Agresiones en el noviazgo: un estudio con adolescentes de Heredia (Costa Rica)
Fernández-Fuertes, Andrés A.
Orgaz Baz, Mª Begoña
De Lima-Silva, Mariana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Gran parte del comportamiento agresivo humano se da en el contexto de una relación
amorosa. El colectivo adolescente no es una excepción: las investigaciones señalan una notable
prevalencia de este problema, evidenciándose la necesidad de profundizar en su estudio, especialmente
en Iberoamérica, dada la escasez de trabajos al respecto. Este estudio tiene como objetivos fortalecer
el conocimiento sobre el comportamiento agresivo en parejas adolescentes de Costa Rica. Para ello, se toman en consideración diferentes formas de agresión, en lugar de analizar únicamente agresiones físicas o sexuales; además se estudian posibles diferencias en función del sexo. Basándose en un diseño ex post facto, se aplica un instrumento estandarizado a 468 adolescentes de Heredia (Costa Rica), que analiza cinco formas de agresión: verbal-emocional; física; sexual; relacional y amenazas. Los resultados muestran que son escasos los participantes en la investigación que no cometieron o sufrieron alguna agresión en pareja, especialmente verbales-emocionales o verbales-emocionales y sexuales, si bien la frecuencia de estas fue baja; además, se detectan algunas diferencias significativas intersexos. De los hallazgos obtenidos se concluye la existencia de dificultades en los adolescentes para afrontar, de forma constructiva, conflictos que se presentan en sus relaciones, algo que debe ser abordado de manera integral para incrementar la eficacia de los programas preventivos para jóvenes.
Most of human aggressive behavior occurs in the context of a romantic relationship. Adolescents are not an exception: research show a significant prevalence of dating violence, revealing the need for further study, especially in Latin America, given the lack of research on this topic. This study aims at strengthening knowledge about aggressive behavior in adolescent dating relationships in Costa Rica, taking into account different aggressive behaviors, not only physical or sexual abuse; differences by gender are also analyzed. Based on an ex post facto design, a standardized instrument was used to measure five types of aggressive behavior (i.e., verbal-emotional, physical, sexual, relational and threats) in a sample of 468 adolescents from Heredia (Costa Rica). Results show that most participants had committed or suffered aggressions in dating relationships, especially verbal-emotional or both verbal- emotional and sexual abuse, but the mean frequency of reported aggression was low; some significant intersex differences were also found. Results obtained indicate that adolescents have difficulties to deal with conflicts in their romantic relationship; thus this problem needs to be addressed holistically in order to increase the impact of prevention programs for youth.
Most of human aggressive behavior occurs in the context of a romantic relationship. Adolescents are not an exception: research show a significant prevalence of dating violence, revealing the need for further study, especially in Latin America, given the lack of research on this topic. This study aims at strengthening knowledge about aggressive behavior in adolescent dating relationships in Costa Rica, taking into account different aggressive behaviors, not only physical or sexual abuse; differences by gender are also analyzed. Based on an ex post facto design, a standardized instrument was used to measure five types of aggressive behavior (i.e., verbal-emotional, physical, sexual, relational and threats) in a sample of 468 adolescents from Heredia (Costa Rica). Results show that most participants had committed or suffered aggressions in dating relationships, especially verbal-emotional or both verbal- emotional and sexual abuse, but the mean frequency of reported aggression was low; some significant intersex differences were also found. Results obtained indicate that adolescents have difficulties to deal with conflicts in their romantic relationship; thus this problem needs to be addressed holistically in order to increase the impact of prevention programs for youth.
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