Negociación de servicios ambientales de pequeños agricultores de Nicaragua, Guatemala y Brasil en el mercado voluntario de carbono
Amador Benavides, Manuel H.
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias
La presente investigación fue realizada en Cooperativas de tres países
de Latinoamérica. La Cooperativa Nahualá en Sololá, Guatemala;
PRODECOOP en Estelí, Nicaragua y Ecocitrus en Montenegro, Estado de
Río Grande del Sur en Brasil.
A través del protocolo Cam(bio)2 se investigó la capacidad de los
sistemas agroforestales de café para generar créditos de carbono y
servicios ambientales en la Cooperativa Nahualá, Sololá, Guatemala y La
Cooperativa José Alfredo Zeledón en Madriz, Nicaragua. En Ecocitrus,
Brasil, se analizó la capacidad de generación de los servicios
ambientales obtenidos del balance de carbono del compostaje de
residuos agroindustriales y el manejo con prácticas de agricultura
orgánica en fincas de los citricultores orgánicos.
El proceso de investigación tiene énfasis en los mecanismos y patrones
de compensación basados en créditos de carbono, analizando la
integración de organizaciones o cooperativas de pequeños agricultores
que mitigan gases de efecto invernadero y adaptación al cambio
climático, cuando realizan prácticas de agricultura orgánica. Analizando,
además, como la compensación de los servicios ambientales
corresponde a expectativas de las cooperativas, que prefieren invertir en
el fortalecimiento de prácticas de agricultura orgánica para la
adaptación, aumento de rendimientos y mejora de ingresos.
La investigación tiene enfoque cualitativo, se inició con la determinación
de los servicios ambientales que ofrece cada cooperativa, analizando
luego, los mecanismos y las normas para el reconocimiento de créditos
de carbono, así como los procedimientos para el acceso a la compensación y su inversión en las cooperativas. La recolección de
información y su análisis se realizó por medio de talleres participativos,
visitas de campo, entrevistas formales e informales a productores y
diálogos con los cuerpos técnicos y equipos gerenciales de las
cooperativas. El proceso investigativo, que se extendió por cuatro años,
permitió, además, analizar las negociaciones de los créditos de carbono,
el destino de su inversión y la aceptación de formas de compensación
por parte de las cooperativas y un profundo análisis de las normas
Los hallazgos más importantes encontrados en la investigación, se
enmarcan en el reconocimiento del valor estratégico de la agricultura
orgánica en la mitigación de gases de efecto invernadero y adaptación al
cambio climático. Dichos hallazgos se describen ampliamente en los
capítulos quinto y sexto.
The research was carried out in cooperatives of three Latin American countries: The "Cooperativa Nahualá in Sololá, Guatemala, PRODECOOP in Estelí, Nicaragua and Ecocitrus in Montenegro, State of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. Through the Cam(bio)2 protocol, it was investigated the capacity of coffee agroforestry systems to generate carbon credits and environmental services in The Cooperativa Nahualá, Guatemala and José Alfredo Zeledón cooperative in Madriz, Nicaragua. In Ecocitrus, Brazil, it was analyzed the capacity of generation of environmental services obtained from the balance of carbon in composting out of agroindustrial waste and the management with organic agriculture practices in farms of organic citrus growers. The research process has an emphasis on the offsetting mechanisms and patterns based on carbon credits. Thus, analyzing the integration of organizations and cooperatives of small farmers that mitigate greenhouse gases and perform the adaptation to climate change when they practice organic agriculture. Besides, it is studied how the compensation of environmental services corresponds to expectations of the cooperatives that prefer to invest in the strengthening of organic agriculture practices for offsetting, increase in yields and income improvement. The research has a qualitative approach and it started with the determination of environmental services that each cooperative offers, analyzing then mechanisms and norms for the acknowledgement of carbon credits as well as the procedures to access compensation and its investment in cooperatives. The collection of information and its analysis was carried out through participatory workshops, field visits, formal and informal interviews with producers and dialogues with technical bodies and management teams of the cooperatives. The research process, which lasted four years, also allowed to analyze negotiations of carbon credits, the destination of the investment, acceptance of forms of compensation on the side of the cooperatives and a deep analysis of current standards. The most important findings of the investigation are in the recognition of the strategic value of organic agriculture in the mitigation of greenhouse gases and in the adaptation to climate change. The said findings are described widely in the fifth and sixth chapters.
The research was carried out in cooperatives of three Latin American countries: The "Cooperativa Nahualá in Sololá, Guatemala, PRODECOOP in Estelí, Nicaragua and Ecocitrus in Montenegro, State of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. Through the Cam(bio)2 protocol, it was investigated the capacity of coffee agroforestry systems to generate carbon credits and environmental services in The Cooperativa Nahualá, Guatemala and José Alfredo Zeledón cooperative in Madriz, Nicaragua. In Ecocitrus, Brazil, it was analyzed the capacity of generation of environmental services obtained from the balance of carbon in composting out of agroindustrial waste and the management with organic agriculture practices in farms of organic citrus growers. The research process has an emphasis on the offsetting mechanisms and patterns based on carbon credits. Thus, analyzing the integration of organizations and cooperatives of small farmers that mitigate greenhouse gases and perform the adaptation to climate change when they practice organic agriculture. Besides, it is studied how the compensation of environmental services corresponds to expectations of the cooperatives that prefer to invest in the strengthening of organic agriculture practices for offsetting, increase in yields and income improvement. The research has a qualitative approach and it started with the determination of environmental services that each cooperative offers, analyzing then mechanisms and norms for the acknowledgement of carbon credits as well as the procedures to access compensation and its investment in cooperatives. The collection of information and its analysis was carried out through participatory workshops, field visits, formal and informal interviews with producers and dialogues with technical bodies and management teams of the cooperatives. The research process, which lasted four years, also allowed to analyze negotiations of carbon credits, the destination of the investment, acceptance of forms of compensation on the side of the cooperatives and a deep analysis of current standards. The most important findings of the investigation are in the recognition of the strategic value of organic agriculture in the mitigation of greenhouse gases and in the adaptation to climate change. The said findings are described widely in the fifth and sixth chapters.
Palabras clave
Amador-Benavides, M. (2017). Negociación de servicios ambientales de pequeños agricultores de Nicaragua, Guatemala y Brasil en el mercado voluntario de carbono. (Tesis de Maestría) Universidad Nacional