Leyendo “Lecturas”. Documentos para la historia del libro en Costa Rica a comienzos del siglo XX
Molina Jiménez, Iván
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Editorial Universidad Nacional
Identificar y clasificar los impresos publicados durante el siglo XIX, de Luis Dobles Segreda y José Line, es el punto de partida de las investigaciones actuales, sobre bibliotecas públicas y privadas, el comercio y la producción de impresos y el despliegue de la prensa.
Las fuentes empleadas son de tres tipos: inventarios sucesorios de colecciones privadas; listas de libros existentes o de compras y cuentas de servicios o de impresión de instituciones públicas; y catálogos de títulos de venta de librerías o imprentas y anuncios periodísticos de importadores. Cuerpo documental que permite, sopesar, en distintas épocas, el tamaño y la variedad de la oferta librera, las condiciones sociales de la producción editorial y el comercio de impresos, y la magnitud del consumo de obras y su diferenciación según categoría ocupacional y espacio rural y urbano.
Identifying and classifying the forms published during the nineteenth century, by Luis Dobles Segreda and José Line, is the starting point of current research on public and private libraries, trade and the production of printed matter and the deployment of the press. The sources used are of three types: succession inventories of private collections; lists of existing books or purchases and service or printing accounts of public institutions; and catalogs of titles of sale of bookstores or printers and journalistic announcements of importers. Documentary body that allows, at different times, to weigh the size and variety of the bookstore offer, the social conditions of the publishing production and the print trade, and the magnitude of the consumption of works and their differentiation according to occupational category and rural space and urban
Identifying and classifying the forms published during the nineteenth century, by Luis Dobles Segreda and José Line, is the starting point of current research on public and private libraries, trade and the production of printed matter and the deployment of the press. The sources used are of three types: succession inventories of private collections; lists of existing books or purchases and service or printing accounts of public institutions; and catalogs of titles of sale of bookstores or printers and journalistic announcements of importers. Documentary body that allows, at different times, to weigh the size and variety of the bookstore offer, the social conditions of the publishing production and the print trade, and the magnitude of the consumption of works and their differentiation according to occupational category and rural space and urban
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