Un camino hacia la potenciación de recursos psicológicos con los que cuentan los (as) hermanos (as) de pacientes con Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne de la Clínica de Cuidados Paliativos y Control del Dolor del Hospital Nacional de Niños: Guía práctica para el acompañamiento psicológico. En un periodo de ocho meses.
Naranjo Mejía, Carolina
Mora Acuña, Pamela M.
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente documento corresponde al planeamiento, elaboración y desarrollo del
proyecto adscrito al Comité Ético Científico del Hospital Nacional de Niños (HNN), que
pertenece al Trabajo Final de Graduación para obtener el grado académico de Licenciatura
en Psicología de la Universidad Nacional, realizado por las sustentantes Carolina Naranjo
Mejía y Pamela M. Mora Acuña.
El proyecto tuvo lugar en la Clínica de Cuidados Paliativos (C.C.P.) y Control del
Dolor en el HNN, fundada en el año 1990 por la Dra. Lisbeth Quesada Tristán. La C.C.P. y
Control del Dolor del HNN, una organización costarricense sin fines de lucro que tiene como
objetivo atender a los (as) niños (as) en condición de vida limitada o en fase terminal.
Se utilizó como metodología, la Investigación Acción, la cual impulsa una forma de
producción científica basada en la reflexión de los propios sujetos de investigación.
Se propuso como objetivo promover los recursos psicológicos en hermanos (as) de
pacientes con Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) de la C.C.P. y Control del Dolor del
HNN por medio de un proceso de acompañamiento psicológico, desde la intervenciónacción que culminó con la elaboración y validación de una guía de acompañamiento
psicológico. En ella se incluyen propuestas concretas de sesiones lúdicas que pueden ser
empleadas para trabajar con hermanos (as) de pacientes con alguna enfermedad
neurodegenerativa que presenten una discapacidad motora-física significativa. Las sesiones
están dirigidas a niños (as) de siete a doce años.
Dentro del marco del diagnóstico participativo se lograron identificar como
principales amenazas psicológicas: una baja capacidad para verbalizar y reconocer las
emociones, dificultades en su manejo, y de igual manera dificultades en el proceso de
autoconocimiento. También se reconoce como amenazante el rol tradicional de género, en
el tanto la labor de cuidadora se vivencie como un mandato social por sexo biológico,
aunado a la ausencia afectiva de la figura paterna. Y como principales recursos
psicológicos, se destacan: el manejo de la comunicación asertiva en el núcleo familiar,
tendencia a la autonomía y el liderazgo, capacidad de adaptación, y estilos de vida dirigidos
a la práctica de valores como: el optimismo, la colaboración, el amor, el respeto, la
solidaridad y la cooperación.
Como principal resultado se diseña la guía: ¨Fortaleciendo nuestros recursos
psicológicos. Sesiones lúdicas para trabajar con niños y niñas hermanos (as) de pacientes
atendidos en la Clínica de Cuidados Paliativos del Hospital Nacional de Niños¨, a partir de
un diagnóstico participativo y validada con un grupo de hermanos de pacientes con DMD.
En la propuesta metodológica se desarrollan los siguientes contenidos temáticos:
autoconocimiento, manejo de las emociones, capacidad de adaptación, igualdad de género,
y convivencia.
De acuerdo con la evaluación e impresiones recogidas de las personas participantes
se puede concluir que espacios dirigidos a potenciar los recursos y disminuir las amenazas
de los hermanos (as) de niños (as) con enfermedades neurodegenerativas, constituyen
procesos importantes de crecimiento personal, que deben promoverse desde esfuerzos
institucionales y no gubernamentales.
Se concluye en la importancia de atender a los (as) niños (as) hermanos (as) de
pacientes de la C.C.P. ya que ellos (as) también atraviesan un proceso de cambio
emocional, psicológico, y de readaptación radical que considerando su etapa de desarrollo,
las exigencias emocionales que implica ser hermano de un paciente con DMD pueden
sobrepasar las capacidades y habilidades de afrontamiento de algunos (as) niños (as),lo
que puede traer como consecuencia el origen de conductas de riesgo y/o poco saludables
para su desarrollo. Por medio de actividades y/o proyectos dirigidos a los (as) niños (as)
hermanos (as) de pacientes con DMD que faciliten la reconstrucción de su mundo
emocional, donde sus emociones sean valoradas, validadas y respetadas. Esto permitiría
reconocer a los (as) hermanos (as) como parte importante de la dinámica familiar, y
fomentar su salud mental.
Por último, se recomienda considerar la implementación de la guía: ¨Fortaleciendo nuestros
recursos psicológicos. Sesiones lúdicas para trabajar con niños y niñas hermanos (as) de
pacientes atendidos en la Clínica de Cuidados Paliativos del Hospital Nacional de Niños¨,
como una propuesta programática en el plan de trabajo de la CCP, dado que las
investigadoras han brindado la autorización absoluta para su réplica y ajuste según lo
necesite la población.
