Propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de la herencia mendeliana y no mendeliana a estudiantes de décimo año de dos colegios diurnos, enfocada en los estilos de aprendizaje
Chavarría Hernández, Stephanie
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Esta investigación tuvo como propósito construir una propuesta metodológica basada en los estilos de aprendizaje para el mejoramiento del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los estudiantes de décimo año de dos colegios diurnos, en el tema de Herencia Mendeliana y No Mendeliana.
La investigación responde a un tipo de investigación mixta, éste es un enfoque en el cual se recolecta, analiza y une datos cualitativos y cuantitativos en un mismo estudio.
Para poder elaborar la propuesta didáctica lo primero que se hizo fue escoger los sujetos de investigación, en este caso dos instituciones académicas diurnas, estudiantes de décimo año, así como dos profesoras de biología. Posteriormente se validaron los instrumentos, para recolectar los datos y a analizarlos.
En esta investigación se utilizaron tres instrumentos: entrevistas semiestructuradas a las dos profesoras de biología así como a los estudiantes de décimo año de las secciones elegidas de ambos colegios. Un test de estilos de aprendizaje a los estudiantes de las secciones elegidas, además observaciones a las clases de biología. En el análisis se utilizaron matrices y triangulaciones.
Los resultados muestran que las docentes tienen claro que se deben utilizar estrategias creativas para desarrollar sus clases sin embargo por falta de tiempo y extensión del programa del MEP, no lo hacen. Además, las educadoras no manejan un concepto claro con respecto a los estilos de aprendizaje, por el contrario su conocimiento se dirige más, a los estilos de enseñanza.
Otro resultado, es que todos los estudiantes aprenden de diversas formas. Sin embargo se determinó que el estilo auditivo era el de mayor predominancia. Así mismo se identificaron estudiantes que pueden desarrollar una alta o baja predominancia simultáneamente en los tres estilos de aprendizaje (visual, auditivo, kinestésico). Es importante destacar que la docente debe realizar diversas estrategias que logren integrar los tres estilos de aprendizaje durante las clases para que se logre un aprendizaje significativo. En cuanto los temas de mayor y menor dificultad no existe concordancia entre las educadoras y los estudiantes. Lo que refleja la diferencia que puede existir en un salón de clase. Las conclusiones indican: poco conocimiento del tema de estilos de aprendizaje por parte de las docentes; las clases que se desarrollan son del tipo magistral, existe diversidad de aprendizaje en los estudiantes, siendo el auditivo el de mayor predominancia a nivel general y por último los temas con mayor y menor dificultad no concuerdan en el caso de las profesoras y los estudiantes.
La propuesta que se plantea, busca integrar los tres estilos de aprendizaje, mediante actividades que se puedan desarrollar durante una clase, logrando un aprendizaje significativo de los temas de Herencia Mendeliana y no Mendeliana.
Dentro de las recomendaciones se sugiere que se realicen más investigaciones en el tema, que se integre el tema de los estilos de aprendizaje como un curso básico en el programa universitario. Las docentes que incorporen los estilos de aprendizaje dentro de su planeamiento para desarrollar un aprendizaje significativo en el tema de genética.
The purpose of this research was to build a methodological proposal based on learning styles for the improvement of the teaching and learning process of tenth-year students of two day schools, on the subject of Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Inheritance. The research responds to a type of mixed research, this is an approach in which qualitative and quantitative data is collected, analyzed and combined in the same study. In order to develop the didactic proposal, the first thing that was done was to choose the research subjects, in this case two daytime academic institutions, tenth-year students, as well as two biology teachers. Subsequently, the instruments were validated, to collect the data and analyze them. In this research, three instruments were used: semi-structured interviews with the two biology teachers as well as with the tenth-year students of the selected sections of both schools. A test of learning styles to the students of the chosen sections, as well as observations to the biology classes. Matrices and triangulations were used in the analysis. The results show that the teachers are clear that creative strategies must be used to develop their classes, however due to lack of time and extension of the MEP program, they do not do so. In addition, the educators do not have a clear concept regarding learning styles, on the contrary, their knowledge is directed more to teaching styles. Another result is that all students learn in different ways. However, it was determined that the auditory style was the most predominant. Likewise, students who can develop a high or low predominance simultaneously in the three learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) were identified. It is important to highlight that the teacher must carry out various strategies that manage to integrate the three learning styles during classes so that meaningful learning is achieved. Regarding the topics of greater and lesser difficulty, there is no agreement between the educators and the students. Which reflects the difference that can exist in a classroom. The conclusions indicate: little knowledge of the subject of learning styles on the part of the teachers; the classes that are developed are of the magistral type, there is diversity of learning in the students, being the auditory the one with the greatest predominance at a general level and finally the topics with the greatest and least difficulty do not agree in the case of the teachers and the students. The proposed proposal seeks to integrate the three learning styles, through activities that can be developed during a class, achieving significant learning of Mendelian and non-Mendelian Inheritance issues. Within the recommendations it is suggested that more research be carried out on the subject, that the subject of learning styles be integrated as a basic course in the university program. Teachers who incorporate learning styles into their planning to develop significant learning in the subject of genetics.
The purpose of this research was to build a methodological proposal based on learning styles for the improvement of the teaching and learning process of tenth-year students of two day schools, on the subject of Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Inheritance. The research responds to a type of mixed research, this is an approach in which qualitative and quantitative data is collected, analyzed and combined in the same study. In order to develop the didactic proposal, the first thing that was done was to choose the research subjects, in this case two daytime academic institutions, tenth-year students, as well as two biology teachers. Subsequently, the instruments were validated, to collect the data and analyze them. In this research, three instruments were used: semi-structured interviews with the two biology teachers as well as with the tenth-year students of the selected sections of both schools. A test of learning styles to the students of the chosen sections, as well as observations to the biology classes. Matrices and triangulations were used in the analysis. The results show that the teachers are clear that creative strategies must be used to develop their classes, however due to lack of time and extension of the MEP program, they do not do so. In addition, the educators do not have a clear concept regarding learning styles, on the contrary, their knowledge is directed more to teaching styles. Another result is that all students learn in different ways. However, it was determined that the auditory style was the most predominant. Likewise, students who can develop a high or low predominance simultaneously in the three learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) were identified. It is important to highlight that the teacher must carry out various strategies that manage to integrate the three learning styles during classes so that meaningful learning is achieved. Regarding the topics of greater and lesser difficulty, there is no agreement between the educators and the students. Which reflects the difference that can exist in a classroom. The conclusions indicate: little knowledge of the subject of learning styles on the part of the teachers; the classes that are developed are of the magistral type, there is diversity of learning in the students, being the auditory the one with the greatest predominance at a general level and finally the topics with the greatest and least difficulty do not agree in the case of the teachers and the students. The proposed proposal seeks to integrate the three learning styles, through activities that can be developed during a class, achieving significant learning of Mendelian and non-Mendelian Inheritance issues. Within the recommendations it is suggested that more research be carried out on the subject, that the subject of learning styles be integrated as a basic course in the university program. Teachers who incorporate learning styles into their planning to develop significant learning in the subject of genetics.
Chavarría Hernández, S. (2011). Propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de la herencia mendeliana y no mendeliana a estudiantes de décimo año de dos colegios diurnos, enfocada en los estilos de aprendizaje. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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