Entre la dominación y la resistencia: las relaciones de poder en la evaluación de los aprendizajes durante la enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales a partir de las percepciones de un grupo de ocho estudiantes de décimo año del Liceo San Antonio de Desamparados
Chinchilla Miranda, Valeria
Moya Fuentes, José Gabriel
Vásquez Cordero, Adriana Francella
Vallejos Cambronero, Jonnathan Andrey
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente proyecto de investigación pretende indagar acerca de los procesos de dominación y resistencia que surgen durante la evaluación de los aprendizajes bajo el contexto de la enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales en la República de Costa Rica. De esta manera se enfoca en un análisis de las perspectivas de ocho estudiantes de décimo año del Liceo San Antonio de Desamparados, con el fin de comprender cómo estas relaciones de poder se manifiestan y son percibidas por la población estudiantil. La justificación de esta investigación radica en la necesidad de profundizar en la comprensión de las dinámicas de poder presentes en el ámbito educativo costarricense, específicamente en el contexto de la evaluación de los aprendizajes. Metodológicamente esta investigación parte del paradigma de la complejidad, con un enfoque cualitativo. En la aplicación de instrumentos para la recolección de información se utilizaron entrevistas, observaciones no participantes y grupos focales. Estas técnicas permiten una exploración en profundidad de las percepciones y experiencias del estudiantado, así como de las interacciones entre docentes y estudiantes. De esta manera se logró evidenciar la importancia que tiene la construcción de elementos acerca de las dinámicas de dominación y la respuesta a la resistencia que se enmarcan dentro de los procesos evaluativos. Por lo que, se propone una vinculación de ambos conceptos que deben ser tomados en cuenta en las expresiones cotidianas de evaluación que se desarrollan de las clases en dicha asignatura.
This research project aims to investigate the processes of domination and resistance that arise during the assessment of learning in the context of teaching Social Studies in the Republic of Costa Rica. In this way, it focuses on an analysis of the perspectives of eight tenth-grade students from the Liceo San Antonio de Desamparados, in order to understand how these power relations manifest themselves and are perceived by the student population. The justification of this research lies in the need to deepen the understanding of the power dynamics present in the Costa Rican educational environment, specifically in the context of the assessment of learning. Methodologically, this research is based on the paradigm of complexity, with a qualitative approach. In the application of instruments for the collection of information, interviews, non-participant observations and focus groups were used. These techniques allow an in-depth exploration of the perceptions and experiences of the students, as well as the interactions between teachers and students. In this way, it was possible to demonstrate the importance of constructing elements about the dynamics of domination and the response to resistance that are part of the evaluation processes. Therefore, a link between both concepts is proposed, which should be taken into account in the daily expressions of evaluation that are developed in the classes in this subject.
This research project aims to investigate the processes of domination and resistance that arise during the assessment of learning in the context of teaching Social Studies in the Republic of Costa Rica. In this way, it focuses on an analysis of the perspectives of eight tenth-grade students from the Liceo San Antonio de Desamparados, in order to understand how these power relations manifest themselves and are perceived by the student population. The justification of this research lies in the need to deepen the understanding of the power dynamics present in the Costa Rican educational environment, specifically in the context of the assessment of learning. Methodologically, this research is based on the paradigm of complexity, with a qualitative approach. In the application of instruments for the collection of information, interviews, non-participant observations and focus groups were used. These techniques allow an in-depth exploration of the perceptions and experiences of the students, as well as the interactions between teachers and students. In this way, it was possible to demonstrate the importance of constructing elements about the dynamics of domination and the response to resistance that are part of the evaluation processes. Therefore, a link between both concepts is proposed, which should be taken into account in the daily expressions of evaluation that are developed in the classes in this subject.
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