Fluctuaciones temporales en la diversidad y abundancia relativa de aves acuáticas en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Laguna Mata Redonda y Humedal Corral de Piedra, Costa Rica.
Umaña Ramírez, Evelin
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Laguna Mata Redonda y el Humedal Corral de Piedra, ubicados en la cuenca baja del río Tempisque, son humedales palustrinos en los que se determinaron las fluctuaciones temporales en la diversidad y abundancia relativa de las aves acuáticas. También se determinó el grado de dependencia de estas aves hacia los hábitat según su uso. Se estimó la riqueza y abundancia con los métodos conteo por puntos y conteos en rutas sin banda definida en cada uno de los sitios de estudio, realizando dos visitas por mes entre enero y junio del 2006. Las riquezas mensuales mostraron una tendencia a registrar las mismas variaciones en Mata Redonda (Kruskal Wallis A= 4.86; gl = 5; p> 0.99) y Corral de Piedra (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.86; gl = 5; p > 0.99), al igual que entre ellos (Kruskal Wallis H = 10.77; gl = 11; p = 0.44) de enero a junio. La riqueza total fue de 53; para Mata Redonda fue de 41 y 38 especies en Corral de Piedra. En el primer sitio se esperaría encontrar entre 49 (Chao 1) y 54.4 especies (Chao2) de aves acuáticas, mientras que en el segundo serían entre 44.2 (Chao 1) y 50.1 especies (Chao 2). Las semejanzas en la composición de especies se reflejó en el buen intercambio entre los dos lugares; la similitud (Jaccard) fue del 69%, mientras que la disimilitud (complementariedad) fue del 22.41%, compartiendo poco más de la mitad de las especies registradas entre enero y junio. En cada una de las lagunas se encontraron diferencias en las abundancias relativas (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.33; p = 0.041), siendo Mata Redonda la que presentó mayor variación respecto a Corral de Piedra (t = 1.68; gl = 5; p = 0.15). Ciconiidae, Ardeidae y Anatidae presentaron las mayores abundancias relativas. Se observó dependencia de las aves acuáticas hacia los hábitat, tanto en Mata Redonda (7 = 30.0; p = 0.22; gl = 25) como en Corral de Piedra (y? = 30.0; gl = 25; p=0.22). La correlación entre las especies y el estrato aéreo (0.80), se debió a gran cantidad de aves en vuelo. Con el agua sin vegetación (espejo) fue de 0.29, siendo el hábitat más utilizado en ambos sitios de estudio, especialmente en la época seca, al igual que las partes lodosas (0.13). El suelo libre de vegetación (0.46) fue muy poco utilizado en Mata Redonda, mientras que Corral de Piedra obtuvo más frecuencia de observaciones. No se observaron diferencias por la utilización de estas coberturas entre los sitios de estudio (H = 10.88; gl = 11; p = 0.45). El agua con vegetación acuática flotante y arraigada (0.63), representó importantes sitios para alimentación y refugio de las aves acuáticas en ambos sitios. El suelo no anegado con vegetación (0.63) incluyó parches de tifa, zarza y matasapo, que eventualmente se inundan, plantas que representan potenciales amenazas al humedal por su crecimiento agresivo. Los tocones (0.19) y árboles (0.14) fueron importantes perchas para diferentes actividades. La época seca del periodo de estudio, se consideró como la más importante, por los datos registrados, etapa de por sí crítica para las aves acuáticas dada la reducción progresiva de los espejos de agua y consecuente aumento en la presión por el alimento. Por las similitudes entre los sitios de estudio, las estrategias de conservación deben tener la misma orientación, pero considerando la fisonomía de cada uno. Se recomienda realizar un seguimiento de las aves acuáticas de estos lugares, con el fin de observar la forma en que las especies se adaptan a las variaciones estacionales de estos sitios de estudio, aportando información valiosa que debe tomarse en cuenta para la elaboración de los planes de manejo.
The Laguna Mata Redonda National Wildlife Refuge and the Corral de Piedra Wetland, located in the lower basin of the Tempisque River, are marshland wetlands in which temporal fluctuations in the diversity and relative abundance of waterfowl were determined. The degree of dependence of these birds on the habitats according to their use was also determined. Richness and abundance were estimated using the point count and route count methods without a defined band at each of the study sites, making two visits per month between January and June 2006. The monthly richness showed a tendency to register the same variations in Mata Redonda (Kruskal Wallis A= 4.86; gl = 5; p> 0.99) and Corral de Piedra (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.86; gl = 5; p > 0.99), as well as between them (Kruskal Wallis H = 10.77). ; df = 11; p = 0.44) from January to June. Total wealth was 53; for Mata Redonda it was 41 and 38 species in Corral de Piedra. At the first site, it would be expected to find between 49 (Chao 1) and 54.4 (Chao2) species of aquatic birds, while at the second it would be between 44.2 (Chao 1) and 50.1 species (Chao 2). The similarities in the composition of species was reflected in the good exchange between the two places; the similarity (Jaccard) was 69%, while the dissimilarity (complementarity) was 22.41%, sharing just over half of the species recorded between January and June. In each of the lagoons, differences were found in the relative abundances (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.33; p = 0.041), with Mata Redonda being the one that presented the greatest variation with respect to Corral de Piedra (t = 1.68; df = 5; p = 0.15 ). Ciconiidae, Ardeidae and Anatidae presented the highest relative abundances. Habitat dependency of waterfowl was observed, both in Mata Redonda (7 = 30.0; p = 0.22; df = 25) and in Corral de Piedra (y? = 30.0; df = 25; p=0.22). The correlation between the species and the aerial stratum (0.80) was due to the large number of birds in flight. The Laguna Mata Redonda National Wildlife Refuge and the Corral de Piedra Wetland, located in the lower basin of the Tempisque River, are marshland wetlands in which temporary fluctuations in the diversity and relative