This document corresponds to the planning, elaboration and development of the project attached to the Scientific Ethics Committee of the National Children's Hospital (HNN), which belongs to the Final Graduation Project to obtain the academic degree of Bachelor in Psychology from the National University, carried out by the supporters Carolina Naranjo Mejía and Pamela M. Mora Acuña. The project took place in the Clinic for Palliative Care (C.C.P.) and Control of the Pain in the HNN, founded in 1990 by Dr. Lisbeth Quesada Tristán. The C.C.P. Y Pain Control of the HNN, a Costa Rican non-profit organization that has as objective to serve children in a limited life condition or in a terminal phase. Action Research was used as a methodology, which promotes a form of scientific production based on the reflection of the research subjects themselves. The objective was to promote psychological resources in siblings of patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) of the C.C.P. and Pain Control HNN through a process of psychological accompaniment, from the intervention action that culminated in the elaboration and validation of an accompaniment guide psychological. It includes specific proposals for playful sessions that can be employed to work with siblings of patients with a disease neurodegenerative patients with significant physical-motor disability. The sessions They are aimed at children from seven to twelve years old. Within the framework of the participatory diagnosis, it was possible to identify main psychological threats: a low ability to verbalize and recognize emotions, difficulties in their management, and in the same way difficulties in the process of self-knowledge. The traditional gender role is also recognized as threatening, in both the caregiving work is experienced as a social mandate due to biological sex, coupled with the affective absence of the father figure. And as main resources psychological, stand out: the management of assertive communication in the family nucleus, tendency to autonomy and leadership, adaptability, and directed lifestyles to the practice of values such as: optimism, collaboration, love, respect, solidarity and cooperation. As main result the guide is designed: ¨ Strengthening our resources psychological. Playful sessions to work with sibling boys and girls of patients treated at the Palliative Care Clinic of the National Children's Hospital, from a participatory and validated diagnosis with a group of siblings of patients with DMD. In the methodological proposal the following thematic contents are developed: self-knowledge, emotion management, adaptability, gender equality, and coexistence. According to the evaluation and impressions collected from the participants it can be concluded that spaces aimed at enhancing resources and reducing threats of siblings of children with neurodegenerative diseases, constitute important processes of personal growth, which must be promoted from efforts institutional and non-governmental. It concludes on the importance of caring for the children (as) siblings (as) of patients of the C.C.P. since they also go through a process of change emotional, psychological, and radical rehabilitation that considering their stage of development, the emotional demands of being a brother of a DMD patient can surpass the capacities and coping skills of some children, which which can result in the origin of risky and / or unhealthy behaviors For their develpment. Through activities and / or projects aimed at children siblings of DMD patients who facilitate the reconstruction of their world emotional, where your emotions are valued, validated and respected. This would allow recognize siblings as an important part of family dynamics, and promote your mental health. Finally, it is recommended to consider the implementation of the guide: ¨ Strengthening our psychological resources. Playful sessions to work with sibling boys and girls from patients treated at the Palliative Care Clinic of the National Children's Hospital¨, as a programmatic proposal in the CPC work plan, given that the investigators have given absolute authorization for its replication and adjustment as need the population.
This document corresponds to the planning, elaboration and development of the project attached to the Scientific Ethics Committee of the National Children's Hospital (HNN), which belongs to the Final Graduation Project to obtain the academic degree of Bachelor in Psychology from the National University, carried out by the supporters Carolina Naranjo Mejía and Pamela M. Mora Acuña. The project took place in the Clinic for Palliative Care (C.C.P.) and Control of the Pain in the HNN, founded in 1990 by Dr. Lisbeth Quesada Tristán. The C.C.P. Y Pain Control of the HNN, a Costa Rican non-profit organization that has as objective to serve children in a limited life condition or in a terminal phase. Action Research was used as a methodology, which promotes a form of scientific production based on the reflection of the research subjects themselves. The objective was to promote psychological resources in siblings of patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) of the C.C.P. and Pain Control HNN through a process of psychological accompaniment, from the intervention action that culminated in the elaboration and validation of an accompaniment guide psychological. It includes specific proposals for playful sessions that can be employed to work with siblings of patients with a disease neurodegenerative patients with significant physical-motor disability. The sessions They are aimed at children from seven to twelve years old. Within the framework of the participatory diagnosis, it was possible to identify main psychological threats: a low ability to verbalize and recognize emotions, difficulties in their management, and in the same way difficulties in the process of self-knowledge. The traditional gender role is also recognized as threatening, in both the caregiving work is experienced as a social mandate due to biological sex, coupled with the affective absence of the father figure. And as main resources psychological, stand out: the management of assertive communication in the family nucleus, tendency to autonomy and leadership, adaptability, and directed lifestyles to the practice of values such as: optimism, collaboration, love, respect, solidarity and cooperation. As main result the guide is designed: ¨ Strengthening our resources psychological. Playful sessions to work with sibling boys and girls of patients treated at the Palliative Care Clinic of the National Children's Hospital, from a participatory and validated diagnosis with a group of siblings of patients with DMD. In the methodological proposal the following thematic contents are developed: self-knowledge, emotion management, adaptability, gender equality, and coexistence. According to the evaluation and impressions collected from the participants it can be concluded that spaces aimed at enhancing resources and reducing threats of siblings of children with neurodegenerative diseases, constitute important processes of personal growth, which must be promoted from efforts institutional and non-governmental. It concludes on the importance of caring for the children (as) siblings (as) of patients of the C.C.P. since they also go through a process of change emotional, psychological, and radical rehabilitation that considering their stage of development, the emotional demands of being a brother of a DMD patient can surpass the capacities and coping skills of some children, which which can result in the origin of risky and / or unhealthy behaviors For their develpment. Through activities and / or projects aimed at children siblings of DMD patients who facilitate the reconstruction of their world emotional, where your emotions are valued, validated and respected. This would allow recognize siblings as an important part of family dynamics, and promote your mental health. Finally, it is recommended to consider the implementation of the guide: ¨ Strengthening our psychological resources. Playful sessions to work with sibling boys and girls from patients treated at the Palliative Care Clinic of the National Children's Hospital¨, as a programmatic proposal in the CPC work plan, given that the investigators have given absolute authorization for its replication and adjustment as need the population.
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