Las Baterías de Acido Plomo Usadas (BAPU), negocio ambiental para la República Dominicana
Ricardo Acosta, Ana Vanessa
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La República Dominicana ratificó el Convenio de Basilea sobre movimiento
transfronterizo de desechos peligrosos. Se comprometió a cumplir este convenio pero aún
se exportan Baterías de Acido Plomo Usadas (BAPU), los exportadores abogan por que
no se prohíban las exportaciones. Mientras, la planta Verde Eco Industrial, exige que se
cumpla lo estipulado en Basilea, puesto que se viola un acuerdo.
El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar la situación actual de las exportaciones de
las BAPU en el país. Así mismo, determinar con el MIMARENA como Autoridad
Nacional ante Basilea, si Eco Verdi cumple con las capacidades técnicas que se requiere,
y evaluar si realmente exportar estas BAPU libera al país de un posible daño ambiental
irreversible, y si representa un aporte significativo a la economía.
La naturaleza de la investigación es cualitativa, descriptiva y se utilizó el método
deductivo. Las técnicas de investigación aplicadas fueron documentales y campo. La
primera sustentada en consultas bibliográficas y base de datos virtuales. La segunda se
basó en entrevistas a expertos en el área, y visitas a las empresas recolectoras,
exportadoras y a la planta misma de reciclaje localizada en Haina.
Como resultados de la investigación, se determinó que en la República Dominicana se
exporta BAPU, sin violar el Convenio de Basilea, y no se cerraran las exportaciones,
porque son ambiental y económicamente beneficiosas para el país. Se constató que Verde
Eco Industrial si tiene equipos y tecnología instalados, pero de acuerdo a MIMARENA no
tiene las capacidades de manejo de los desechos que producen.
The Dominican Republic ratified the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes. Committed to complying with this agreement but still exported Lead Acid Batteries (ULAB), exporters advocate not to ban exports. Meanwhile, the Green Eco Industrial plant demands that what is stipulated in Basel be fulfilled, since an agreement is violated. The purpose of this research was to analyze the current situation of ULAB exports in R.D. Likewise, to determine with MIMARENA as National Authority before Basel, whether Eco Verdi meets the technical capacities that are required, and to evaluate whether to actually export these ULAB releases the country from possible irreversible environmental damage, and if it represents a significant contribution to the economy. The nature of the research is qualitative, descriptive and the deductive method was used. The applied research techniques were documentary and field. The first is based on bibliographic queries and virtual database. The second was based on interviews with experts in the area, and visits to the collecting, exporting companies and the recycling plant located in Haina. As a result of the investigation, it was determined that the Dominican Republic exports BAPU, without violating the Basel Convention, and not close exports, because they are environmentally and economically beneficial to R.D. Green Eco Industrial was found to have installed equipment and technology, but according to MIMARENA, it does not have the capacity to handle the wastes it produces.
The Dominican Republic ratified the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes. Committed to complying with this agreement but still exported Lead Acid Batteries (ULAB), exporters advocate not to ban exports. Meanwhile, the Green Eco Industrial plant demands that what is stipulated in Basel be fulfilled, since an agreement is violated. The purpose of this research was to analyze the current situation of ULAB exports in R.D. Likewise, to determine with MIMARENA as National Authority before Basel, whether Eco Verdi meets the technical capacities that are required, and to evaluate whether to actually export these ULAB releases the country from possible irreversible environmental damage, and if it represents a significant contribution to the economy. The nature of the research is qualitative, descriptive and the deductive method was used. The applied research techniques were documentary and field. The first is based on bibliographic queries and virtual database. The second was based on interviews with experts in the area, and visits to the collecting, exporting companies and the recycling plant located in Haina. As a result of the investigation, it was determined that the Dominican Republic exports BAPU, without violating the Basel Convention, and not close exports, because they are environmentally and economically beneficial to R.D. Green Eco Industrial was found to have installed equipment and technology, but according to MIMARENA, it does not have the capacity to handle the wastes it produces.
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