Estrategia del Campus Sarapiquí Universidad Nacional, hacia la sostenibilidad en Costa Rica
Luna Angulo, Jorge Manuel
Rojas Hidalgo, Ingrid
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe
Siendo la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo sostenible uno de los grandes paradigmas de
nuestro tiempo, que comprende aspectos ambientales, económicos y sociales en una
comunidad determinada, se aprecia como estos tres aspectos ó ejes del desarrollo
pueden ser excluyentes, dependiendo de las características de los territorios de
influencia del Campus.
Se realiza una revisión de los principales proyectos de investigación y extensión
recientes terminados o en progreso, y una mirada hacia una visión en el área de
sostenibilidad y eco-eficiencia del campus a futuro. El campus Sarapiquí de la
Universidad Nacional en Costa Rica (UNA), se ubica en La Victoria de Horquetas,
provincia de Heredia y es el campus más recientemente creado de la UNA (2009), su
ámbito de influencia comprende la Región Huetar y Caribe Norte. La oferta académica
actual es la siguiente: Licenciatura y bachillerato en administración, Licenciatura en
educación rural, Bachillerato en secretariado profesional, Bachillerato en sistemas
informáticos, Bachillerato en gestión recreación y turismo, actualmente tiene una
población de 474 estudiantes procedentes de distintas partes del país.
Se muestra en el documento algunos resultados ya obtenidos de nuestras principales
acciones de extensión y algunos resultados del Plan de Gestión Ambiental
Institucional (PGAI) y se comentan sus implicaciones.
Being sustainability and sustainable development one of the great paradigms of our time, which includes environmental, economic and social aspects in a given community, we can see how these three aspects or axes of development can be excluding, depending on the characteristics of the territories of influence of the Campus. A review is made of the main recent research and extension projects completed or in progress, and a look towards a vision in the area of sustainability and eco-efficiency of the campus in the future. The Sarapiquí campus of the National University in Costa Rica (UNA), is located in La Victoria de Horquetas, province of Heredia and is the most recently created campus of the UNA (2009), its sphere of influence includes the Huetar and North Caribbean Region. The current academic offer is as follows: Bachelor and baccalaureate in administration, Bachelor of rural education, Baccalaureate in professional secretariat, Baccalaureate in computer systems, Baccalaureate in recreation management and tourism, currently has a population of 474 students from different parts of the country. The document shows some results already obtained from our main extension actions and some results from the Institutional Environmental Management Plan (PGAI) and its implications are discussed.
Being sustainability and sustainable development one of the great paradigms of our time, which includes environmental, economic and social aspects in a given community, we can see how these three aspects or axes of development can be excluding, depending on the characteristics of the territories of influence of the Campus. A review is made of the main recent research and extension projects completed or in progress, and a look towards a vision in the area of sustainability and eco-efficiency of the campus in the future. The Sarapiquí campus of the National University in Costa Rica (UNA), is located in La Victoria de Horquetas, province of Heredia and is the most recently created campus of the UNA (2009), its sphere of influence includes the Huetar and North Caribbean Region. The current academic offer is as follows: Bachelor and baccalaureate in administration, Bachelor of rural education, Baccalaureate in professional secretariat, Baccalaureate in computer systems, Baccalaureate in recreation management and tourism, currently has a population of 474 students from different parts of the country. The document shows some results already obtained from our main extension actions and some results from the Institutional Environmental Management Plan (PGAI) and its implications are discussed.
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