Propuesta para la creación de un centro de recursos para el aprendizaje (C.R.A) en la Escuela de San Lorenzo de Tarrazú
Valverde Sánchez, Jorge Luis
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La educación es la base para el desarrollo económico y social del país, pero existen grandes desigualdades en materia de educación y acceso a recursos documentales, audiovisuales y tecnológicos, situación que influye en el rendimiento escolar. La Organización de la Naciones Unidas para la Educación y la Ciencia (UNESCO) comprobó que existe una fuerte correlación entre los niveles de desigualdad de un país y el rendimiento, cuanto mayor sea la inequidad peor el rendimiento. La inversión en educación influye en el desarrollo humano y se tiene un retorno para el individuo y la sociedad, por lo cual es necesario garantizar niveles de equidad social para que haya educación de calidad para todos(as). Uno de los propósitos fundamentales del proceso educativo costarricense es formar seres humanos pensantes, analíticos y críticos de su entorno y de la realidad circundante, el desarrollo de dicho propósito se adquiere por medio de distintos métodos de ejecución académica, aprendizaje, participación ciudadana y de la retroalimentación constante de conocimientos entre el personal administrativo, cuerpo docente y estudiantes, por lo cual es pertinente que las escuelas y colegios cuenten con una biblioteca escolar o Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje, el cuál es el centro de reunión, análisis y trabajo de la comunidad educativa, colaborando en el crecimiento intelectual de los(as) estudiantes, docentes, personal administrativo y de la comunidad. por medio del acceso de los diferentes servicios y recursos de aprendizaje que provee la biblioteca o C.R.A. Las bibliotecas escolares se han ido transformando en su entorno, misión, Visión, servicios, recursos y han tomado como función apoyar la implementación del currículo y generar entornos de aprendizaje, en un espacio adecuado y con recursos educativos, dentro de los cuales se pueden mencionar: libros, revistas, diccionarios, fotografías, laminas educativas, videos, radio, portales virtuales, ebooks, bibliotecas digitales y virtuales, bases de datos digitales, entre otros, recibiendo el nombre de Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje o C.R.A. La transformación de la biblioteca escolar en un C.R.A., no sólo implica una transformación en su organización estructural y recursos didácticos: sino también, implica el desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de biblioteca concebida como un espacio dinámico y de encuentro, en el que se reúne una gran diversidad de recursos educativos que contienen información actualizada y apoyan, a través de múltiples servicios y productos, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de un currículo escolar en permanente desarrollo y actualización; la utilización del C.R.A. involucra a todo el personal administrativo, profesorado, estudiantes y todas las áreas, actividades y programas en los que está relacionado la institución para poder desarrollar el proyecto educativo; siendo el C.R.A. un instrumento que apoya y colabora con la labor docente y al plan de estudios del centro educativo. Mekis (2007) menciona que los servicios o programas de actividades organizados por el CRA buscan generar participación de toda la comunidad, promoviendo acciones relacionadas con su quehacer: actividades de fomento a la lectura en el aula, desarrollo de habilidades de información e investigación, de educación de usuarios o de difusión del CRA como una biblioteca dinámica, con una programación nutrida y significativa para el proceso escolar. El C.R.A. permite a los(as) alumnos(as) participar en un proceso de aprendizaje activo, les ofrece información, los apoya en la investigación, brinda lecturas variadas, les estimula la creatividad, promoviendo la autonomía al aprender a trabajar con una variedad de fuentes de información y recursos que van, desde un libro o la radio hasta una biblioteca virtual; la difusión y actualización permanente de los recursos que el centro ofrece a profesores(as) y alumnos(as); además contribuye a lograr una mejor integración del currículo educativo a la escuela. En la presente investigación, se desarrolla la propuesta para la creación de un C.R.A. en la Escuela de San Lorenzo de Tarrazú, ésta se enmarca en el enfoque cuantitativo y es de tipo descriptiva, el objetivo general de la investigación es realizar un estudio de las condiciones administrativas, recursos y hábitos de acceso a la información con que cuenta la población estudiantil de la escuela para determinar las acciones necesarias para la propuesta del C.RA. Dentro de las conclusiones de la investigación se pueden indicar que en la escuela no se realiza una adecuada gestión de los recursos de aprendizaje disponibles, existe carencia de recursos documentales, audiovisuales y tecnológicos lo que limita desarrollar lecciones novedosas y creativas, la comunidad educativa no tiene hábitos de acceso a los recursos documentales, audiovisuales y tecnológicos en formato digital y en línea (acceso Web); la escuela no cuenta con un presupuesto para la implementación, gestión y actualización de un C.R.A., pero sí se pueden desarrollar actividades con la comunidad para cambiar la situación, se necesita capacitación para la comunidad educativa en el acceso y utilización de los recursos de aprendizaje.
