Análisis de los efectos directos e indirectos ocasionados por la pandemia del COVID-19 en las empresas del sector turismo en los cantones de Pérez Zeledón y Buenos Aires
Abarca Vargas, Gilberto
Alvarado Solís, Hellen
Estrada Arce, Joselyn
Marín Jiménez, Melissa
Morales González, Maylid Natalia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el presente trabajo mediante la recolección de información a partir de fuentes primarias, secundarias, se busca analizar los efectos tanto directos como indirectos ocasionados por la pandemia del COVID-19 en las empresas del sector turismo de los cantones de Pérez Zeledón y Buenos Aires durante el 2021, un sector con un crecimiento constante, con un panorama alentador en cuanto a la oferta y demanda tanto de turismo nacional como internacional. La organización mundial de la salud a comienzos del 2020 vaticinó las implicaciones que el virus traería no solo en la salud mundial sino en la economía, al ser de contagio agresivo que no posee ningún conocimiento de cómo se comportaría en la población, ocasionando así cierres de fronteras, ciudades enteras confinadas en un intento por controlar la epidemia, obligando a realizar un esfuerzo sobrenatural por encontrar la cura o un escudo que permitiera a la población retomar sus actividades. Al encontrarse el mundo en un paro total la economía tuvo un freno absoluto, pero fue el turismo el sector que sin lugar a duda sufrió los embates de manera más notoria. Costa Rica cierra sus fronteras terrestres y aéreas en un intento por frenar los contagios, se implementa la restricción vehicular por horario, números de placas con el principal objetivo de disminuir la población de las vías públicas, lugares comerciales, de ocio, además de la suspensión de lecciones a nivel educativo. Se cierran comercios, establecimientos que no eran de atención de primera necesidad por lo que con esto el turismo tuvo que enfrentar uno de los golpes más grandes financieramente hablando. La investigación abarcó la encuesta directa de 53 empresas de los cantones en estudio, además, de 4 entrevistas dirigidas a tour operadores y cámaras de comercio para conocer de primera mano la afectación que la pandemia ocasionó en el sector. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que financieramente fue un duro golpe, la reducción de personal, el cierre de instalaciones, apertura con protocolos de salubridad, reducción de jornadas de trabajo, el aforo permitido por comercio, entre otros factores afectaron la visitación a los lugares turísticos, afectación que se incrementó por el temor de la población a un contagio de una enfermedad que podría ser mortal. Fue cuestión de tiempo para que las personas encontraran paz y pudieran regresar en la medida de lo posible a la normalidad sin dejar de lado los protocolos de seguridad. Finalizada la recolección de todos los datos de las encuestas aplicadas, dentro de las recomendaciones que se brindan a las empresas están un mayor apoyo en el marketing digital para poder llegar a los clientes potenciales, buscar apoyo en las agencias de viajes para realizar alianzas estratégicas que permitan una mayor coyuntura a las empresas e instituciones. Potenciar también el turismo local evidenció en la pandemia que el turista nacional fue quien logró encausar el sector a surgir nuevamente. El trabajo no solo señaló al sector turismo como una fuente muy importante de empleo, generándolos tanto directa como indirectamente, sino también como un segmento de mercado con gran aporte a la economía nacional, además de propiciar un crecimiento evidente en cuanto a la generación de ingresos en divisas. Es importante que el Gobierno tome medidas para la protección de este sector, con ello generar un crecimiento continuo y estudiado según sus necesidades.
