divided into different areas: Herd Health, clinical case supervision, surgeries and necropsies. The more relevant cases were deeply discussed. In the second part, the evaluation of four farms was done using the VAMPP Bovino® program, training the student in the use of the program and determining the reproductive and productive parameters of the farms included in the study. In general terms, the results of the evaluations of the farms are as follows: the parameters such as the percentage of heat detection and the first service delivery were most distant from the optimal values, so it is important to focus on the veterinary forces to improve them. Another important point is the management of the age at first birth, which was distant to the optimal values in the herds evaluated.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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