Efectos de la tecnología de cultivo del pargo manchado lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner,1869) (pices: lutjanidae) en jaulas flotantes en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica
Chacón Guzmán, Jonathan
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Se determinó el efecto de tres densidades de siembra (10, 30 y 50 peces/m), sobre el crecimiento y mortalidad del pargo manchado Lutjanus guttatus cultivado en jaulas flotantes en Isla San Lucas, Golfo de Nicoya; se utilizó un diseño irrestricto al azar con peces de 79.3 g (±13 g), cultivados en 9 jaulas de 5.2 rn3 de volumen real. La tasa de crecimiento absoluto (TCA) fue de 1.19±0.07 g/d e intermedia a la reportada para otras especies del género Lutjanus. La tasa de crecimiento específica 'A obtenida (TCEÌ fue de 0.77±0.02 % del peso corporal por día, y el coeficiente de crecimiento g" fue de 0.14±0.005 g /d, ambos inferiores a los reportados para otras especies del mismo género. El factor de conversión alimenticia (FCA = 2.86±0.13) se considera elevado y la mortalidad promedio (16.1±1.8 0/0) aceptable. El crecimiento y la mortalidad no presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p 95%) entre los tres tratamientos. Se concluye que esta especie puede ser cultivada a partir de los 80 g y hasta los 265 g utilizando densidades 13 Kg/m. Además, se determinó la percepción de los pescadores artesanales de algunas zonas del Golfo de Nicoya (Paquera, Isla Venado y Barrio el Carmen), sobre los efectos del desarrollo de ésta tecnología, resultados que permitieron recomendar acciones estratégicas. La mayoría de los pescadores afirman que la actividad pesquera en muy mal estado y que en menos de 10 años colapsará, que están anuentes a participar en los proyectos de cultivo especialmente en asociación, que dicha actividad mejoraría su calidad de vida, que las limitantes principales son el financiamiento y la falta de capacitación, y que éstas deben ser solucionadas por el gobierno central. Los pescadores perciben que la organización interna es lo primordial, que el sector privado no debe sobreponerse a sus intereses, que esta actividad no afecta al ambiente ni al pescador artesanal, y que en el futuro habrá muchos proyectos. Con la percepción de los pescadores y las acciones estratégicas definidas, se concluye que el Estado debe fomentar una estructura de servicios e infraestructura básica, la apertura del mercado, la inversión en tecnología, una legislación clara, profesionales capacitados, acceso al crédito, y una concientización sobre el uso integral de la zona marino costera que implique considerar a esta actividad desde el punto de vista del equilibrio entre el crecimiento económico de esta nueva industria y la protección del ambiente.
The effect of three stocking densities (10, 30 and 50 fish/m) on the growth and mortality of spotted snapper Lutjanus guttatus cultured in floating cages on Isla San Lucas, Gulf of Nicoya was determined; An unrestricted randomized design was used with 79.3 g (±13 g) fish, cultured in 9 cages with a real volume of 5.2 m3. The absolute growth rate (TCA) was 1.19±0.07 g/d and intermediate to that reported for other species of the genus Lutjanus. The specific growth rate 'A obtained (TCEÌ) was 0.77±0.02 % of body weight per day, and the growth coefficient g" was 0.14±0.005 g/d, both lower than those reported for other species of the same genus. The feed conversion factor (FCA = 2.86±0.13) is considered high and the average mortality (16.1±1.8 0/0) acceptable.Growth and mortality did not present statistically significant differences (p 95%) between the three treatments. concludes that this species can be farmed from 80 g to 265 g using densities of 13 Kg/m2.In addition, the perception of artisanal fishermen in some areas of the Gulf of Nicoya (Paquera, Isla Venado and Barrio el Carmen) was determined. ), on the effects of the development of this technology, results that allowed recommending strategic actions.Most of the fishermen affirm that the fishing activity is in a very bad state and that in less than 10 years it will collapse, that they are willing to p Participate in cultivation projects, especially in association, that said activity would improve their quality of life, that the main constraints are financing and lack of training, and that these must be solved by the central government. The fishermen perceive that internal organization is paramount, that the private sector should not supersede their interests, that this activity does not affect the environment or the artisanal fisherman, and that there will be many projects in the future. With the perception of the fishermen and the defined strategic actions, it is concluded that the State must promote a structure of services and basic infrastructure, the opening of the market, investment in technology, clear legislation, trained professionals, access to credit, and a awareness about the integral use of the marine-coastal zone that implies considering this activity from the point of view of the balance between the economic growth of this new industry and the protection of the environment.
The effect of three stocking densities (10, 30 and 50 fish/m) on the growth and mortality of spotted snapper Lutjanus guttatus cultured in floating cages on Isla San Lucas, Gulf of Nicoya was determined; An unrestricted randomized design was used with 79.3 g (±13 g) fish, cultured in 9 cages with a real volume of 5.2 m3. The absolute growth rate (TCA) was 1.19±0.07 g/d and intermediate to that reported for other species of the genus Lutjanus. The specific growth rate 'A obtained (TCEÌ) was 0.77±0.02 % of body weight per day, and the growth coefficient g" was 0.14±0.005 g/d, both lower than those reported for other species of the same genus. The feed conversion factor (FCA = 2.86±0.13) is considered high and the average mortality (16.1±1.8 0/0) acceptable.Growth and mortality did not present statistically significant differences (p 95%) between the three treatments. concludes that this species can be farmed from 80 g to 265 g using densities of 13 Kg/m2.In addition, the perception of artisanal fishermen in some areas of the Gulf of Nicoya (Paquera, Isla Venado and Barrio el Carmen) was determined. ), on the effects of the development of this technology, results that allowed recommending strategic actions.Most of the fishermen affirm that the fishing activity is in a very bad state and that in less than 10 years it will collapse, that they are willing to p Participate in cultivation projects, especially in association, that said activity would improve their quality of life, that the main constraints are financing and lack of training, and that these must be solved by the central government. The fishermen perceive that internal organization is paramount, that the private sector should not supersede their interests, that this activity does not affect the environment or the artisanal fisherman, and that there will be many projects in the future. With the perception of the fishermen and the defined strategic actions, it is concluded that the State must promote a structure of services and basic infrastructure, the opening of the market, investment in technology, clear legislation, trained professionals, access to credit, and a awareness about the integral use of the marine-coastal zone that implies considering this activity from the point of view of the balance between the economic growth of this new industry and the protection of the environment.
Chacón Guzmán, J. (2010). Efectos de la tecnología de cultivo del pargo manchado lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner,1869) (pices: lutjanidae) en jaulas flotantes en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Maestría]. Universidad Nacional, Puntarenas, C.R.
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