abundance of waterfowl were determined. The degree of dependence of these birds on the habitats according to their use was also determined. Richness and abundance were estimated using the point count and route count methods without a defined band at each of the study sites, making two visits per month between January and June 2006. The monthly richness showed a tendency to register the same variations in Mata Redonda ( Kruskal Wallis A= 4.86; df = 5; p> 0.99) and Corral de Piedra (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.86; df = 5; p > 0.99), as well as between them (Kruskal Wallis H = 10.77). ; df = 11; p = 0.44) from January to June. Total wealth was 53; for Mata Redonda it was 41 and 38 species in Corral de Piedra. At the first site, it would be expected to find between 49 (Chao 1) and 54.4 (Chao2) species of aquatic birds, while at the second it would be between 44.2 (Chao 1) and 50.1 species (Chao 2). The similarities in the composition of species was reflected in the good exchange between the two places; the similarity (Jaccard) was 69%, while the dissimilarity (complementarity) was 22.41%, sharing just over half of the species recorded between January and June. In each of the lagoons, differences were found in the relative abundances (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.33; p = 0.041), with Mata Redonda being the one that presented the greatest variation with respect to Corral de Piedra (t = 1.68; df = 5 ; p = 0.15). Ciconiidae, Ardeidae and Anatidae present the highest relative abundances. Habitat dependency of waterfowl was observed, both in Mata Redonda (7 = 30.0; p = 0.22; df = 25) and in Corral de Piedra (y? = 30.0; df = 25; p=0.22). The correlation between the species and the aerial stratum (0.80) was due to the large number of birds in flight.
The Laguna Mata Redonda National Wildlife Refuge and the Corral de Piedra Wetland, located in the lower basin of the Tempisque River, are marshland wetlands in which temporal fluctuations in the diversity and relative abundance of waterfowl were determined. The degree of dependence of these birds on the habitats according to their use was also determined. Richness and abundance were estimated using the point count and route count methods without a defined band at each of the study sites, making two visits per month between January and June 2006. The monthly richness showed a tendency to register the same variations in Mata Redonda (Kruskal Wallis A= 4.86; gl = 5; p> 0.99) and Corral de Piedra (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.86; gl = 5; p > 0.99), as well as between them (Kruskal Wallis H = 10.77). ; df = 11; p = 0.44) from January to June. Total wealth was 53; for Mata Redonda it was 41 and 38 species in Corral de Piedra. At the first site, it would be expected to find between 49 (Chao 1) and 54.4 (Chao2) species of aquatic birds, while at the second it would be between 44.2 (Chao 1) and 50.1 species (Chao 2). The similarities in the composition of species was reflected in the good exchange between the two places; the similarity (Jaccard) was 69%, while the dissimilarity (complementarity) was 22.41%, sharing just over half of the species recorded between January and June. In each of the lagoons, differences were found in the relative abundances (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.33; p = 0.041), with Mata Redonda being the one that presented the greatest variation with respect to Corral de Piedra (t = 1.68; df = 5; p = 0.15 ). Ciconiidae, Ardeidae and Anatidae presented the highest relative abundances. Habitat dependency of waterfowl was observed, both in Mata Redonda (7 = 30.0; p = 0.22; df = 25) and in Corral de Piedra (y? = 30.0; df = 25; p=0.22). The correlation between the species and the aerial stratum (0.80) was due to the large number of birds in flight. The Laguna Mata Redonda National Wildlife Refuge and the Corral de Piedra Wetland, located in the lower basin of the Tempisque River, are marshland wetlands in which temporary fluctuations in the diversity and relative abundance of waterfowl were determined. The degree of dependence of these birds on the habitats according to their use was also determined. Richness and abundance were estimated using the point count and route count methods without a defined band at each of the study sites, making two visits per month between January and June 2006. The monthly richness showed a tendency to register the same variations in Mata Redonda ( Kruskal Wallis A= 4.86; df = 5; p> 0.99) and Corral de Piedra (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.86; df = 5; p > 0.99), as well as between them (Kruskal Wallis H = 10.77). ; df = 11; p = 0.44) from January to June. Total wealth was 53; for Mata Redonda it was 41 and 38 species in Corral de Piedra. At the first site, it would be expected to find between 49 (Chao 1) and 54.4 (Chao2) species of aquatic birds, while at the second it would be between 44.2 (Chao 1) and 50.1 species (Chao 2). The similarities in the composition of species was reflected in the good exchange between the two places; the similarity (Jaccard) was 69%, while the dissimilarity (complementarity) was 22.41%, sharing just over half of the species recorded between January and June. In each of the lagoons, differences were found in the relative abundances (Kruskal Wallis H = 4.33; p = 0.041), with Mata Redonda being the one that presented the greatest variation with respect to Corral de Piedra (t = 1.68; df = 5 ; p = 0.15). Ciconiidae, Ardeidae and Anatidae present the highest relative abundances. Habitat dependency of waterfowl was observed, both in Mata Redonda (7 = 30.0; p = 0.22; df = 25) and in Corral de Piedra (y? = 30.0; df = 25; p=0.22). The correlation between the species and the aerial stratum (0.80) was due to the large number of birds in flight.
Umaña Ramírez, E. (2007). Fluctuaciones temporales en la diversidad y abundancia relativa de aves acuáticas en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Laguna Mata Redonda y Humedal Corral de Piedra, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.
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