Efectos de la crisis originada por la pandemia del Covid-19 en las empresas del sector manufactura e industria, de la Región Brunca, en el 2021
Alvarado Badilla, Yailyn
Ávila Cordero, Daniela
Jiménez Barrantes, Gerald
Torres Sánchez, Priscila
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Las empresas, con el pasar de los años, han enfrentado diversos acontecimientos que impactaron significativamente sus operaciones, tales como guerras, crisis económicas, epidemias, desastres naturales, entre otras. En el 2020, las empresas de Costa Rica y el mundo presenciaron la llegada de una nueva crisis, ocasionada por el surgimiento del virus SARS-CoV-2, causante de la enfermedad del Covid-19 la cual, debido al comportamiento presentado durante los primeros meses del año, fue catalogada como pandemia. Esta situación vino a generar que las autoridades del país implementaran una serie de medidas para contener los niveles de contagio en la población, dentro de estas se pueden mencionar, entre otras, restricciones vehiculares, cierre de negocios, así como el cierre de fronteras, las cuales ocasionaron afectaciones en el sector empresarial. Incluso se esperaba una reducción en el PIB del 3,6%, a causa de la disminución de las exportaciones y el consumo en los hogares (CEPAL, 2020b), asimismo, un aumento en el desempleo del país. Igualmente, según la OECD (2020), se llegó a estimar una reducción en la producción del 22% para la primera mitad del 2020, como consecuencia de las complicaciones en la obtención de suministros y materias primas, además del impacto en el consumo. No obstante, los efectos de la Covid-19 pueden evidenciarse de diversas formas entre los sectores económicos, así como en las regiones socioeconómicas del país, pues el desarrollo económico y social es diferente en cada una de ellas, siendo la Región Brunca aquella que presenta, en los últimos años, mayores afectaciones en los niveles de desarrollo social. Por ello, el presente trabajo de investigación, modalidad seminario, pretende analizar cuáles son los efectos originados por la crisis pandémica del Covid-19 en las empresas del sector manufactura e industria, de la Región Brunca de Costa Rica, para el 2021. Se establecieron como variables en estudio las siguientes: efectos, acciones, impacto, actividades financieras, estrategias, empleo, producción, ingreso, comercialización, innovación, percepción y reactivación. Estas variables fueron abordadas mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario en línea dirigido a los empresarios del sector manufactura e industria de la Región Brunca, así como la realización de análisis documental y entrevistas a instituciones públicas y privadas. En el capítulo II, se exponen algunas generalidades de la Región Brunca, ubicada al sureste de Costa Rica y conformada por los cantones de Osa, Golfito, Corredores, Coto Brus, Buenos Aires y Pérez Zeledón, además de algunas características del sector económico en estudio. Del mismo modo, se abarcan algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre la conceptualización del sector de la industria manufacturera, innovación y financiamiento en el sector industrial, contextualización de la crisis de la Covid-19, economía institucional, teoría sobre la percepción, reactivación, entre otros aspectos de interés. Esta investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque mixto, al combinar elementos de los estudios cuantitativos y cualitativos, tales como las técnicas de recolección y análisis de datos. Se logró efectuar un total de 52 encuestas completas a los empresarios del sector, logrando contactar a empresas de todos los cantones de la región. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que el efecto inmediato más presentado en las empresas de manufactura fue el aumento en los precios de insumos y materias primas, seguido por la baja demanda de los productos, además, las empresas realizaron cierres temporales a causa de la crisis, siendo los emprendedores y microempresas quienes indicaron más este tipo de afectación. Además, el gobierno emitió diversas medidas para enfrentar la crisis, algunas relacionadas con el manejo directo de la pandemia, para evitar un aumento acelerado de casos; otras en áreas como la financiera, para mejorar el panorama económico de las empresas a nivel nacional. El Ministerio de Salud también estableció medidas sanitarias, donde los negocios en estudio reflejaron una alta implementación de la mayoría de estas medidas. Por su parte, la crisis Covid-19 generó un alto impacto en el nivel de ingresos, de manera que la mayor parte de las empresas encuestadas presentó reducciones del 60% en sus ingresos durante la pandemia.
