La combinatoria en libros de texto de matemática de educación secundaria en España
Espinoza González, Jonathan
Roa Guzmán, Rafael
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Los problemas combinatorios tienen profundas implicaciones tanto en el desarrollo de algunas ramas de la Matemática como en otras disciplinas (Batanero, Godino y Navarro-Pelayo, 1994). Una mención especial merece el papel de la Combinatoria en la Probabilidad, ya que una escasa capacidad del razonamiento combinatorio reduce la aplicación del concepto de Probabilidad a casos muy sencillos o de fácil enumeración (Piaget e Inhelder, 1951). Debido a la importancia del tema, decidimos concentrarnos en su tratamiento en algunos libros de texto de Matemáticas de Educación Secundaria. Nos basamos en el desarrollo de la teoría de los significados sistémicos, desarrollada por Godino y colaboradores, para considerar el libro de texto como una institución y en ese contexto, el problema de investigación abordado es la caracterización del significado institucional del objeto matemático “Combinatoria” en los libros de texto citados.
The combinatorial problems have profound implications for both, the development of some branches of mathematics and other disciplines (Batanero, Navarro-Pelayo, and Godino, 1994). Special mention deserves the role of combinatory in Probability, because a limited capacity in combinatorial reasoning reduces the application of the concept of probability in very simple or easy enumeration cases (Piaget and Inhelder, 1951). Due to the importance of the subject, we decided to concentrate on its treatment in some textbooks of Secondary Math Education. We rely on the theory of systemic meanings, developed by Godino y colleagues, to consider the textbook as an institution, and in this context, the research problem addressed is the characterization of the institutional meaning of the mathematical object "Combinatory" in the textbooks cited.
The combinatorial problems have profound implications for both, the development of some branches of mathematics and other disciplines (Batanero, Navarro-Pelayo, and Godino, 1994). Special mention deserves the role of combinatory in Probability, because a limited capacity in combinatorial reasoning reduces the application of the concept of probability in very simple or easy enumeration cases (Piaget and Inhelder, 1951). Due to the importance of the subject, we decided to concentrate on its treatment in some textbooks of Secondary Math Education. We rely on the theory of systemic meanings, developed by Godino y colleagues, to consider the textbook as an institution, and in this context, the research problem addressed is the characterization of the institutional meaning of the mathematical object "Combinatory" in the textbooks cited.
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