Estudio de viabilidad financiera para la creación de un food truck en la zona de Curridabat como una propuesta de emprendimiento que genere una alternativa económica en medio de la crisis del 2020
Aguirre Chinchilla, Sandra
Quesada Petgrave, Yohanna
Rojas Centeno, Joseline
Román Parra, Adrián
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La investigación se delimita en operar un emprendimiento mediante la modalidad food truck, cuya capacidad sea la adecuada para atender las demandas de los potenciales clientes y con esto poder generar las utilidades esperadas para iniciar el negocio y que este sea rentable en el tiempo.
Se establece la interrogante: ¿Qué tan viable es la creación de un food truck en la zona de Curridabat como una alternativa económica que genere valor durante la crisis del 2020?
Objetivo general: Determinar la viabilidad financiera del emprendimiento de un food truck mediante el ámbito legal, técnico, mercadológico y financiero en el cantón de Curridabat provincia de San José en el segundo semestre del 2020 y primer semestre del 2021.
Objetivos específicos:
1. Identificar la normativa legal vigente mediante la consulta de leyes y reglamentos para instalar un emprendimiento tipo food truck en el cantón de Curridabat provincia de San José en el segundo semestre del 2020 y primer semestre del 2021.
2. Ejecutar un estudio de mercado, mediante la identificación de la demanda de clientes potenciales para la elaboración del food truck en el cantón de Curridabat provincia de San José en el segundo semestre del 2020 y primer semestre del 2021.
3. Distinguir los factores técnicos a través de la capacidad, costos y beneficio del proyecto para la elaboración del food truck en el cantón de Curridabat provincia de San José en el segundo semestre del 2020 y primer semestre del 2021.
4. Estimar la viabilidad financiera del proyecto, a través de la utilización de herramientas financieras que ayuden a la elaboración de un criterio técnico sobre la bondad del proyecto del food truck en el cantón de Curridabat provincia de San José en el segundo semestre del 2020 y primer semestre del 2021.
De acuerdo con las necesidades del proyecto, se establecen cuatro variables a saber:
Estudio legal: busca limitar que el food truck esté acatando las leyes o lineamientos que le atañen, para operar en un entorno óptimo y acorde a lo normado en la jurisdicción costarricense.
Estudio mercadológico: se busca conocer el criterio de las personas y su aceptación de los productos en el mercado.
Estudio técnico: se establece la partida para determinar costos, proveedores, ubicación, materia prima, distribución, mano de obra, capacidad de almacenamiento, inventario y la estructura financiera necesaria para la adecuada operación del food truck.
Estudio financiero: se busca determinar los ingresos, egresos, gastos, costos de la parte operativa del food truck, tomando en cuenta los estudios anteriores. Se calcula el valor actual Neto, la Tasa Interna de Retorno y razones financieras para concluir la viabilidad financiera del proyecto y su posible ejecución.
Conclusiones: Estudio legal: se concluye que las leyes, permisos y reglamentos están disponibles para el proyecto, por lo que son aptos para tramitar ante las autoridades competentes y recibir su aval, siempre y cuando se cumpla con lo demandado, e inclusive existe apoyo a emprendimientos por parte de la Municipalidad de Curridabat, en agilización de trámites y donde se busca generar un encadenamiento productivo local.
Estudio mercadológico: se concluye que hay un importante sector de interés que son consumidores frecuentes de comida rápida, asimismo, existe una extensa gama de empresas proveedoras que ofrecen productos de alta calidad y a precios competitivos. Se puede ver un crecimiento constante en este tipo de negocios y la propuesta de negocio es accesible con relación a la competencia directa e indirecta.
Estudio técnico: se determina que, para la óptima operatividad del proyecto, se necesita un remolque food truck, esta estructura física fue cotizada y se concluyó que para un mejor funcionamiento, disminución de costos, debe ser un food truck acondicionado con todas las características necesarias para iniciar producción. Asimismo, se concluye ubicar el proyecto en Curridabat, por ser una zona estratégica para captar clientes y relacionarse con proveedores.
