Recuperación y empoderamiento de saberes ancestrales a través de la etnomatemática. Experiencia de Colombia y retos para Costa Rica
Vásquez Hernández, Ana Patricia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe
La etnomatemática es uno de los ejes fundamentales para la recupera ción de saberes matemáticos de los pueblos originarios, patrimonio cultu ral de la humanidad. A la luz de la experiencia de Colombia, los Objetivos
de Desarrollo del Milenio de la UNESCO en su componente educación, el
Convenio 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, los cambios para
Costa Rica instructivamente como la nueva Política Educativa, la instaura ción del Departamento de Educación Intercultural y los nuevos programas de
estudio de matemática de la educación escolarizada bajo un abordaje de reso lución de problemas; es que se hace necesario vislumbrar los retos de Costa
Rica en el desarrollo de esta nueva corriente del saber matemático.
Te ethnomathematics is one of the cornerstones for the recovery of mathematical knowledge of indigenous peoples, cultural heritage of huma nity. In light of the experience of Colombia, the Millennium Development Goals of UNESCO at its education component, Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization, the changes for Costa Rica instructi vely as the new education policy, the establishment of the Department of Intercultural education and the new math curriculum of school education under a problem-solving approach, is that it is necessary to envision the challenges of Costa Rica in the development of this new trend of mathe matical knowledge
Te ethnomathematics is one of the cornerstones for the recovery of mathematical knowledge of indigenous peoples, cultural heritage of huma nity. In light of the experience of Colombia, the Millennium Development Goals of UNESCO at its education component, Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization, the changes for Costa Rica instructi vely as the new education policy, the establishment of the Department of Intercultural education and the new math curriculum of school education under a problem-solving approach, is that it is necessary to envision the challenges of Costa Rica in the development of this new trend of mathe matical knowledge
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