Similitudes y diferencias entre los elementos curriculares establecidos en los actuales programas de estudio en Matemática del Ministerio de Educación Pública y los desarrollados por los docentes en la Educación Media Costarricense
Salazar Morales, Manuel Emilio
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El presente trabajo final de graduación (TFG) pretende explicar las diferencias y similitudes entre los elementos curriculares señalados por los actuales Programas de Estudio en Matemática (2012) del Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP) y los desarrollados por dos docentes — quienes se nombraron como Docente A y Docente B para proteger su identidad—, que desarrollaron el tema de triángulos de sétimo nivel en 2014, (desigualdad triangular y los teoremas de las sumas de las medidas de los ángulos internos y externos de un triángulo, específicamente). Esto, en dos colegios académicos diurnos distintos de la provincia Heredia y considerando que los componentes curriculares analizados fueron los objetivos (habilidades), contenidos (conocimientos), estrategias metodológicas y de evaluación, y los recursos didácticos.
Para tal efecto, en el capítulo I se muestra el tema, el planteamiento del problema, algunos antecedentes vinculados con la temática investigada (sobre estudios del currículo educativo en Matemática y la praxis áulica; así como algunos pronunciamientos respecto de la propuesta del currículum vigente), la justificación del problema de investigación y se culmina con los objetivos general y específicos de esta tesis.
Seguidamente, en el capítulo ll se aportan aquellos conceptos o teorías que sirvieron para diseñar la etapa metodológica del estudio 0 que se encontraron posterior a la entrada al campo y la recolección de datos. Entre estos, es conspicua (es decir, notable) la citación de diversos aspectos de los Programas de Estudio en Matemática (2012), pues en fa formación inicial del graduando este currículum no estaba vigente y se tuvo que actualizar con estos datos.
En el capítulo III se concreta la metodología de investigación a seguir, la cual se enmarcó bajo un paradigma cualitativo, en un estudio de caso sobre los dos docentes observados, implicando que los resultados obtenidos no sean generalizables. Además, aquí se caracteriza a la población, las fuentes informantes, las categorías de análisis (definidas a partir de los cinco elementos curriculares considerados y las razones curriculares y de otra especie que las explicaran), las técnicas, instrumentos y procedimientos para recopilar la información.
Por su parte, en el capítulo IV se presenta el análisis de los datos recopilados, con base en las categorías de análisis y para el caso del Docente A y el Docente B, procurando la triangulación de la información a partir de tres elementos: lo realizado por ambos profesores en el aula, lo consignado en su planeamiento didáctico y lo estipulado por los programas de Estudio en Matemática (2012) para la educación media costarricense.
Se culmina con las conclusiones (capítulo V), donde se recogen los hallazgos más significativos del capítulo precedente y se realizan algunas recomendaciones al MEP, a las universidades encargadas de formar profesionales en Enseñanza de la Matemática, a los docentes que enseñan la disciplina citada y a los investigadores en el ámbito de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la educación matemática costarricense.
This final graduation project (TFG) aims to explain the differences and similarities between the curricular elements indicated by the current Mathematics Study Programs (2012) of the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) and those developed by two teachers — who were named as Teacher A and Teacher B to protect their identity—, who developed the topic of seventh level triangles in 2014, (triangular inequality and the theorems of the sums of the measures of the internal and external angles of a triangle, specifically). This, in two different daytime academic schools in the Heredia province and considering that the curricular components analyzed were the objectives (skills), contents (knowledge), methodological and evaluation strategies, and didactic resources. For this purpose, Chapter I shows the theme, the approach to the problem, some background information related to the subject investigated (on studies of the educational curriculum in Mathematics and classroom praxis; as well as some pronouncements regarding the current curriculum proposal). , the justification of the research problem and ends with the general and specific objectives of this thesis. Next, in chapter ll those concepts or theories that served to design the methodological stage of the study or that were found after entering the field and data collection are provided. Among these, the citation of various aspects of the Study Programs in Mathematics (2012) is conspicuous (that is, notable), since in the initial training of the graduate this curriculum was not current and had to be updated with these data. Chapter III specifies the research methodology to follow, which was framed under a qualitative paradigm, in a case study on the two observed teachers, implying that the results obtained are not generalizable. In addition, here the population, the informant sources, the categories of analysis (defined from the five curricular elements considered and the curricular and other reasons that explain them), the techniques, instruments and procedures to collect the information are characterized. . For its part, chapter IV presents the analysis of the data collected, based on the categories of analysis and in the case of Teacher A and Teacher B, trying to triangulate the information from three elements: what was done by both teachers in the classroom, what is stated in their didactic planning and what is stipulated by the Mathematics Study programs (2012) for Costa Rican secondary education. It culminates with the conclusions (chapter V), where the most significant findings of the preceding chapter are collected and some recommendations are made to the MEP, to the universities in charge of training professionals in Mathematics Teaching, to the teachers who teach the cited discipline and to researchers in the field of teaching and learning in Costa Rican mathematics education.
This final graduation project (TFG) aims to explain the differences and similarities between the curricular elements indicated by the current Mathematics Study Programs (2012) of the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) and those developed by two teachers — who were named as Teacher A and Teacher B to protect their identity—, who developed the topic of seventh level triangles in 2014, (triangular inequality and the theorems of the sums of the measures of the internal and external angles of a triangle, specifically). This, in two different daytime academic schools in the Heredia province and considering that the curricular components analyzed were the objectives (skills), contents (knowledge), methodological and evaluation strategies, and didactic resources. For this purpose, Chapter I shows the theme, the approach to the problem, some background information related to the subject investigated (on studies of the educational curriculum in Mathematics and classroom praxis; as well as some pronouncements regarding the current curriculum proposal). , the justification of the research problem and ends with the general and specific objectives of this thesis. Next, in chapter ll those concepts or theories that served to design the methodological stage of the study or that were found after entering the field and data collection are provided. Among these, the citation of various aspects of the Study Programs in Mathematics (2012) is conspicuous (that is, notable), since in the initial training of the graduate this curriculum was not current and had to be updated with these data. Chapter III specifies the research methodology to follow, which was framed under a qualitative paradigm, in a case study on the two observed teachers, implying that the results obtained are not generalizable. In addition, here the population, the informant sources, the categories of analysis (defined from the five curricular elements considered and the curricular and other reasons that explain them), the techniques, instruments and procedures to collect the information are characterized. . For its part, chapter IV presents the analysis of the data collected, based on the categories of analysis and in the case of Teacher A and Teacher B, trying to triangulate the information from three elements: what was done by both teachers in the classroom, what is stated in their didactic planning and what is stipulated by the Mathematics Study programs (2012) for Costa Rican secondary education. It culminates with the conclusions (chapter V), where the most significant findings of the preceding chapter are collected and some recommendations are made to the MEP, to the universities in charge of training professionals in Mathematics Teaching, to the teachers who teach the cited discipline and to researchers in the field of teaching and learning in Costa Rican mathematics education.
Salazar Morales, M. E. (2016). Similitudes y diferencias entre los elementos curriculares establecidos en los actuales programas de estudio en Matemática del Ministerio de Educación Pública y los desarrollados por los docentes en la Educación Media Costarricense. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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