Propuesta para la implementación de un modelo de plan de negocio funcional en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector manufactura e industria, en el cantón de Pérez Zeledón
Pizarro Piñar, Carlos
Gamboa Quesada, Evelyn
Martínez Alpízar, Jaime
Sánchez Navarro, Kerlyn
Marín Chinchilla, Viviana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente seminario tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis enfocado a la importancia del uso de los planes de negocios y su implementación en los procesos desarrollados por las empresas del sector manufactura e industria ubicadas en el cantón de Pérez Zeledón. Fue primordial primeramente desarrollar una descripción de las herramientas y metodologías más utilizadas que puedan ser implementadas con mayor facilidad en el sector; asimismo, un análisis de la existencia de planes de negocios a lo interno de las empresas que participaron del estudio y, aprovechando el acercamiento con los líderes de las empresas, un estudio que permitiera generar una relación entre características de estos, como, por ejemplo, el grado de escolaridad y el uso de diferentes herramientas administrativas. Al inicio, se expone el planteamiento del problema; una serie de aspectos que dieron origen y sentido al desarrollo de este estudio, una breve reseña de los modelos de negocios y una pincelada del surgimiento de las pymes en el país. Se explica el origen de la cuestión: cómo, a primera vista, el común denominador de la pequeña y mediana empresa costarricense es la informalidad de los procesos que desarrollan. Para culminar con este apartado, se delimita el alcance del seminario. Seguidamente, en el marco referencial, se delimita el espacio físico de las empresas de estudio, así como características demográficas de la zona; la conceptualización y descripción de las Mipymes tanto a nivel internacional como en el caso específico del país. También se describen los conceptos de industria y manufactura, así como el origen de este sector y la historia en el país, la incidencia en el desarrollo de la economía nacional y los diferentes tipos de establecimientos que lo conforman; para culminar con una descripción del desarrollo industrial manufacturero para el caso particular de Pérez Zeledón. De igual forma, se desarrolla el marco teórico que sustenta la definición e importancia de los modelos de negocios, así como ejemplos de estos. También, diversas estrategias que podrían ponerse en práctica en las empresas de estudio y herramientas para la implementación de estas. En el marco metodológico, encabezado por el desarrollo del enfoque mixto con aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos que guiaron la investigación; así como los tipos de estudio desarrollados para el cumplimiento de los objetivos, y la descripción de la población de estudio que formó parte de este y las bases sobre las cuales se delimitó este crucial factor; finalizando con los instrumentos empleados. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis de la información arrojada producto de la investigación, junto con la interrelación de distintos aspectos claves para el uso e implementación de los modelos de negocios en las Mipymes del cantón. A continuación se exponen las principales impresiones y conclusiones, que muestran en síntesis la incidencia de la existencia y uso de los planes de negocios, entre otros hallazgos sumamente relevantes también. Se brindan posibles recomendaciones a las Mipymes y sus líderes que permitan replantear la forma de documentar los procesos que se generan. Para culminar con la presentación de una propuesta unificada de modelo de negocio que sea posible implementar y que guíe a los administradores en el proceso, se presenta una propuesta unificada de modelo de negocio que sea posible utilizar e implementar en cualquier empresa del sector; que brinde una guía a los líderes organizacionales de los principales puntos de atención para un control más organizado de diversos factores que forman parte de la empresa. Con el propósito de desarrollar este seminario, fueron indagadas diversas fuentes de información; entre ellas: bases de datos, libros de texto, páginas web, foros y videos; sin dejar de lado entrevistas a pioneros y conocedores del sector de estudio en el cantón y la aplicación de encuestas a gerentes o propietarios de las organizaciones que formaron parte dentro de las diversas limitaciones afrontadas en el desarrollo.
