Aprendo jugando: El carrusel de la lectura como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la lectoescritura en la niñez de segundo año del Centro Educativo Católico Eulogio López Obando, cantón Cañas, provincia de Guanacaste Periodo 2023
Álvarez Pérez, Karen Josseth
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Universidad Nacional, Sede Regional Chorotega
Aprendo jugando: El carrusel de la lectura como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la
lectoescritura en la niñez de segundo año del Centro Educativo Católico Eulogio López Obando,
cantón Cañas, provincia de Guanacaste Periodo 2023
Álvarez, J. Aprendo jugando una estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la lectoescritura en los y
las estudiantes de segundo año del Centro Educativo Católico Eulogio López Obando, cantón
Cañas, provincia de Guanacaste periodo 2023.
Bajo la dirección de la Dra. Margoth Miranda Rosales, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica,
Sede Regional Chorotega, Campus Liberia. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general
Fortalecer la lectoescritura en los y las estudiantes de segundo año del Centro Educativo Católico
Eulogio López Obando, mediante la estrategia aprendo jugando.
Dicha propuesta nace de las necesidades en la adquisición de las habilidades necesarias para la
lectoescritura detectadas en la aplicación del diagnóstico realizado a los niños y niñas de segundo
grado del Centro Educativo Católico Eulogio López Obando.
Para afrontar estas necesidades se ejecutó una propuesta educativa que constó de 10 talleres
realizados con los menores de segundo grado, con la intención de minimizar aquellos “vacíos” o
rezagos que presentaban los estudiantes a raíz de la situación por la pandemia del COVID- 19.
Esta investigación responde al tipo investigación acción, bajo un enfoque cualitativo y un muestreo
por conveniencia. El marco teórico aborda aspectos relacionados con la lectoescritura, niveles de
conceptualización de la lectura, métodos de enseñanza, metodologías didácticas y niveles de
comprensión lectora. Para recopilar la información se utilizaron instrumentos como: la
observación, la entrevista, el diario de campo, registro anecdótico y lista de cotejo. La población
en estudio consta de 6 niños de los cuales 3 son hombre y 3 son mujeres; además de 6 docentes de
grupo de I y II Ciclo.
Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que a través del juego los y las niñas obtienen aprendizajes
significativos los cuales le permiten desarrollar aquellas habilidades que con metodologías
tradicionales les es difícil avanzar y mejorar.
Aprendo jugando: El carrusel de la lectura como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la lectoescritura en la niñez de segundo año del Centro Educativo Católico Eulogio López Obando, cantón Cañas, provincia de Guanacaste Periodo 2023. [I learn by playing: The reading carousel as a strategy to strengthen literacy in second-year childhood at the Eulogio López Obando Catholic Educational Center, Cañas canton, province of Guanacaste Period 2023]. Álvarez, J. I learn by playing a strategy for the strengthening of reading and writing in second year in students of the Eulogio López Obando Catholic School, canton of Cañas, province of Guanacaste period 2023 Under the direction of Dra. Margoth Miranda Rosales at National University of Costa Rica, Chorotega Regional Headquarters, Campus Liberia. The overall objective of this research is to strengthen reading and writing skills in the second-grade students of the Eulogio López Obando Catholic Educational Center, through the strategy aprendo jugando [I learn by playing]. This proposal stems from the need to acquire the necessary reading and writing skills identified in the application of the diagnosis made to the children of the second-grade of the Eulogio López Obando Catholic School. To address these needs, an educational proposal was implemented that consisted of 10 workshops conducted with children in second grade, with the intention of minimizing the “gaps” or backwardness that students presented as a result of the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This research corresponds to the action research type, under a qualitative approach and a convenience sampling. The theoretical framework addresses aspects related to reading and writing, levels of conceptualization of reading, teaching methods, didactic methodologies and levels of reading comprehension. To collect the information, instruments such as: observation, interviews, field diary, anecdotal record and comparison list were used. The study population consists of 6 children, of whom 3 are men and 3 are women, in addition to 6 teachers in the first and second cycle groups. The results obtained shows that through play, girls and boys obtain significant learning that allows them to develop those skills that they find difficult to advance and improve with traditional methodologies.
Aprendo jugando: El carrusel de la lectura como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la lectoescritura en la niñez de segundo año del Centro Educativo Católico Eulogio López Obando, cantón Cañas, provincia de Guanacaste Periodo 2023. [I learn by playing: The reading carousel as a strategy to strengthen literacy in second-year childhood at the Eulogio López Obando Catholic Educational Center, Cañas canton, province of Guanacaste Period 2023]. Álvarez, J. I learn by playing a strategy for the strengthening of reading and writing in second year in students of the Eulogio López Obando Catholic School, canton of Cañas, province of Guanacaste period 2023 Under the direction of Dra. Margoth Miranda Rosales at National University of Costa Rica, Chorotega Regional Headquarters, Campus Liberia. The overall objective of this research is to strengthen reading and writing skills in the second-grade students of the Eulogio López Obando Catholic Educational Center, through the strategy aprendo jugando [I learn by playing]. This proposal stems from the need to acquire the necessary reading and writing skills identified in the application of the diagnosis made to the children of the second-grade of the Eulogio López Obando Catholic School. To address these needs, an educational proposal was implemented that consisted of 10 workshops conducted with children in second grade, with the intention of minimizing the “gaps” or backwardness that students presented as a result of the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This research corresponds to the action research type, under a qualitative approach and a convenience sampling. The theoretical framework addresses aspects related to reading and writing, levels of conceptualization of reading, teaching methods, didactic methodologies and levels of reading comprehension. To collect the information, instruments such as: observation, interviews, field diary, anecdotal record and comparison list were used. The study population consists of 6 children, of whom 3 are men and 3 are women, in addition to 6 teachers in the first and second cycle groups. The results obtained shows that through play, girls and boys obtain significant learning that allows them to develop those skills that they find difficult to advance and improve with traditional methodologies.
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