Antropolox lee poesía : ensayos de literatura e Historia Centroamericano
Montero Corrales, Cristopher
Gómez Carillo, Enrique
Groys, Boris
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En esta undécima entrega Cilampa retoma la senda de los estudios literarios y culturales para ofrecerle, estimado lector, cuatro ensayos de Cristopher Montero Corrales. Son obras cortas, bien escritas y de fácil lectura; no por ello carecen de la necesaria complejidad teórica, conceptual y argumentativa que demandan los temas tratados y el género seleccionado para abordarlos. Una novela de los albores del siglo XX, los fundamentos epistemológicos de una investigación sobre la poesía centroamericana del XIX, el pensamiento de un editor centroamericano de la primera mitad del siglo XIX y las cartas de un conquistador al rey Felipe II son los objetos materiales de los que Montero Corrales se ocupa en estos cuatro escritos.
In this eleventh issue, Cilampa returns to the path of literary and cultural studies to offer you, dear reader, four essays by Cristopher Montero Corrales. They are short, well-written and easy-to-read works, but they do not lack the necessary theoretical, conceptual and argumentative complexity required by the topics covered and the genre selected to address them. A novel from the dawn of the 20th century, the epistemological foundations of a research on Central American poetry of the 19th century, the thoughts of a Central American editor of the first half of the 19th century and the letters of a conquistador to King Philip II are the material objects that Montero Corrales deals with in these four writings. Translated with (free version)
In this eleventh issue, Cilampa returns to the path of literary and cultural studies to offer you, dear reader, four essays by Cristopher Montero Corrales. They are short, well-written and easy-to-read works, but they do not lack the necessary theoretical, conceptual and argumentative complexity required by the topics covered and the genre selected to address them. A novel from the dawn of the 20th century, the epistemological foundations of a research on Central American poetry of the 19th century, the thoughts of a Central American editor of the first half of the 19th century and the letters of a conquistador to King Philip II are the material objects that Montero Corrales deals with in these four writings. Translated with (free version)
Gómez Carillo, Enrique. Metalieratura en bollemia sentimental, de Enrique Gómez Carillo.--Poesía Centroamericana del siglo XIX. -- El pensamiento de Pedro Molina. -- Groys, Boris. El diseño de sí, el Humor t lo grotesco en las cartas de Juan Vázquez de Coronado.
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