Análisis descriptivo de la prevalencia y resistencia antimicrobiana de Salmonella enterica no tifodeo durante el período postparto de vacas lecheras en la Región Central y Norte de Costa Rica
Huertas Sánchez, Gustavo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La salmonelosis corresponde a una de las enfermedades de mayor propagación a nivel
mundial y varios estudios en múltiples países han confirmado a los sistemas de producción como
un posible punto de origen de la infección, la cual puede llegar hasta la mesa de los
consumidores. A partir de esto y sumado a la falta de información en el estudio de la enfermedad
y prevalencia en producción primaria a nivel nacional, se propuso el presente proyecto.
El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia y perfiles de
resistencia a antibióticos de Salmonella enterica no tifoidea recuperada de muestras fecales en
bovinos de leche durante la etapa de postparto dentro de la Región Central y Huetar Norte del
territorio costarricense durante el año 2019. Para cumplir nuestro objetivo, se realizó el muestreo
de diez fincas entre las dos regiones para analizar un total de 300 muestras fecales, se incluyeron
fincas que se mantuvieran con poblaciones entre los 100 - 180 animales; los animales incluidos
en el estudio debían encontrarse entre las primeras tres semanas postparto.
Todas las muestras pasaron por un proceso para detección y aislamiento de Salmonella
enterica no tifoidea, así mismo a aquellas muestras que resultaron positivas, se les realizó un
protocolo para determinación de sensibilidad antibiótica. La prevalencia general obtenida
resultó ser de un 6% (18/300), a nivel de región las prevalencias correspondieron a un 7,77%
(14/180) en la Región Huetar Norte y un 3,33% (4/120) en la Región Central. En cuanto a la
etapa postparto un 44,44% (8/18) de las muestran positivas provinieron de animales dentro de
la primera semana postparto, mientras que para la segunda y tercera semana postparto se aisló
un 27,77 % (5/18).
De las pruebas de sensibilidad a antibióticos realizadas a los aislamientos, se obtuvo un
72,22% (13/18) de pansusceptibilidad a todos los antibióticos analizados, mientras que un
27,77% (5/18) presentaron monorresistencia a la nitrofurantoína. No se encontraron bacterias
parcialmente resistentes ni multirresistencia en ninguno de los aislamientos.
Adicionalmente se realizó una inspección a todas las granjas visitadas para observar
diferentes aspectos de manejo, y considerar varios factores predisponentes para cada una de las
fincas que podrían generar una influencia sobre la presencia de la bacteria. Con el objetivo de
informar a los productores sobre estas inconformidades y realizar las correcciones pertinentes
para poder mejorar sus sistemas de producción y de esta formar disminuir o prevenir la presencia
de la bacteria en estos.
A partir de este estudio se determinó por primera vez datos relacionados con la
prevalencia y resistencia a antibióticos de Salmonella spp. en fincas dentro del territorio
costarricense, sin embargo, también instamos por un aumento en la escala de futuros estudios
no sólo en cuanto a poblaciones, sino también en cuanto a relación de variables que pueden
afectar de manera directa la presencia de la bacteria en las explotaciones pecuarias. Con todo
esto, será posible tener un panorama amplio de su epidemiología en el país y por ende generar
un programa de mitigación con el propósito de asegurar la inocuidad alimentaria desde la granja
a la mesa bajo el paradigma de Una Salud.
Salmonellosis corresponds to one of the diseases with the greatest spread worldwide and several studies in multiple countries have confirmed production systems as a possible point of origin of the infection, which can reach the consumer’s table. Based on this, added to the lack of development in the study of the disease at a national level, the present project was proposed. The present cross-sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence and antibiotic resistance profiles of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica recovered from fecal samples of postpartum dairy cattle located at the Central and Northern Region of Costa Rica during 2019. For this, a total of 300 fecal samples from ten farms were analyzed. Inclusion criteria considered dairy cows within the 1-3 weeks postpartum from medium size herds of 100 - 180 animals. All samples were subjected for the detection and isolation of non-typhoid Salmonella enterica, and an antibiotic susceptibility profile was carried out to all recovered isolates. The overall prevalence of fecal Salmonella was 6% (18/300), with 7.77% (14/180) at the Huetar Norte Region and 3.33% (4/120) at the Central Region. Regarding the postpartum stage, 44.44% (8/18) of the positive samples were obtained from animals within the first postpartum week, and 27.77% (5/18) corresponded to the second and third postpartum weeks. The antibiotic susceptibility showed a 72.22% (13/18) pansusceptible isolates to all the 15 analyzed antibiotics, while 27.77% (5/18) presented mono resistance to nitrofurantoin. Non intermediate resistant or multi-resistant isolates were found in this study. Additionally, management practices and biosecurity measures were analyzed in all visited farms considering various predisposing factors that could have influence on the spread of Salmonella between animals and environment. A feedback of findings and corrective measures were provided to all producers in order to improve the management practices and prevention strategies to decrease Salmonella prevalence. The present study offers unique preliminary data related to the prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Salmonella enterica on farms in Costa Rica. Larger scale studies are highly recommended to address the impact of production practices that can directly affect the presence of the bacterium in livestock. This type of studies provides an insight of farm practices that could be addressed to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases with animal and human impact under a One Health approach.
Salmonellosis corresponds to one of the diseases with the greatest spread worldwide and several studies in multiple countries have confirmed production systems as a possible point of origin of the infection, which can reach the consumer’s table. Based on this, added to the lack of development in the study of the disease at a national level, the present project was proposed. The present cross-sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence and antibiotic resistance profiles of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica recovered from fecal samples of postpartum dairy cattle located at the Central and Northern Region of Costa Rica during 2019. For this, a total of 300 fecal samples from ten farms were analyzed. Inclusion criteria considered dairy cows within the 1-3 weeks postpartum from medium size herds of 100 - 180 animals. All samples were subjected for the detection and isolation of non-typhoid Salmonella enterica, and an antibiotic susceptibility profile was carried out to all recovered isolates. The overall prevalence of fecal Salmonella was 6% (18/300), with 7.77% (14/180) at the Huetar Norte Region and 3.33% (4/120) at the Central Region. Regarding the postpartum stage, 44.44% (8/18) of the positive samples were obtained from animals within the first postpartum week, and 27.77% (5/18) corresponded to the second and third postpartum weeks. The antibiotic susceptibility showed a 72.22% (13/18) pansusceptible isolates to all the 15 analyzed antibiotics, while 27.77% (5/18) presented mono resistance to nitrofurantoin. Non intermediate resistant or multi-resistant isolates were found in this study. Additionally, management practices and biosecurity measures were analyzed in all visited farms considering various predisposing factors that could have influence on the spread of Salmonella between animals and environment. A feedback of findings and corrective measures were provided to all producers in order to improve the management practices and prevention strategies to decrease Salmonella prevalence. The present study offers unique preliminary data related to the prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Salmonella enterica on farms in Costa Rica. Larger scale studies are highly recommended to address the impact of production practices that can directly affect the presence of the bacterium in livestock. This type of studies provides an insight of farm practices that could be addressed to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases with animal and human impact under a One Health approach.
Modalidad: Tesis de Grado
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