In this study, through the collection of information from primary and secondary sources, we seek to analyze the direct and indirect effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the tourism sector of the cantons of Perez Zeledon and Buenos Aires during 2021, a sector with a constant growth, with an encouraging outlook in terms of supply and demand for both domestic and international tourism. The World Health Organization at the beginning of 2020 predicted the implications that the virus would bring not only in the world health but also in the economy, being an aggressive contagion that has no knowledge of how it would behave in the population, thus causing border closures, entire cities confined in an attempt to control the epidemic, forcing a supernatural effort to find a cure or a shield that would allow the population to resume its activities. As the world was at a total standstill, the economy came to a complete halt, but tourism was the sector that undoubtedly suffered the most notoriously. Costa Rica closed its land and air borders in an attempt to curb the contagions, vehicle restrictions were implemented by schedule, license plate numbers with the main objective of reducing the population of public roads, commercial and leisure places, in addition to the suspension of lessons at the educational level. Businesses and establishments that did not provide basic necessities were closed, which meant that tourism had to face one of the biggest blows financially speaking. The research included a direct survey of 53 companies in the cantons under study, as well as 4 interviews with tour operators and chambers of commerce to learn first hand the impact that the pandemic caused in the sector. The results obtained show that financially it was a hard blow, the reduction of personnel, the closing of facilities, opening with health protocols, reduction of working hours, the capacity allowed by commerce, among other factors affected the visitation to the tourist places, an affectation that was increased by the fear of the population to a contagion of a disease that could be deadly. It was only a matter of time before people found peace and were able to return to normality as much as possible without leaving security protocols aside. After the collection of all the data from the surveys applied, among the recommendations provided to the companies are greater support in digital marketing to reach potential customers, seek support from travel agencies to make strategic alliances that allow a greater juncture to companies and institutions. The pandemic also evidenced that the national tourist was the one who managed to channel the sector to emerge again. The work not only pointed out the tourism sector as a very important source of employment, generating them both directly and indirectly, but also as a market segment with great contribution to the national economy, in addition to promoting a clear growth in terms of foreign exchange earnings. It is important that the Government take measures to protect this sector, thus generating a continuous and studied growth according to its needs.
In this study, through the collection of information from primary and secondary sources, we seek to analyze the direct and indirect effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the tourism sector of the cantons of Perez Zeledon and Buenos Aires during 2021, a sector with a constant growth, with an encouraging outlook in terms of supply and demand for both domestic and international tourism. The World Health Organization at the beginning of 2020 predicted the implications that the virus would bring not only in the world health but also in the economy, being an aggressive contagion that has no knowledge of how it would behave in the population, thus causing border closures, entire cities confined in an attempt to control the epidemic, forcing a supernatural effort to find a cure or a shield that would allow the population to resume its activities. As the world was at a total standstill, the economy came to a complete halt, but tourism was the sector that undoubtedly suffered the most notoriously. Costa Rica closed its land and air borders in an attempt to curb the contagions, vehicle restrictions were implemented by schedule, license plate numbers with the main objective of reducing the population of public roads, commercial and leisure places, in addition to the suspension of lessons at the educational level. Businesses and establishments that did not provide basic necessities were closed, which meant that tourism had to face one of the biggest blows financially speaking. The research included a direct survey of 53 companies in the cantons under study, as well as 4 interviews with tour operators and chambers of commerce to learn first hand the impact that the pandemic caused in the sector. The results obtained show that financially it was a hard blow, the reduction of personnel, the closing of facilities, opening with health protocols, reduction of working hours, the capacity allowed by commerce, among other factors affected the visitation to the tourist places, an affectation that was increased by the fear of the population to a contagion of a disease that could be deadly. It was only a matter of time before people found peace and were able to return to normality as much as possible without leaving security protocols aside. After the collection of all the data from the surveys applied, among the recommendations provided to the companies are greater support in digital marketing to reach potential customers, seek support from travel agencies to make strategic alliances that allow a greater juncture to companies and institutions. The pandemic also evidenced that the national tourist was the one who managed to channel the sector to emerge again. The work not only pointed out the tourism sector as a very important source of employment, generating them both directly and indirectly, but also as a market segment with great contribution to the national economy, in addition to promoting a clear growth in terms of foreign exchange earnings. It is important that the Government take measures to protect this sector, thus generating a continuous and studied growth according to its needs.
Licenciatura en administración con énfasis en gestión financiera
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