Diagnóstico de los residuos sólidos orgánicos de las sodas y procesamiento por lombricompostaje en el Campus Omar Dengo, Universidad Nacional
Rojas Vargas, Julián A.
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre los residuos orgánicos de las sodas del Campus Omar Dengo de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, realizado durante el segundo semestre del 2009 y el primero del 2010, este consistió en realizar un diagnóstico de los residuos orgánicos, además de un procesamiento por medio de la técnica de lombricompostaje para obtener humus o biofertilizante. Se encontró que la tasa de generación de residuos orgánicos anual fue de 29.6 Ton, siendo el 75% residuos orgánicos crudos y el restante 25% residuos orgánicos cocinados. En el procesamiento por lombricompostaje se determinó que las variables de humedad y pH fueron las limitantes en este proceso, en relación al análisis químico del humus producto del lombricompostaje la relación carbono-nitrógeno (C/N) fue <8, donde se concluyó que los residuos cocinados no son aptos para realizar lombricompostaje, además que el lombrihumus es una técnica que permite reducir el volumen de los residuos crudos en más de un 80% debido a su alto contenido de agua y el humus producto de éste, es de alta calidad según la relación C/N
This paper presents a study on the organic waste of the sodas of the Omar Dengo Campus of the National University of Costa Rica, carried out during the second semester of 2009 and the first of 2010, this consisted of carrying out a diagnosis of organic waste, in addition to a processing by means of the vermicomposting technique to obtain humus or biofertilizer. It was found that the annual organic waste generation rate was 29.6 tons, 75% being raw organic waste and the remaining 25% cooked organic waste. In the processing by vermicomposting, it was determined that the humidity and pH variables were the limiting factors in this process, in relation to the chemical analysis of the humus product of vermicomposting, the carbon-nitrogen (C/N) ratio was <8, where it was concluded that the cooked waste is not suitable for vermicomposting, in addition to vermicomposting is a technique that allows reducing the volume of raw waste by more than 80% due to its high water content and the humus product of this, is of high quality according to C/N ratio
This paper presents a study on the organic waste of the sodas of the Omar Dengo Campus of the National University of Costa Rica, carried out during the second semester of 2009 and the first of 2010, this consisted of carrying out a diagnosis of organic waste, in addition to a processing by means of the vermicomposting technique to obtain humus or biofertilizer. It was found that the annual organic waste generation rate was 29.6 tons, 75% being raw organic waste and the remaining 25% cooked organic waste. In the processing by vermicomposting, it was determined that the humidity and pH variables were the limiting factors in this process, in relation to the chemical analysis of the humus product of vermicomposting, the carbon-nitrogen (C/N) ratio was <8, where it was concluded that the cooked waste is not suitable for vermicomposting, in addition to vermicomposting is a technique that allows reducing the volume of raw waste by more than 80% due to its high water content and the humus product of this, is of high quality according to C/N ratio
Rojas Vargas, J. A. (2010). Diagnóstico de los residuos sólidos orgánicos de las sodas y procesamiento por lombricompostaje en el Campus Omar Dengo, Universidad Nacional. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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