Education is the basis for the economic and social development of the country, but there are great inequalities in terms of education and access to documentary, audiovisual and technological resources, a situation that influences school performance. The United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) found that there is a strong correlation between a country's levels of inequality and performance, the higher the inequality the worse the performance. Investment in education influences human development and has a return for the individual and society, for which it is necessary to guarantee levels of social equity so that there is quality education for all. One of the fundamental purposes of the Costa Rican educational process is to train thinking, analytical and critical human beings of their environment and the surrounding reality, the development of said purpose is acquired through different methods of academic execution, learning, citizen participation and the constant feedback of knowledge among the administrative staff, faculty and students, for which it is pertinent that schools and colleges have a school library or Learning Resource Center, which is the meeting, analysis and work center of the educational community, collaborating in the intellectual growth of students, teachers, administrative staff and the community. through access to the different services and learning resources provided by the library or C.R.A. School libraries have been transforming their environment, mission, vision, services, resources and have taken the role of supporting the implementation of the curriculum and generating learning environments, in an adequate space and with educational resources, within which they can be mentioned : books, magazines, dictionaries, photographs, educational sheets, videos, radio, virtual portals, ebooks, digital and virtual libraries, digital databases, among others, receiving the name of Learning Resource Center or CRA. The transformation of the school library into a CRA, not only implies a transformation in its structural organization and didactic resources: it also implies the development of a new concept of library conceived as a dynamic and meeting space, in which a great diversity of educational resources that contain updated information and support, through multiple services and products, the teaching-learning process of a school curriculum in permanent development and updating; the use of C.R.A. it involves all administrative personnel, teachers, students and all areas, activities and programs in which the institution is related in order to develop the educational project; being the C.R.A. an instrument that supports and collaborates with the teaching work and the educational center's curriculum. Mekis (2007) mentions that the services or activity programs organized by the CRA seek to generate participation from the entire community, promoting actions related to their work: activities to promote reading in the classroom, development of information and research skills, education of users or dissemination of the CRA as a dynamic library, with a rich and meaningful program for the school process. The C.R.A. allows students to participate in an active learning process, offers them information, supports them in research, provides varied readings, stimulates creativity, promoting autonomy by learning to work with a variety of sources of information and resources ranging from a book or the radio to a virtual library; the dissemination and permanent updating of the resources that the center offers to teachers and students; it also contributes to achieving a better integration of the educational curriculum in the school. In the present investigation, the proposal for the creation of a C.R.A. At the San Lorenzo de Tarrazú School, it is framed in the quantitative approach and is descriptive, the general objective of the research is to carry out a study of the administrative conditions, resources and habits of access to information available to the population school to determine the actions necessary for the C.RA. Within the conclusions of the research, it can be indicated that the school does not carry out an adequate management of the available learning resources, there is a lack of documentary, audiovisual and technological resources, which limits the development of new and creative lessons, the educational community does not have access habits to documentary, audiovisual and technological resources in digital format and online (Web access); The school does not have a budget for the implementation, management and updating of a C.R.A., but activities can be developed with the community to change the situation, training is needed for the educational community in the access and use of learning resources.
Education is the basis for the economic and social development of the country, but there are great inequalities in terms of education and access to documentary, audiovisual and technological resources, a situation that influences school performance. The United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) found that there is a strong correlation between a country's levels of inequality and performance, the higher the inequality the worse the performance. Investment in education influences human development and has a return for the individual and society, for which it is necessary to guarantee levels of social equity so that there is quality education for all. One of the fundamental purposes of the Costa Rican educational process is to train thinking, analytical and critical human beings of their environment and the surrounding reality, the development of said purpose is acquired through different methods of academic execution, learning, citizen participation and the constant feedback of knowledge among the administrative staff, faculty and students, for which it is pertinent that schools and colleges have a school library or Learning Resource Center, which is the meeting, analysis and work center of the educational community, collaborating in the intellectual growth of students, teachers, administrative staff and the community. through access to the different services and learning resources provided by the library or C.R.A. School libraries have been transforming their environment, mission, vision, services, resources and have taken the role of supporting the implementation of the curriculum and generating learning environments, in an adequate space and with educational resources, within which they can be mentioned : books, magazines, dictionaries, photographs, educational sheets, videos, radio, virtual portals, ebooks, digital and virtual libraries, digital databases, among others, receiving the name of Learning Resource Center or CRA. The transformation of the school library into a CRA, not only implies a transformation in its structural organization and didactic resources: it also implies the development of a new concept of library conceived as a dynamic and meeting space, in which a great diversity of educational resources that contain updated information and support, through multiple services and products, the teaching-learning process of a school curriculum in permanent development and updating; the use of C.R.A. it involves all administrative personnel, teachers, students and all areas, activities and programs in which the institution is related in order to develop the educational project; being the C.R.A. an instrument that supports and collaborates with the teaching work and the educational center's curriculum. Mekis (2007) mentions that the services or activity programs organized by the CRA seek to generate participation from the entire community, promoting actions related to their work: activities to promote reading in the classroom, development of information and research skills, education of users or dissemination of the CRA as a dynamic library, with a rich and meaningful program for the school process. The C.R.A. allows students to participate in an active learning process, offers them information, supports them in research, provides varied readings, stimulates creativity, promoting autonomy by learning to work with a variety of sources of information and resources ranging from a book or the radio to a virtual library; the dissemination and permanent updating of the resources that the center offers to teachers and students; it also contributes to achieving a better integration of the educational curriculum in the school. In the present investigation, the proposal for the creation of a C.R.A. At the San Lorenzo de Tarrazú School, it is framed in the quantitative approach and is descriptive, the general objective of the research is to carry out a study of the administrative conditions, resources and habits of access to information available to the population school to determine the actions necessary for the C.RA. Within the conclusions of the research, it can be indicated that the school does not carry out an adequate management of the available learning resources, there is a lack of documentary, audiovisual and technological resources, which limits the development of new and creative lessons, the educational community does not have access habits to documentary, audiovisual and technological resources in digital format and online (Web access); The school does not have a budget for the implementation, management and updating of a C.R.A., but activities can be developed with the community to change the situation, training is needed for the educational community in the access and use of learning resources.
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