Desarrollo de un Software Educativo (Progreso) para el aprendizaje de vocabulario de la Lengua de Señas Costarricense (Lesco)
Castro García, Oldemar
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
En Costa Rica se ha desarrollado poco software para ayudar a las personas con defectos mentales, sensoriales o físicos, y mucho menos software educativo para niños con esos defectos. Actualmente los microcomputadores y sus accesorios son más baratos y accesibles y con la ayuda de la tecnología multimedia se puede desarrollar un software para enseñar con la asistencia del computador la lengua de señas a los niños sean estos sordos u oyentes. Con esta convicción se desarrollo un software educativo PROGRESO para el aprendizaje de vocabulario de la lengua de señas costarricense (LESCO), utilizando la combinación de texto, imágenes estáticas, videos (imágenes en movimiento) y sonido. Su interfaz esta orientada a niños de 5 a 7 años, para los cuales el objetivo educativo está disfrazado como un juego, además su uso es muy fácil debido a la orientación de seleccionar con la utilización del mouse. El aporte de este trabajo al campo de la informática es ser pionero en el desarrollo de un software educativo especializado para niños sordos, usando el paradigma de construcción por prototipos, la tecnología multimedia y la distribución de la aplicación por medio de la Fundación Omar Dengo a todas las escuelas que tengan microcomputadoras y niños con problemas auditivos.
Little software has been developed in Costa Rica to help people with mental, sensory or physical defects, and much less educational software for children with these defects. Currently, microcomputers and their accessories are cheaper and more accessible and with the help of multimedia technology, software can be developed to teach sign language to children with the help of computers, whether they are deaf or hearing. With this conviction, PROGRESO educational software was developed for learning Costa Rican sign language vocabulary (LESCO), using a combination of text, static images, videos (moving images) and sound. Its interface is aimed at children from 5 to 7 years old, for whom the educational objective is disguised as a game, in addition its use is very easy due to the orientation of selecting with the use of the mouse. The contribution of this work to the field of informatics is to be a pioneer in the development of specialized educational software for deaf children, using the prototype construction paradigm, multimedia technology and the distribution of the application through the Omar Dengo Foundation. all schools with microcomputers and children with hearing problems.
Little software has been developed in Costa Rica to help people with mental, sensory or physical defects, and much less educational software for children with these defects. Currently, microcomputers and their accessories are cheaper and more accessible and with the help of multimedia technology, software can be developed to teach sign language to children with the help of computers, whether they are deaf or hearing. With this conviction, PROGRESO educational software was developed for learning Costa Rican sign language vocabulary (LESCO), using a combination of text, static images, videos (moving images) and sound. Its interface is aimed at children from 5 to 7 years old, for whom the educational objective is disguised as a game, in addition its use is very easy due to the orientation of selecting with the use of the mouse. The contribution of this work to the field of informatics is to be a pioneer in the development of specialized educational software for deaf children, using the prototype construction paradigm, multimedia technology and the distribution of the application through the Omar Dengo Foundation. all schools with microcomputers and children with hearing problems.
Castro García, O. (1996). Desarrollo de un Software Educativo (Progreso) para el aprendizaje de vocabulario de la Lengua de Señas Costarricense (Lesco). [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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