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La política exterior de Costa Rica hacia el SICA. Las implicaciones de la Administración Solís Rivera en la integración política de la región
García Ruiz, Ubaldo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Para Costa Rica, Centroamérica ha sido, tradicionalmente, la primera frontera de aproximación con el mundo y su relación, por tanto, con el resto de países del istmo es una constante que hasta podría considerarse como un asunto doméstico. Sin embargo, con respecto al proceso de integración regional, este país posee una particular visión, la cual en nada se aparta de los postulados básicos de la teoría Neorrealista, sobre todo, en cuanto a que prima su interés nacional por encima de los compromisos que implique el modelo. Desde esta perspectiva, el propósito de la presente investigación fue analizar la política exterior de la administración Solís Rivera (2014-2018) hacia el Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA) y de qué modo ésta ha incidido o ha tenido repercusiones en la integración política de la región centroamericana. Lo anterior, a partir de la implementación de una metodología cualitativa basada en la revisión documental, proveniente de informes, libros, revistas académicas y memorias institucionales oficiales; así como la consulta a personas expertas y que estuvieron involucradas directamente en la temática tratada. De esta forma, durante el periodo estudiado, se llegó a constatar que las acciones costarricenses hacia el SICA han estado enfocadas, casi de modo permanente, al mejoramiento y la reforma institucional y esto se ha mantenido casi invariable, al menos durante las últimas tres administraciones gubernamentales. Convirtiéndose, como otros aspectos de la política exterior costarricense relacionados con la apertura comercial, la apuesta por el multilateralismo o sus principios tradicionales (paz, desarme, promoción y protección de los derechos humanos y del medio ambiente, etc.) en un asunto de Estado. No obstante lo anterior, debido al corto tiempo de finalización de la administración gubernamental estudiada, la valoración de esas incidencias o repercusiones, a mediano y largo plazo, de la política exterior del gobierno de Luis Guillermo Solís en la integración política del SICA, se convierte en un tema de profundización para futuros análisis de política exterior, orientados a enriquecer el quehacer del país en esta materia.
Central America has traditionally been the first approaching border to the world for Costa Rica. The region could be considered a domestic matter. Regarding the Central American Integration System, Costa Rica holds a position, not far from what the Neorealist theory states. For this, the national interest overpasses those compromises this model asserts. From this perspective, this research aimed to analyze the foreign policy of the (2014-2018) administration held by President Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera towards the Central American Integration System (SICA). The objective was to determine to what extent did SICA impact the political integration of the region. A qualitative methodology was followed. It was based on documentaries, reports, books, academic journals and official institutional memoirs. In the same way, experts who were directly involved in the topic were interviewed. It was concluded that the Costa Rican efforts towards SICA have been focused on the constant institutional reforms and their improvement without significant changes observed in the last three administrations. Therefore, SICA became one of the elements in the country’s foreign policy. These related to trade opening, multilateralism and its traditional values such as peace, disarmament, human rights promotion and protection, and the environment as well, becoming all of them a state issue. It is worth mentioning that due to the short time that comprises the end of the researched administration some limitation related to the analysis at medium and long term of the effects of its foreign policy are recognized. This makes this research topic a must in future foreign policy analysis in order to enrich the country foreign policy studies.
Central America has traditionally been the first approaching border to the world for Costa Rica. The region could be considered a domestic matter. Regarding the Central American Integration System, Costa Rica holds a position, not far from what the Neorealist theory states. For this, the national interest overpasses those compromises this model asserts. From this perspective, this research aimed to analyze the foreign policy of the (2014-2018) administration held by President Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera towards the Central American Integration System (SICA). The objective was to determine to what extent did SICA impact the political integration of the region. A qualitative methodology was followed. It was based on documentaries, reports, books, academic journals and official institutional memoirs. In the same way, experts who were directly involved in the topic were interviewed. It was concluded that the Costa Rican efforts towards SICA have been focused on the constant institutional reforms and their improvement without significant changes observed in the last three administrations. Therefore, SICA became one of the elements in the country’s foreign policy. These related to trade opening, multilateralism and its traditional values such as peace, disarmament, human rights promotion and protection, and the environment as well, becoming all of them a state issue. It is worth mentioning that due to the short time that comprises the end of the researched administration some limitation related to the analysis at medium and long term of the effects of its foreign policy are recognized. This makes this research topic a must in future foreign policy analysis in order to enrich the country foreign policy studies.
Tesis para optar por el grado de Máster en Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia
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