Necesidades socio-educativas de las personas adultas de 25 a 64 años en condición de desigualdad socio-económica desde la Sociología de la Educación. Estudio de caso: La Virgen de Sarapiquí, Heredia en el 2020.
Villalobos Zamora, Mariela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En esta investigación el objetivo general desarrollado fue: Analizar las necesidades
socio-educativas de las personas adultas de 25 a 64 años en condición de desigualdad
socio-económica desde la Sociología de la Educación, en el caso de La Virgen de
Sarapiquí, Heredia en el 2020.
Se construyó un marco conceptual explicativo con categorías tales como:
Condiciones de Desigualdad Socio-económica, Necesidades Socio-educativas, Sociología
de la Educación, Educación no Formal, Andragogía y Alfabetización Crítica.
La estrategia metodológica utilizada se caracterizó por el estudio de caso como tipo
de investigación, un paradigma naturalista, destaca la perspectiva fenomenológica, tiene
naturaleza cualitativa, la población de estudio fueron las personas adultas de 25 a 64 años
en condición de desigualdad socio-económica de La Virgen de Sarapiquí y las técnicas
utilizadas fueron la entrevista y la observación.
Dentro de los principales hallazgos se encuentran la condición de desigualdad que
caracteriza a la población estudiada, en la cual además de ser personas en condición de
pobreza carecen de oportunidades educativas que les ayude a cambiar la situación en la
que viven; estas personas han sufrido de distintas situaciones por el incumplimiento del
Estado en cuanto a su función de garante de derechos, los cuales han sido vulnerados.
Otro de los hallazgos es que la educación no formal es la que se adapta a las
características de la población participante y que esta debe ser acompañada de procesos
de enseñanza aprendizaje abordados desde la alfabetización crítica, la cual les permita
construir conocimiento más allá de un simple proceso de lectoescritura, sino que les
colabore con una lectura de su propia realidad y en función de la reivindicación de derechos
In this research, the general objective developed was: To analyze the socio-educational needs of adults from 25 to 64 years of age in a condition of socio-economic inequality from the Sociology of Education, in the case of La Virgen de Sarapiquí, Heredia in the 2020. An explanatory conceptual framework was built with categories such as: Conditions of Socio-economic Inequality, Socio-educational Needs, Sociology of Education, Non-Formal Education, Andragogy and Critical Literacy. The methodological strategy used was characterized by the case study as a type of research, a naturalistic paradigm, the phenomenological perspective stands out, it is qualitative in nature, the study population was adults from 25 to 64 years of age in a condition of socio-economic inequality of The Virgin of Sarapiquí and the techniques used were interview and observation. Among the main findings are the condition of inequality that characterizes the population studied, in which, in addition to being people in poverty, they lack educational opportunities that help them change the situation in which they live; These people have suffered from different situations due to the failure of the State in terms of its role as guarantor of rights, which have been violated. Another finding is that non-formal education is the one that adapts to the characteristics of the participating population and that this must be accompanied by teaching-learning processes approached from critical literacy, which allows them to build knowledge beyond a simple reading and writing process, but that it collaborates with a reading of their own reality and based on the claim of human rights.
In this research, the general objective developed was: To analyze the socio-educational needs of adults from 25 to 64 years of age in a condition of socio-economic inequality from the Sociology of Education, in the case of La Virgen de Sarapiquí, Heredia in the 2020. An explanatory conceptual framework was built with categories such as: Conditions of Socio-economic Inequality, Socio-educational Needs, Sociology of Education, Non-Formal Education, Andragogy and Critical Literacy. The methodological strategy used was characterized by the case study as a type of research, a naturalistic paradigm, the phenomenological perspective stands out, it is qualitative in nature, the study population was adults from 25 to 64 years of age in a condition of socio-economic inequality of The Virgin of Sarapiquí and the techniques used were interview and observation. Among the main findings are the condition of inequality that characterizes the population studied, in which, in addition to being people in poverty, they lack educational opportunities that help them change the situation in which they live; These people have suffered from different situations due to the failure of the State in terms of its role as guarantor of rights, which have been violated. Another finding is that non-formal education is the one that adapts to the characteristics of the participating population and that this must be accompanied by teaching-learning processes approached from critical literacy, which allows them to build knowledge beyond a simple reading and writing process, but that it collaborates with a reading of their own reality and based on the claim of human rights.
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