Programa de juegos deportivos recreativos para la formación de valores en niños y niñas en una escuela urbano marginal de Pérez Zeledón
Araya Bartels, Rolando Alberto
Atencio Benavides, Harold
Badilla Sandí, Carlos Alberto
Cordero Gamboa, Herman Luis
Obando Durán, Greddy
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objeto de este trabajo se basa en el desarrollo y validez de un programa de juegos deportivo-recreativos para la promoción de valores. En este programa se trata de estimular, por medio de los juegos deportivo-recreativos, los siguientes valores: tolerancia, solidaridad, honestidad, cooperación y respeto. Se contó con un grupo de 33 sujetos, de los cuales, 15 eran niñas y 18 niños, con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 12 años, pertenecientes todos al quinto grado de la Escuela Cocorí, en San Isidro de Pérez Zeledón. Para dicho estudio se diseño una escala de valoración o estimulación de valores, la cual se aplicó en dos ocasiones, una al principio y la otra al final de la implementación del programa. Se determinó que el programa de juegos deportivo-recreativos aplicado a la consolidación de valores en niños y niñas de una escuela urbano marginal de Pérez Zeledón, y que según las mediciones aplicadas en el pre-test de respeto, solidaridad, tolerancia, cooperación y honestidad, fueron inferiores con respecto a las mediciones aplicadas en el post-test al final del programa. Se consideró que la mejoría obtenida en los valores evaluados, se debe a la aplicación del programa establecido, esto porque durante el mismo tuvieron un efecto positivo en la población estudiantil con que se trabajó. Es por ello que se recomienda tener un periodo de tiempo más extenso en la implementación del programa de juegos deportivo-recreativos para obtener aún mejores resultados, en el aspecto social y personal del estudiante.
The object of this work is based on the development and validity of a program of sports-recreational games for the promotion of values. The aim of this program is to stimulate, by means of sports-recreational games, the following values: tolerance, solidarity, honesty, cooperation and respect. There was a group of 33 subjects, of which 15 were girls and 18 boys, aged between 10 and 12 years, all belonging to the fifth grade of the Cocorí School, in San Isidro de Pérez Zeledón. For this study, a values assessment or stimulation scale was designed and applied twice, once at the beginning and once at the end of the program implementation. It was determined that the sports-recreational games program applied to the consolidation of values in boys and girls of a marginal urban school of Pérez Zeledón, and that according to the measurements applied in the pre-test of respect, solidarity, tolerance, cooperation and honesty, were lower than the measurements applied in the post-test at the end of the program. It was considered that the improvement obtained in the evaluated values is due to the application of the established program, because during the program they had a positive effect on the student population with whom we worked. It is therefore recommended to have a longer period of time in the implementation of the sports-recreational games program to obtain even better results in the social and personal aspect of the student.
The object of this work is based on the development and validity of a program of sports-recreational games for the promotion of values. The aim of this program is to stimulate, by means of sports-recreational games, the following values: tolerance, solidarity, honesty, cooperation and respect. There was a group of 33 subjects, of which 15 were girls and 18 boys, aged between 10 and 12 years, all belonging to the fifth grade of the Cocorí School, in San Isidro de Pérez Zeledón. For this study, a values assessment or stimulation scale was designed and applied twice, once at the beginning and once at the end of the program implementation. It was determined that the sports-recreational games program applied to the consolidation of values in boys and girls of a marginal urban school of Pérez Zeledón, and that according to the measurements applied in the pre-test of respect, solidarity, tolerance, cooperation and honesty, were lower than the measurements applied in the post-test at the end of the program. It was considered that the improvement obtained in the evaluated values is due to the application of the established program, because during the program they had a positive effect on the student population with whom we worked. It is therefore recommended to have a longer period of time in the implementation of the sports-recreational games program to obtain even better results in the social and personal aspect of the student.
Licenciatura en ciencias del deporte con énfasis en salud
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