Estudio financiero: no es necesario incurrir en financiamiento bancario, ya que los cuatro socios aportan los recursos para iniciar operaciones. Se elabora un instrumento técnico-financiero, donde se analiza una estructura de costos en la cual se determina el promedio de insumos para la producción y en función de ello, elaborar una proyección de ventas con la finalidad de obtener una cantidad adecuada para generar utilidades. Se concluye que el proyecto es viable financieramente ya que se identifican elementos importantes en cuanto a la rentabilidad esperada y el retorno de la inversión a favor de los socios.
Recomendaciones: se recomienda el cumplimiento a cabalidad de las leyes, reglamentos y códigos relacionados a PYMES, así como la optimización de tiempos para atender a la mayor cantidad de personas. Realizar publicidad en redes sociales para obtener un mayor alcance de clientes, capacitar al personal en cuanto a la gastronomía que se maneja en el negocio. Diversificar los proveedores con la finalidad de determinar el más adecuado en cuanto a los costos de materia prima, adquirir un nuevo remolque y aumentar el personal, también se recomienda analizar un incremento en los precios de los productos en relación con los costos y con ello no ver comprometida la utilidad neta del negocio.
The research is limited to operating an enterprise through the food truck modality, whose capacity is adequate to meet the demands of potential clients and with this to be able to generate the expected profits to start the business and make it profitable over time. The question is established: How viable is the creation of a food truck in the Curridabat area as an economic alternative that generates value during the 2020 crisis? General objective: Determine the financial viability of a food truck undertaking through the legal, technical, marketing and financial fields in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. Specific objectives: 1. Identify current legal regulations by consulting the laws and regulations to install a food truck type enterprise in the canton of Curridabat, San José province in the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. 2. Carry out a market study, by identifying of the demand of potential clients for the elaboration of the food truck in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second semester of 2020 and first semester of 2021. 3. Distinguish the technical factors through the capacity, costs and benefit of the project for the elaboration of the food truck in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second half of 2020 and the first half of in 2021. 4. Estimate the financial viability of the project, through the use of financial tools that help to develop a technical criterion on the goodness of the food truck project in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second semester 2020 and the first semester of 2021. According to the needs of the project, four variables are established, namely: Legal study: seeks to limit that the food truck is complying with the laws or guidelines that concern it, to operate in an optimal and consistent environment to what is regulated in the Costa Rican jurisdiction. Marketing study: it seeks to know the criteria of people and their acceptance of the products in the market. Technical study: the item is established to determine costs, suppliers, location, raw materials, distribution, labor, storage capacity, inventory and the financial structure necessary for the proper operation of the food truck. Financial study: it seeks to determine the income, expenses, expenses, costs of the operational part of the food truck, taking into account the previous studies. The Net present value, the Internal Rate of Return and financial reasons are calculated to conclude the financial viability of the project and its possible execution. Conclusions: Legal study: it is concluded that the laws, permits and regulations are available for the project, so they are suitable to process before the competent authorities and receive their endorsement, as long as the demanded is complied with, and there is even support for undertakings by the Municipality of Curridabat, in streamlining procedures and where it seeks to generate a local productive chain. Marketing study: it is concluded that there is an important sector of interest that are frequent consumers of fast food, likewise, there is an extensive range of supplier companies that offer high quality products at competitive prices. You can see constant growth in this type of business and the business proposal is accessible in relation to direct and indirect competition. Technical study: it is determined that, for the optimal operation of the project, a food truck trailer is needed, this physical structure was quoted and it was concluded that for better operation, lower costs, it must be a food truck conditioned with all the necessary characteristics to start production. Likewise, it is concluded to locate the project in Curridabat, as it is a strategic area to attract clients and interact with suppliers. Financial study: it is not necessary to incur bank financing, since the four partners provide the resources to start operations. A technical-financial instrument is prepared, where a cost structure is analyzed in which the average of inputs for production is determined and based on this, prepare a sales projection in order to obtain an adequate amount to generate profits. It is concluded that the project is financially viable since important elements are identified in terms of the expected profitability and the return on investment in favor of the partners. Recommendations: it is recommended to fully comply with the laws, regulations and codes related to SMEs, as well as the optimization of times to serve the largest number of people. Advertise on social networks to obtain a greater reach of customers, train staff in the gastronomy that is handled in the business. Diversify suppliers in order to determine the most appropriate in terms of raw material costs, acquire a new trailer and increase staff, it is also recommended to analyze an increase in product prices in relation to costs and thus not see the net profit of the business compromised.