The objective of this seminar is to conduct an analysis focused on the importance of the use of business plans and their implementation in the processes developed by companies in the manufacturing and industrial sector located in the canton of Pérez Zeledón. It was essential to first develop a description of the most used tools and methodologies that can be implemented more easily in the sector; also, an analysis of the existence of business plans within the companies that participated in the study and, taking advantage of the approach with the leaders of the companies, a study that would allow generating a relationship between their characteristics, such as, for example, the degree of schooling and the use of different administrative tools. At the beginning, the problem statement is presented; a series of aspects that gave origin and sense to the development of this study, a brief review of the business models and a brushstroke of the emergence of SMEs in the country. The origin of the issue is explained: how, at first sight, the common denominator of Costa Rican small and medium-sized enterprises is the informality of the processes they develop. To conclude this section, the scope of the seminar is delimited. Next, in the referential framework, the physical space of the study companies is delimited, as well as demographic characteristics of the area; the conceptualization and description of MSMEs both at the international level and in the specific case of the country. The concepts of industry and manufacturing are also described, as well as the origin of this sector and its history in the country, its incidence in the development of the national economy and the different types of establishments that comprise it; to culminate with a description of the industrial manufacturing development for the particular case of Pérez Zeledón. Likewise, the theoretical framework that supports the definition and importance of business models is developed, as well as examples of these. Also, various strategies that could be put into practice in the companies under study and tools for their implementation. In the methodological framework, headed by the development of the mixed approach with quantitative and qualitative aspects that guided the research; as well as the types of study developed for the fulfillment of the objectives, and the description of the study population that was part of this and the bases on which this crucial factor was delimited; ending with the instruments used. Subsequently, an analysis of the information resulting from the research was carried out, together with the interrelation of different key aspects for the use and implementation of business models in the canton's MSMEs. The following are the main impressions and conclusions, which show in summary the incidence of the existence and use of business plans, among other highly relevant findings as well. Possible recommendations are offered to MSMEs and their leaders to rethink the way of documenting the processes that are generated. To culminate with the presentation of a unified business model proposal that can be implemented and that guides managers in the process, a unified business model proposal is presented that can be used and implemented in any company in the sector, providing guidance to organizational leaders of the main points of attention for a more organized control of various factors that are part of the company. With the purpose of developing this seminar, several sources of information were investigated; among them: databases, textbooks, web pages, forums and videos; without leaving aside interviews to pioneers and experts of the sector of study in the canton and the application of surveys to managers or owners of the organizations that were part of the diverse limitations faced in the development.
The objective of this seminar is to conduct an analysis focused on the importance of the use of business plans and their implementation in the processes developed by companies in the manufacturing and industrial sector located in the canton of Pérez Zeledón. It was essential to first develop a description of the most used tools and methodologies that can be implemented more easily in the sector; also, an analysis of the existence of business plans within the companies that participated in the study and, taking advantage of the approach with the leaders of the companies, a study that would allow generating a relationship between their characteristics, such as, for example, the degree of schooling and the use of different administrative tools. At the beginning, the problem statement is presented; a series of aspects that gave origin and sense to the development of this study, a brief review of the business models and a brushstroke of the emergence of SMEs in the country. The origin of the issue is explained: how, at first sight, the common denominator of Costa Rican small and medium-sized enterprises is the informality of the processes they develop. To conclude this section, the scope of the seminar is delimited. Next, in the referential framework, the physical space of the study companies is delimited, as well as demographic characteristics of the area; the conceptualization and description of MSMEs both at the international level and in the specific case of the country. The concepts of industry and manufacturing are also described, as well as the origin of this sector and its history in the country, its incidence in the development of the national economy and the different types of establishments that comprise it; to culminate with a description of the industrial manufacturing development for the particular case of Pérez Zeledón. Likewise, the theoretical framework that supports the definition and importance of business models is developed, as well as examples of these. Also, various strategies that could be put into practice in the companies under study and tools for their implementation. In the methodological framework, headed by the development of the mixed approach with quantitative and qualitative aspects that guided the research; as well as the types of study developed for the fulfillment of the objectives, and the description of the study population that was part of this and the bases on which this crucial factor was delimited; ending with the instruments used. Subsequently, an analysis of the information resulting from the research was carried out, together with the interrelation of different key aspects for the use and implementation of business models in the canton's MSMEs. The following are the main impressions and conclusions, which show in summary the incidence of the existence and use of business plans, among other highly relevant findings as well. Possible recommendations are offered to MSMEs and their leaders to rethink the way of documenting the processes that are generated. To culminate with the presentation of a unified business model proposal that can be implemented and that guides managers in the process, a unified business model proposal is presented that can be used and implemented in any company in the sector, providing guidance to organizational leaders of the main points of attention for a more organized control of various factors that are part of the company. With the purpose of developing this seminar, several sources of information were investigated; among them: databases, textbooks, web pages, forums and videos; without leaving aside interviews to pioneers and experts of the sector of study in the canton and the application of surveys to managers or owners of the organizations that were part of the diverse limitations faced in the development.
Licenciatura en administración con énfasis en gestión financiera
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