Acciones de promoción social en los Centros de Intervención Temprana del PANI en las comunidades de Los Guido y Guararí, vinculadas en la prevención de la trata de personas
Esquivel Rojas, Pablo Joseph
Pérez Santana, Fernando Antonio
Rodríguez Salazar, Amanda Vanessa
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La trata de personas es un flagelo que afecta a miles de personas a nivel mundial, y Costa
Rica no se escapa de esta situación; en los últimos años, se han registrado casos, por lo que
la búsqueda de herramientas que prevengan e informen a la población costarricense sobre
este delito es preponderante.
El Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI), como ente rector en la protección de la niñez y
la adolescencia en el país, se ha dado a la tarea de emprender un eje de promoción social y
participación comunitaria mediante la creación de espacios en los Centros de Intervención
Temprana (CIT) para prevenir situaciones de violencia que afecten a la población menor.
Razón por la cual se pretende presentar acciones de prevención sobre la trata de personas en
las comunidades de Los Guido y Guararí; a través de fuentes primarias y secundarias se
generó un acercamiento al contexto físico comunal. Mediante los mapas sociales se
estableció un nexo participativo sobre el espacio territorial donde interactúan las personas
que participaron en los talleres.
En ambas comunidades se carece de acceso a oportunidades laborales, educativas y de
vivienda junto con altos porcentajes de pobreza. Es frecuente a su vez el uso de sustancias
psicoactivas en espacios públicos, generando una exposición vulnerable hacia los niños,
niñas y adolescentes.
Las personas que participaron en los talleres, realizados en ambas comunidades, identifican
que carecen de poca información sobra la trata de personas y concuerdan en que la falta de
comunicación, con sus hijos e hijas, puede generan conductas negativas que afectan la
dinámica familiar.
Por último se formuló la estrategia de promoción social, para la prevención de la trata de
personas enfocada en dos ejes, uno educativo y otro de liderazgo para que las personas se
sensibilicen e informen sobre trata de personas y actúen como agentes promotores de cambio
en sus comunidades.
Human trafficking is a scourge that affects thousands of people worldwide, and Costa Rica does not escape from this situation; In recent years, there have been cases, so the search for tools that prevent and inform the Costa Rican population about this crime is prevalent. The National Children's Trust (PANI), as the governing body in the protection of children and adolescence in the country, has been given the task of undertaking an axis of social promotion and community participation through the creation of spaces in the Intervention Centers Early (CIT) to prevent situations of violence that affect the minor population. Reason for which it is intended to present preventive actions on human trafficking in the communities of Los Guido and Guararí; through primary and secondary sources it generated an approach to the communal physical context. Through social maps, established a participatory link on the territorial space where people interact who participated in the workshops. In both communities, there is a lack of access to employment, educational and employment opportunities. housing along with high percentages of poverty. Substance use is frequent psychoactive activities in public spaces, generating a vulnerable exposure towards children, girls and adolescents. The people who participated in the workshops, held in both communities, identify who lack little information on human trafficking and agree that the lack of information Communication, with their sons and daughters, can generate negative behaviors that affect the family dynamics. Finally, the strategy of social promotion was formulated, for the prevention of trafficking in people focused on two axes, one educational and the other of leadership so that people sensitize and report on human trafficking and act as promoters of change in their communities.
Human trafficking is a scourge that affects thousands of people worldwide, and Costa Rica does not escape from this situation; In recent years, there have been cases, so the search for tools that prevent and inform the Costa Rican population about this crime is prevalent. The National Children's Trust (PANI), as the governing body in the protection of children and adolescence in the country, has been given the task of undertaking an axis of social promotion and community participation through the creation of spaces in the Intervention Centers Early (CIT) to prevent situations of violence that affect the minor population. Reason for which it is intended to present preventive actions on human trafficking in the communities of Los Guido and Guararí; through primary and secondary sources it generated an approach to the communal physical context. Through social maps, established a participatory link on the territorial space where people interact who participated in the workshops. In both communities, there is a lack of access to employment, educational and employment opportunities. housing along with high percentages of poverty. Substance use is frequent psychoactive activities in public spaces, generating a vulnerable exposure towards children, girls and adolescents. The people who participated in the workshops, held in both communities, identify who lack little information on human trafficking and agree that the lack of information Communication, with their sons and daughters, can generate negative behaviors that affect the family dynamics. Finally, the strategy of social promotion was formulated, for the prevention of trafficking in people focused on two axes, one educational and the other of leadership so that people sensitize and report on human trafficking and act as promoters of change in their communities.
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