The research is limited to operating an enterprise through the food truck modality, whose capacity is adequate to meet the demands of potential clients and with this to be able to generate the expected profits to start the business and make it profitable over time. The question is established: How viable is the creation of a food truck in the Curridabat area as an economic alternative that generates value during the 2020 crisis? General objective: Determine the financial viability of a food truck undertaking through the legal, technical, marketing and financial fields in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. Specific objectives: 1. Identify current legal regulations by consulting the laws and regulations to install a food truck type enterprise in the canton of Curridabat, San José province in the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. 2. Carry out a market study, by identifying of the demand of potential clients for the elaboration of the food truck in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second semester of 2020 and first semester of 2021. 3. Distinguish the technical factors through the capacity, costs and benefit of the project for the elaboration of the food truck in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second half of 2020 and the first half of in 2021. 4. Estimate the financial viability of the project, through the use of financial tools that help to develop a technical criterion on the goodness of the food truck project in the canton of Curridabat, province of San José in the second semester 2020 and the first semester of 2021. According to the needs of the project, four variables are established, namely: Legal study: seeks to limit that the food truck is complying with the laws or guidelines that concern it, to operate in an optimal and consistent environment to what is regulated in the Costa Rican jurisdiction. Marketing study: it seeks to know the criteria of people and their acceptance of the products in the market. Technical study: the item is established to determine costs, suppliers, location, raw materials, distribution, labor, storage capacity, inventory and the financial structure necessary for the proper operation of the food truck. Financial study: it seeks to determine the income, expenses, expenses, costs of the operational part of the food truck, taking into account the previous studies. The Net present value, the Internal Rate of Return and financial reasons are calculated to conclude the financial viability of the project and its possible execution. Conclusions: Legal study: it is concluded that the laws, permits and regulations are available for the project, so they are suitable to process before the competent authorities and receive their endorsement, as long as the demanded is complied with, and there is even support for undertakings by the Municipality of Curridabat, in streamlining procedures and where it seeks to generate a local productive chain. Marketing study: it is concluded that there is an important sector of interest that are frequent consumers of fast food, likewise, there is an extensive range of supplier companies that offer high quality products at competitive prices. You can see constant growth in this type of business and the business proposal is accessible in relation to direct and indirect competition. Technical study: it is determined that, for the optimal operation of the project, a food truck trailer is needed, this physical structure was quoted and it was concluded that for better operation, lower costs, it must be a food truck conditioned with all the necessary characteristics to start production. Likewise, it is concluded to locate the project in Curridabat, as it is a strategic area to attract clients and interact with suppliers. Financial study: it is not necessary to incur bank financing, since the four partners provide the resources to start operations. A technical-financial instrument is prepared, where a cost structure is analyzed in which the average of inputs for production is determined and based on this, prepare a sales projection in order to obtain an adequate amount to generate profits. It is concluded that the project is financially viable since important elements are identified in terms of the expected profitability and the return on investment in favor of the partners. Recommendations: it is recommended to fully comply with the laws, regulations and codes related to SMEs, as well as the optimization of times to serve the largest number of people. Advertise on social networks to obtain a greater reach of customers, train staff in the gastronomy that is handled in the business. Diversify suppliers in order to determine the most appropriate in terms of raw material costs, acquire a new trailer and increase staff, it is also recommended to analyze an increase in product prices in relation to costs and thus not see the net profit of the business compromised.
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