Over the years, companies have faced various events that have had a significant impact on their operations, such as wars, economic crises, epidemics, natural disasters, among others. In 2020, companies in Costa Rica and the world witnessed the arrival of a new crisis, caused by the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of the Covid-19 disease which, due to the behavior presented during the first months of the year, was classified as a pandemic. This situation led the country's authorities to implement a series of measures to contain the levels of contagion in the population, including, among others, vehicle restrictions, business closures and border closures, which affected the business sector. Even a reduction in GDP of 3.6% was expected, due to the decrease in exports and household consumption (ECLAC, 2020b), as well as an increase in unemployment in the country. Likewise, according to the OECD (2020), a 22% reduction in production was estimated for the first half of 2020, as a consequence of complications in obtaining supplies and raw materials, in addition to the impact on consumption. However, the effects of Covid-19 can be evidenced in different ways among the economic sectors, as well as in the socioeconomic regions of the country, since the economic and social development is different in each one of them, being the Brunca Region the one that presents, in the last years, greater affectations in the levels of social development. Therefore, this research work, in seminar mode, aims to analyze the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis on companies in the manufacturing and industrial sector in the Brunca Region of Costa Rica, for 2021. The following variables were established as study variables: effects, actions, impact, financial activities, strategies, employment, production, income, commercialization, innovation, perception and reactivation. These variables were addressed through the application of an online questionnaire directed to entrepreneurs in the manufacturing and industrial sector of the Brunca Region, as well as documentary analysis and interviews with public and private institutions. Chapter II presents some general information about the Brunca Region, located in the southeast of Costa Rica and made up of the cantons of Osa, Golfito, Corredores, Coto Brus, Buenos Aires and Pérez Zeledón, as well as some characteristics of the economic sector under study. Likewise, some theoretical considerations on the conceptualization of the manufacturing industry sector, innovation and financing in the industrial sector, contextualization of the Covid-19 crisis, institutional economics, perception theory, reactivation, among other aspects of interest, are covered. This research was conducted under a mixed approach, combining elements of quantitative and qualitative studies, such as data collection and analysis techniques. A total of 52 complete surveys of the sector's entrepreneurs were carried out, contacting companies in all the cantons of the region. The results obtained show that the most immediate effect on manufacturing companies was the increase in the prices of inputs and raw materials, followed by the low demand for products, in addition, companies made temporary closures due to the crisis, being entrepreneurs and microenterprises those who indicated more this type of affectation. In addition, the government issued several measures to face the crisis, some related to the direct management of the pandemic, to avoid an accelerated increase of cases; others in areas such as finance, to improve the economic outlook of companies nationwide. The Ministry of Health also established sanitary measures, where the businesses under study reflected a high implementation of most of these measures. For its part, the Covid-19 crisis generated a high impact on the level of income, so that most of the surveyed companies presented reductions of 60% in their income during the pandemic.
Over the years, companies have faced various events that have had a significant impact on their operations, such as wars, economic crises, epidemics, natural disasters, among others. In 2020, companies in Costa Rica and the world witnessed the arrival of a new crisis, caused by the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of the Covid-19 disease which, due to the behavior presented during the first months of the year, was classified as a pandemic. This situation led the country's authorities to implement a series of measures to contain the levels of contagion in the population, including, among others, vehicle restrictions, business closures and border closures, which affected the business sector. Even a reduction in GDP of 3.6% was expected, due to the decrease in exports and household consumption (ECLAC, 2020b), as well as an increase in unemployment in the country. Likewise, according to the OECD (2020), a 22% reduction in production was estimated for the first half of 2020, as a consequence of complications in obtaining supplies and raw materials, in addition to the impact on consumption. However, the effects of Covid-19 can be evidenced in different ways among the economic sectors, as well as in the socioeconomic regions of the country, since the economic and social development is different in each one of them, being the Brunca Region the one that presents, in the last years, greater affectations in the levels of social development. Therefore, this research work, in seminar mode, aims to analyze the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis on companies in the manufacturing and industrial sector in the Brunca Region of Costa Rica, for 2021. The following variables were established as study variables: effects, actions, impact, financial activities, strategies, employment, production, income, commercialization, innovation, perception and reactivation. These variables were addressed through the application of an online questionnaire directed to entrepreneurs in the manufacturing and industrial sector of the Brunca Region, as well as documentary analysis and interviews with public and private institutions. Chapter II presents some general information about the Brunca Region, located in the southeast of Costa Rica and made up of the cantons of Osa, Golfito, Corredores, Coto Brus, Buenos Aires and Pérez Zeledón, as well as some characteristics of the economic sector under study. Likewise, some theoretical considerations on the conceptualization of the manufacturing industry sector, innovation and financing in the industrial sector, contextualization of the Covid-19 crisis, institutional economics, perception theory, reactivation, among other aspects of interest, are covered. This research was conducted under a mixed approach, combining elements of quantitative and qualitative studies, such as data collection and analysis techniques. A total of 52 complete surveys of the sector's entrepreneurs were carried out, contacting companies in all the cantons of the region. The results obtained show that the most immediate effect on manufacturing companies was the increase in the prices of inputs and raw materials, followed by the low demand for products, in addition, companies made temporary closures due to the crisis, being entrepreneurs and microenterprises those who indicated more this type of affectation. In addition, the government issued several measures to face the crisis, some related to the direct management of the pandemic, to avoid an accelerated increase of cases; others in areas such as finance, to improve the economic outlook of companies nationwide. The Ministry of Health also established sanitary measures, where the businesses under study reflected a high implementation of most of these measures. For its part, the Covid-19 crisis generated a high impact on the level of income, so that most of the surveyed companies presented reductions of 60% in their income during the pandemic.
Licenciatura en administración con énfasis en gestión financiera
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