Tecnologías y subjetividades: dispositivos, aplicaciones digitales, subjetivación, control y respuestas sociales
Sánchez Guzmán, Gabriela
Aguilar Chacón, Georgina
Chinchilla González, Diana
Montiel Borque, Joseline
Torres Marín, María José
López Valverde, Génesis
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Estos estudios de casos consisten específicamente, en el primer caso: “Tecnologías y subjetividades en personas usuarias de la aplicación digital Pokémon GO”. Es así que los procesos de subjetivación se manifiestan a través de diversas prácticas sociales que conforman una relación de su identidad con Pokémon y trasladan estos intereses a los espacios de socialización, tanto físicos como virtuales, a los que pertenecen sus usuarios. La influencia de esta aplicación en las dinámicas sociales de las personas jugadoras es relevante para la investigación, ya que evidencia el papel de la tecnología en la construcción de las subjetividades individuales y su integración a lo largo de sus vidas. Ahora bien, el segundo caso: “Tecnologías y subjetividades en personas usuarias de la aplicación digital Twitch”. En cuanto a esta aplicación, la misma facilita la interacción virtual en tiempo real, lo cual genera dinámicas sociales entre las personas usuarias y sus comunidades. Comprender cómo se forman estas identidades y cómo se desarrollan las dinámicas sociales dentro de la plataforma es crucial para dimensionar el impacto de las tecnologías digitales en las subjetividades individuales y colectivas. Respecto a tercer caso: “Tecnologías y subjetividades en personas usuarias de la aplicación digital de Instagram que comparten la maternidad”. La subjetivación es un proceso complejo a través del cual los sujetos forman su identidad y sus percepciones sobre diversos aspectos de la vida, incluyendo la maternidad, ya que, en este contexto, los procesos de subjetivación pueden influir en cómo las personas experimentan y entienden su rol de madres. En cuanto al último caso: “Tecnologías y Subjetividades: Procesos de subjetivación de mujeres emprendedoras costarricenses en el uso de la aplicación digital Instagram mediante los perfiles de tiendas virtuales y Facebook en una red de colaboración llamada “La Ramé”. En la era digital actual, las redes sociales como Instagram y Facebook han transformado radicalmente las dinámicas sociales y económicas, lo cual facilita la creación y promoción de emprendimientos virtuales. Estos entornos virtuales sirven como escaparates digitales para bienes y servicios y actúan como espacios en los procesos de subjetivación de las personas emprendedoras, donde se da un reconocimiento mediante un servicio ofrecido. Una vez confirmada su participación, se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a las personas usuarias de las plataformas digitales, estos informantes eran de los siguientes países: Costa Rica, México, Ecuador, Honduras y Estados Unidos, con edades entre los 20 y los 46 años, para un total de cinco personas como mínimo y nueve personas como máximo por caso. Asimismo, este apartado describe las consideraciones éticas aplicadas a la investigación, se describe una contextualización general del trabajo de campo realizado; no obstante, se profundiza más con detalle en cada estudio de caso y, finalmente, se describe cada aplicación digital: Pokémon GO, Twitch, Instagram y Facebook; al detallar aspectos sobre su historia, funcionamiento actual, perfil de las personas usuarias y tipo de contenido que ofrecen estos espacios virtuales a las personas usuarias.
These case studies consist specifically of the first case: “Technologies and subjectivities in users of the Pokémon GO digital application”. Thus, the processes of subjectivation are manifested through various social practices that form a relationship of their identity with Pokémon and transfer these interests to the spaces of socialization, both physical and virtual, to which its users belong. The influence of this application on the social dynamics of gamers is relevant to the research, since it shows the role of technology in the construction of individual subjectivities and their integration throughout their lives. Now, the second case: “Technologies and subjectivities in users of the Twitch digital application”. Regarding this application, it facilitates virtual interaction in real time, which generates social dynamics between users and their communities. Understanding how these identities are formed and how social dynamics develop within the platform is crucial to measure the impact of digital technologies on individual and collective subjectivities. Regarding the third case: “Technologies and subjectivities in users of the Instagram digital application who share motherhood.” Subjectivation is a complex process through which subjects form their identity and their perceptions about various aspects of life, including motherhood, since, in this context, subjectivation processes can influence how people experience and understand their role as mothers. Regarding the last case: “Technologies and Subjectivities: Subjectivation processes of Costa Rican female entrepreneurs in the use of the Instagram digital application through virtual store profiles and Facebook in a collaborative network called “La Ramé.” In the current digital era, social networks such as Instagram and Facebook have radically transformed social and economic dynamics, which facilitates the creation and promotion of virtual ventures. These virtual environments serve as digital showcases for goods and services and act as spaces in the subjectivation processes of entrepreneurs, where recognition is given through a service offered. Once their participation was confirmed, semi-structured interviews were applied to the users of the digital platforms. These informants were from the following countries: Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras and the United States, aged between 20 and 46 years, for a total of five people as a minimum and nine people as a maximum per case. Likewise, this section describes the ethical considerations applied to the research, a general contextualization of the field work carried out is described; however, it goes into more detail in each case study and, finally, each digital application is described: Pokémon GO, Twitch, Instagram and Facebook; detailing aspects of their history, current operation, user profile and type of content that these virtual spaces offer to users.
These case studies consist specifically of the first case: “Technologies and subjectivities in users of the Pokémon GO digital application”. Thus, the processes of subjectivation are manifested through various social practices that form a relationship of their identity with Pokémon and transfer these interests to the spaces of socialization, both physical and virtual, to which its users belong. The influence of this application on the social dynamics of gamers is relevant to the research, since it shows the role of technology in the construction of individual subjectivities and their integration throughout their lives. Now, the second case: “Technologies and subjectivities in users of the Twitch digital application”. Regarding this application, it facilitates virtual interaction in real time, which generates social dynamics between users and their communities. Understanding how these identities are formed and how social dynamics develop within the platform is crucial to measure the impact of digital technologies on individual and collective subjectivities. Regarding the third case: “Technologies and subjectivities in users of the Instagram digital application who share motherhood.” Subjectivation is a complex process through which subjects form their identity and their perceptions about various aspects of life, including motherhood, since, in this context, subjectivation processes can influence how people experience and understand their role as mothers. Regarding the last case: “Technologies and Subjectivities: Subjectivation processes of Costa Rican female entrepreneurs in the use of the Instagram digital application through virtual store profiles and Facebook in a collaborative network called “La Ramé.” In the current digital era, social networks such as Instagram and Facebook have radically transformed social and economic dynamics, which facilitates the creation and promotion of virtual ventures. These virtual environments serve as digital showcases for goods and services and act as spaces in the subjectivation processes of entrepreneurs, where recognition is given through a service offered. Once their participation was confirmed, semi-structured interviews were applied to the users of the digital platforms. These informants were from the following countries: Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras and the United States, aged between 20 and 46 years, for a total of five people as a minimum and nine people as a maximum per case. Likewise, this section describes the ethical considerations applied to the research, a general contextualization of the field work carried out is described; however, it goes into more detail in each case study and, finally, each digital application is described: Pokémon GO, Twitch, Instagram and Facebook; detailing aspects of their history, current operation, user profile and type of content that these virtual spaces offer to users.
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