Comparación del efecto de distintos protocolos de ejercicio en condiciones de hipoxia sobre la composición corporal y la glicemia en personas con obesidad: estudio meta analítico
Roque Rojas, Karen Sofía
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El propósito del estudio fue comparar el efecto de distintos protocolos de ejercicio en condicionesde hipoxia sobre la composición corporal y la glicemia en personas con obesidad, mediante lastécnicas meta analíticas. Metodología: se logró ubicar una evidencia de 149 artículos en las basesde PubMed, Medline, The Cochrane Library, EBSCO host, Academic Search Ultimate ySportDiscus. Nueve estudios cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: el ejercicio enhipoxia generó una disminución percentil de 9.87% en IMC y en masa grasa, mientras que elejercicio en normoxia los disminuyó 18.08% y 14.06% respectivamente. Sin embargo, no hubodiferencia en las mejoras generadas en estas variables por ambas condiciones de ejercicio, de modoque ejercitarse en hipoxia benefició de modo similar que el ejercitarse en normoxia. Además, ambascondiciones de ejercicio no afectaron significativamente a la glicemia ni a los demás componentesde la composición corporal de los que se obtuvo información para meta analizar: la masa magra y lamasa muscular. Conclusiones: el ejercicio en condiciones de hipoxia en personas con obesidad,mejora algunos componentes de la composición corporal de esta población, mas no su glicemia,pero esas mejoras son similares a las que estas personas podrían tener ejercitándose en condicionesde normoxia. Recomendaciones: se requiere profundizar más esta línea de investigación. Enfuturos estudios, se debe evitar el reporte de resultados mezclando los datos de individuos conobesidad con los de sujetos con sobrepeso. Y en la práctica profesional, al prescribir ejercicio apersonas que viven en condición de sobrepeso u obesidad, es necesario que se tenga en cuenta lasdiferencias entre estos grupos, en cuanto a los efectos que el ejercicio en general, puede tener paracada población.
The purpose of the study was to compare the effect of different exercise protocols under hypoxicconditions on body composition and glycemia in people with obesity, using meta-analytictechniques. Methodology: Evidence of 149 articles was located in the databases of PubMed,Medline, The Cochrane Library, EBSCO host, Academic Search Ultimate and SportDiscus. Ninestudies met the inclusion criteria. Results: exercise in hypoxia generated a percentile decrease of9.87% in BMI and fat mass, while exercise in normoxia decreased them by 18.08% and 14.06%respectively. However, there was no difference in the improvements generated in these variables byboth exercise conditions, so that exercising in hypoxia benefited in a similar way as exercising innormoxia. Furthermore, both exercise conditions did not significantly affect blood glucose or theother components of body composition from which information was obtained for meta-analysis:lean mass and muscle mass. Conclusions: Exercise under conditions of hypoxia in people withobesity improves some components of the body composition of this population, but not their bloodglucose, but these improvements are similar to those that these people could have by exercisingunder conditions of normoxia. Recommendations: This line of research requires furtherinvestigation. In future studies, reporting results should be avoided by mixing data from obeseindividuals with those from overweight subjects. And in professional practice, when prescribingexercise to people who are overweight or obese, it is necessary to take into account the differencesbetween these groups, in terms of the effects that exercise in general can have for each population.
The purpose of the study was to compare the effect of different exercise protocols under hypoxicconditions on body composition and glycemia in people with obesity, using meta-analytictechniques. Methodology: Evidence of 149 articles was located in the databases of PubMed,Medline, The Cochrane Library, EBSCO host, Academic Search Ultimate and SportDiscus. Ninestudies met the inclusion criteria. Results: exercise in hypoxia generated a percentile decrease of9.87% in BMI and fat mass, while exercise in normoxia decreased them by 18.08% and 14.06%respectively. However, there was no difference in the improvements generated in these variables byboth exercise conditions, so that exercising in hypoxia benefited in a similar way as exercising innormoxia. Furthermore, both exercise conditions did not significantly affect blood glucose or theother components of body composition from which information was obtained for meta-analysis:lean mass and muscle mass. Conclusions: Exercise under conditions of hypoxia in people withobesity improves some components of the body composition of this population, but not their bloodglucose, but these improvements are similar to those that these people could have by exercisingunder conditions of normoxia. Recommendations: This line of research requires furtherinvestigation. In future studies, reporting results should be avoided by mixing data from obeseindividuals with those from overweight subjects. And in professional practice, when prescribingexercise to people who are overweight or obese, it is necessary to take into account the differencesbetween these groups, in terms of the effects that exercise in general can have for each population.